NYer said:
--Wow, Bob, you're getting desperate to create something here aren't you. No, I'd rather keep what we have now over the current contractual language in the IAM CBA. If there is time in JCBA, maybe this can be addressed but until it is, I'd rather not take chances in losing what we currently have.
The fact is you have no rights to CS, its a company privilege that can be revoked at any time.
--If we can get the current policy in the JCBA, then good for us. In the meantime, the choices are what we currently have and what the IAM currently has...I'd rather keep what we currently have. If you like the IAM language then that's your choice.
Really? So you are OK with having it in the contract that management can determine who gets to CS and have a different policy for each workgroup in each station?
--We work the CS's, not management. If you believe the CS Policy is a tool of management and has not benefits for the Membership than just say so or move towards eliminating it.
You work CS with managements approval, you have no rights to it, and you want to keep it that way and add it to the contract. I would rather have the US CS contract language than a policy where every station is different. You are OK with Tulsa being denied CS because thats Tulsa's CS policy because the policy where you are meets your needs, So much for Unionism.