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New Ceo Says Us Airways Can Grow

USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: The ATSB owns 10% of US Airways and thus would have to agree to restructure the loan guarantee covenants. It's unclear whether or not the Board would take such action, but they have agreed to restructure the loan guarantee before.

I hope you use a financial advisor for your investments, because, you don't know what you are talking about.

THE ATSB DOES NOT OWN 10% OF US AIRWAYS. The ATSB owns the right to acquire up to 10% of the common stock when certain covenants apply for the purpose of profiting from their risky investment.

Boeing Boy and 700UW... Thanks for the back up... Obviously I didn't read the whole thread before responding.
USA320Pilot said:
According to one ALPA MEC Officer, "Lakefield is the anti dave. I'm 100% certain he will change the corporate culture for the better. I'm not saying he's not going to come after us. But when you have a deal you'll have a deal. The new-new plan will be out soon, (May) we'll all have to see what it is."


And with one week on the job, that new plan was not authored by Bruce "the Anti-Dave" Lakefield. That plan is Seigel's plan, to be executed by Seigel's team, now led by Bruce "the Anti-Dave" Seigel.
USA320Pilot said:
I’m not scared and I simply reported what I was told. No more, no less. In fact, for the first time in a long time I am at peace if US Airways fails -- it's only a job.
And your sources have been incorrect, inaccurate, and blatently wrong time and time again. I don't believe your source, and by extension you, know much.
oldiebutgoody said:
Not only that, but the cost of living in AZ is WAY lower than here on the East Coast. I know, because I've lived in both areas. I would estimate the cost of housing to be AT LEAST 50% higher in larger east coast cities.
I'm probably wrong, but seem to remember that HP pays as COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) in high cost metro areas. Does anyone know what carriers offer this.

In response to the previous post about Mainline Express cities, it would be great for those folks get the raise to HP pay levels. I hope the CWA will fight for the ME group.
David Bronner and Bruce Lakefield are financial experts and venture capitalists. Moreover, Bronner has an enormous amount of respect for Neal Cohen, therefore, this restructuring will occur one way or another or the company will likely cease to exist.

Bronner told the unions last week this restructuring will occur "with or without employees." Therefore, it's up to each union to decide whether or not they want to participate, otherwise, the chairman of the board has indicated an employee or its work group could become irrelevant.

Here's the point:

US Airways will likely be offer America West type contracts to its employees. If the company restructures, the airline will offer people new airline industry LCC type pay and benefits.

If an employee is furloughed due to the upcoming agreements, they are still better off than if the company folds. Employees will be eligible for unemployment, severance pay, in some cases free medical coverage (pilots), COBRA, travel privileges, J4J opportunities, and recall rights.

If the airline liquidates, all employees will obtain unemployment and no COBRA medical insurance.



P.S. For those who have asked the question, if US Airways fails my wife and I have opportunites that will not require me to fly. Therefore, if the company fails it fails, because as so many of my colleagues have said, it's only a job.
From the 2003 Annual report - pay particular attention to the last sentence....

As of December 31, 2003, US Airways Group has 19 A320-family aircraft on firm order scheduled for delivery in the years 2007 through 2009. US Airways Group also has 10 A330-200 aircraft on firm order scheduled for delivery in the years 2007 through 2009. In addition, US Airways Group has firm orders for 53 CRJ Series 200, 50-seat single-class aircraft and 25 CRJ 701, 70-seat single-class aircraft. All firm-order CRJ aircraft are scheduled to be delivered by April 2005. US Airways Group also has firm orders for 85 Embraer ERJ-170, 72-seat aircraft, with the first delivery scheduled for March 2004. US Airways Group has the option to convert the ERJ-170s to ERJ-175s with 76 seats. All ERJ-170 deliveries are scheduled to be received by September 2006. As of December 31, 2003, the minimum determinable payments associated with these acquisition agreements for all firm-order aircraft (including progress payments, payments atdelivery, spares, capitalized interest, penalty payments, cancellation fees and/or nonrefundable deposits) were estimated to be $1.93 billion in 2004, $854 million in 2005, $414 million in 2006, $31 million in 2007 and $2 million in 2008. As a result of the recent regional jet aircraft orders, the Company believes it is probable it will not take delivery of certain previously ordered narrow-body aircraft and recorded an accrual of $35 million for related penalties during the three months ended June 30, 2003.


Funguy2 said: "And your sources have been incorrect, inaccurate, and blatently wrong time and time again. I don't believe your source, and by extension you, know much."

USA320Pilot comments: You must be kidding right? Never mind, it's probably Alzheimer’s disease kicking in.


USA320Pilot said:
Here's the point:

US Airways will likely be offer America West type contracts to its employees. If the company restructures, the airline will offer people new airline industry LCC type pay and benefits.
t's only a job.
As far as mechanics, luv makes $4 a hour more than we do with WAY better healthcare and real profit sharing, PLUS 50% 401 match . The other LCC carriers are not far off, and all with better bennies.

You keep the same crap up constantly saying better to have the company here so we can collect, what the hell is that about! You act like they are doing us a big favor if we vote to accept so we can get furloughed with cobra, BIG DEAL. WELFARE is a better deal.

Your remarks about being all set for the U afterlife, then why all your hysteria posting the same old song and dance when EVERYONE knows what’s at stake. Your actions speak loudly captain outweighting your remarks.

I simply answer questions that I read.

I have no hysteria and I am at peace if US Airways fails.

I suggest the naysayers are the ones with the fear otherewise why would htere be so much emotion. Do I care about US Airways? Absolutely. Am I filled with anger and bitterness? No, I understand the changing marketplace and economics, which many of the naysyares fail to recongize.


USA320Pilot said:

Funnyguy said: "And your sources have been incorrect, inaccurate, and blatently wrong time and time again. I don't believe your source, and by extension you, know much."

USA320Pilot comments: You must be kidding right? Never mind, it's probably Alzheimer’s disease kicking in.


320, I've noticed that you've often taken exception when someone decides to take poetic license with your screen name(s), and you explain that it is not respectful and that your children would be more polite. Why, then, do you persist in calling Funguy, Funnyguy each and every time he disagrees with you? This is not an isolated incident. You slip Untied into your posts when rebutting United employees, too. One could refer to these acts as a passive agressive tactic. Would you please attempt to show more respect?

As to the sources being incorrect and inaccurate. I'm certain that Funguy is not kidding, nor does he have Alzheimer's disease. That was disrespectful, as well. I'm can't imagine that anyone here has ever wished a serious illness upon you or your family.

Lastly, we will never know if you have real or imagined sources. Most of us have been well-schooled in your beliefs over the years and have come to realize that most of the things (other than links to documented sources) may well be glorified fabrication, wishful thinking or just plain mean-spirited FUD. Sometimes you may have been told something that is untrue and you never took the time to verify it ... I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that may well be the case here. Rather than wish horrible debilitating diseases on people, just apologize for the misinformation and move on.

Good luck with your future endeavors.


I am not the best typist, speller, or even possess the best grammatical tools. Moreover, I wish I was better typist on the keyboard, but I am not. Will I make mistakes in the future? Absolutely.

I have never been disrespectful not will I ever be -- regardless of the situation.

My Alzheimer’s comment was intended to be sarcastic and a joke. If it offends you or Funguy2 I apologize.

In regard to being wrong, when I am wrong I admit it. When I am not, I am not.


Dont call me Shirley said:
I'm probably wrong, but seem to remember that HP pays as COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) in high cost metro areas. Does anyone know what carriers offer this.
NW pays a COLA stipend in ANC & HNL. IIRC, United did as well, until their BK filing.

Thanks for pointing out my error. I edited my mistake.



Wow... Thanks for the support! I had tried subtly pointing out the misuse of my screen name before, but gave up, as the reference to my screen name is not material to the debate at hand. But I do appreciate your noticing and taking issue. Thanks.

Also, I have never mistaken signing off as "Respectfully" as true indication of respect.


On this thread, you maintained that the ATSB, and by extenstion the United States government, owns 10% of US Airways (and by exntension 33% of America West, since the ATSB has warrants for 33% of AWA stock) even after I explained in detail how warrants work last week in another thread. I have noticed that you responded that maybe you were incorrect in these regards.

You maintained that the UCT/ICT/Coprorate transaction/merger with UAL was immenent long after it had become apparent to many that the transaction was certainly not immeninnt, if even likely to ever occur.

You were routinely incorrect about UAL loan covenents, which was pointed out to you.

You were wrong when you stated that AWA missed ATSB loan covenents and they were "overshadowed".

Whether these items come from you or your "super secret" sources that you never reveal is immaterial to me. What I know is that in the discourse of these debates, your information has been faulty at least as often as it has been correct. Maybe you are correct in repeating whatever you've heard, but sometimes whatever you've heard is incorrect.

Also, there have been several announcements which you have not noted here, even though anyone with the insider track which you claim to have would have had some advance warning of. I can't remember what they were now, but every time I remember thinking, and sometimes posting, "How come we didn't hear this from USA320Pilot?"

I was not offended by the alzheimer's joke. It was funny. However, as TheLarkAscending correctly pointed out, I have been repeatedly offended by your misuse of my screenname. I don't mind shortening things, as well all do when we communicate via chatboard. For example, I refered to TheLarkAscending as Lark, just to reduce typing. However, it seems that you have been consistent and somewhat demeaning (by implying that everything I say is a joke, hence funny) in the use of my screenname. By that, I am offended. If somebody, in real life, continued to misuse or mispronounce my name after being corrected a few times, I would be somewhat offended. On this chatboard, my every post is noted with my correct screen name. So, there should be no excuse for misusing.

I'm no going to argue with you, but you are largely incorrect.

In regard to your User Name, I thoought Funnyguy2 was the name and quickly scan the monitor. I was wrong and I will not make the msitake again.



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