Wow this guy is really upset about this check out what he has to say **caution check for kids*** listen here
Hey, look I am no great fan in Parker in particular how after the West rampers have been tooled by both him and IAM, but I am also not going to blame his pay from "crowding out" available company money for a pay raise either.
Let's stop focusing on the shrill and the emotions with a healthy dose of class envy over executive pay and look past this hatred and be a little more grounded in our views.
Hey, look I am no great fan in Parker in particular how after the West rampers have been tooled by both him and IAM, but I am also not going to blame his pay from "crowding out" available company money for a pay raise either.
I don't know the exact figures but assuming Parker is averaging $3 million a year after bonuses, stock option, etc. and there are 30,000 employees, that's $100 per employee? Sorry, that isn't going to make or break my finances for the year. Throw in the whole executive crew's pay and that still isn't going to move me into a higher socio-economic class or higher income tax bracket either. Let's stop focusing on the shrill and the emotions with a healthy dose of class envy over executive pay and look past this hatred and be a little more grounded in our views.
Furthermore, if something eats at you this badly, you need to find another occupation, regardless of wherever you are employed. As it was said in "The Godfather, Part II"... "This is the business we have chosen."
So scribes Jester.
Class envy? Man you completely miss the point! I'm pretty sure everyone is focusing on rewarding the incompetence. Not class envy. Sounds like you are a great fan of Parker. I suppose you can justify his earnings here? Are you remotely aware of the crap airline he and his minions are running?
You want folks who have been here for decades to leave if this eats at us eh? Yeah, I'll just shut up and allow this crap to continue and watch him and his teenage drinking buddies run this company into the ground.
Figure it out.
That "incompetence" saved your job a few years ago because no one else was showing up at the US Airways bed side on life support with a week to live. Try to be grateful during the holidays. You may not agree with how things are being done, but frankly, you don't get paid the big bucks to make the corporation decisions. When I review the history of pilots running airlines in a post-regulation environment, it isn't a pretty one. How's Frank Borman's Eastern doing? How about William Seawell's Pan Am?
As for your decades of service, if you are this miserable, you should leave. I'm miserable about being here? Sure, and I'm ready to strike for pay parity and if I get replaced, then BFD... what do I have to lose? Here's the difference, I'm ready to walk, and you are ready to talk... and talk some more... and talk additionally... and talk furthermore.... and talk incessantly...... Just remember, "This is the business we have chosen," and you have no one else to blame but the person you see in the mirror.
So lectures Jester.
That "incompetence" saved your job a few years ago because no one else was showing up at the US Airways bed side on life support with a week to live. Try to be grateful during the holidays.
As for your decades of service, if you are this miserable, you should leave. I'm miserable about being here? Sure, and I'm ready to strike for pay parity and if I get replaced, then BFD... what do I have to lose?
So lectures Jester.
"if you are this miserable, you should leave."
I hear ignorant people say this about citizens of this country, ie: if you do not like this why don't you go back to .........
Where to begin? So many issues in so short of time....
Nostradamus: '"Virgin Atlantic wanted lots of US Airways assets -- gates, planes, airport equipment -- to help launch a new U.S. airline' The above quote will be a major player for Usairways and other airlines after the first of the year, employees of these assets need not apply."
You're absolutely right. Plenty of buyers for the assets, but not the whole company and once the US Airways carass had been picked over, the rest, especially the employees, would be tossed out.
Nostradamus: "I hear ignorant people say this about citizens of this country, ie: if you do not like this why don't you go back to..... "
Leaving a job vs. leaving a country along with your citizenship are not even remotely close in terms of comparison or difficulty. Especially if you consider most people change careers 5 or 6 times during their life time. How many people change their citizenship 5 or 6 times in their life? Life is too short to be miserable, now if you think that's "ignorant" then enjoy your misery.
EastUS: "Really? NO other possible deals whatsoever?"
Nope, no one else showed up at the BK hearing to make a better offer. There was one crazy woman out of Atlanta who claimed to have "European investors" lined up, but since she was a complete unknown and the investors were unidentified, it would be hard to take her seriously. Sorry, the fat lady was clearing her throat for US Airways.
EastUS: "Perhaps Eddie Rickenbacker's Eastern?...Howard Hughes' TWA? Borman, although he became some degree of a lying corporate scumbag, could/did actually find his way to the moon and back."
And recall what I said, "post-(de)regulation environment". Any monkey can make money with a cost-plus pricing system that the CAB was willing to support under Federal law. None of those people you mentioned were either in the business or succeeded in the business once the market was opened up to pricing competition and routes. As for Borman, just because he could find his way to the moon and back, doesn't mean he could find his way around an income statement or balance sheet. If you want more insights as to Borman's mismanagement, you should read "Hard Landings". There is a reason for specializations because some people have better skill set at certain tasks than others. Years ago America West had cross-trained ramp agents with customer service reps in large stations, and my mind still recoils at the prospects of either side trying to do the other's job with few exceptions.
Nostradamus, I read that article at the time it was written and yes, there were plenty of outside money, and America West came in with around $130 million of its own money, which is remarkable to be able to control another large airline for the cost of a few new jets. However, it wasn't all ham 'n jam, because Parker assumed a huge Philly mess, angry workforce, and labor groups with an overwhelming sense of entitlement. It was either a brilliant business move or a pending disaster, either way, those early investors got their money already out.
EastUS, you might "applaud your convictions and stated willigness to walk," but the Easties' IAM won't allow Section 6 to happen for West to strike, but who knows, I might just quit instead as the 9-something/hour and free travel on over sold flights isn't worth the frustration of being here.
So commiserates Jester.