Glenn Quagmire said:
But Not so fast. This guy whined about not getting a government handout for retraining.
Then he got it.
American Airlines offered TAA (retraining) for
CONTRACTORS working in the offices.
You bet I was offended when American Airlines treated contractors filling temporary positions better than people on their own payroll.
Would anybody on here not be offended by that?
Glenn Quagmire said:
What I got was a grant to cover my last 6 months of school.
Glenn Quagmire said:
He has consistently railed against government assistance, yet he took the handout to get his 'education'.
What I have railed against is people making "entitlements" a lifestyle. That is not what I did. I got out of school Friday and had a full time job the following Monday.
You have been misrepresenting what I have said in an attempt to discredit me.
There is a huge difference between getting help to finish school (most of which I paid for out of my own pocket) and living on "entitlements" for decades at a time and you know it.
Glenn Quagmire said:
He is a hypocrite of the highest order.
I am no hypocrite but you have tried to paint me as one for almost 2 years using baseless accusations and misrepresentation.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I have no doubt whatsowver that This guy would be the first to cross your picket line. I heard and watched many just like him cross my picket line.
I have never done that and never would. That is an accusation meant to change public opinion of me (your #1 tactic) with no basis in fact.
Funny how the only things you can find to smear me with are a 6 month grant from 2 years ago and things you make up.
Glenn Quagmire said:
The only fools here are you and 700UW and your never ending tactics of lying, misrepresentations, and fabrications in an effort to attack me because I don't subscribe to your liberal politics.
700UW said:
He hasnt moved on, he posts more now then when he was working at AA.
My spouse works for American Airlines (as opposed to your ex). My household income is directly affected by contracts at American Airlines.
Now how long has it been since
YOU worked for the airline? Just the other day you commented you had not been to a UNION hall in 2 years.
You want to compare post #'s
I have 2776 (counting this one) and you have 32614.
I think the forums patrons are smart enough to see you two for what you really are.
You have spent 2 years attacking me because I have been vocal against your liberal political beliefs.
This has nothing to do with contracts or UNION agreements, it is nothing more than petty behavior and harassment from Glenn Quagmire, Ms Tree, 700UW, and Dog Wonder.
The truth is if you 4 had anything of any validity to say you would not keep recycling an event from 2 years ago and making things up.