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Ceo Message - June 15, 2004

Hope777 said:
Rico, the man needs to run the Airline. He has no plan except to take what little bit we have left. And let me ask YOU a question. Is he, Mr Lakefield, giving us the tools we need to serve our Customers the best they ( Management ) can?
Let me preface by saying no work group should dictate what another work group should do. It is the right of every union to represent their members in a way they see fit.

That being said, I find it interesting that every workgroup that sits face to face with Lakefield winds up agreeing to sitting down for talks and complimenting him greatly. No one exemplifies this more than Teddy Xidas praising him just days after making the comment about seeing "where management's head is at".

Just an observation.
700UW said:
Those were all Dave's ideas, if you go back and read the articles before Dave was fired, the BOD approved DAVE's Plan to transform the company, not Lakefield's plan as he had none and still does not.
Exactly. This guy was retired and as far as he is concerned he still is, this is a like a little vacation for him, something different, something to make his blood flow again. If he succeeds great and if not, so what. The other REAL airline CEO's also failed so no shame on his part.

I am sorry. But the only thing I see running OUR airline is BIG BIG egos.

If they were actually serious about making it work the first thing they would do is get real serious with the IAM on this BUS work, until and unless that happens, it’s a joke as far as I’m concerned. WHY? Because a lot of disgruntled mechanics can make or break this company no matter what kind of hard line tactics are used.

My crystal ball says Dave Bronner will not come out ahead on this deal, his batting average just dropped three notches.
You know, I'm not so sure about that. I suspect that Dave's plan was the thing he wouldn't talk about last winter. Remember he kept saying that U couldn't become WN. I think his plan became infeasible and that the 'plan' that's going on now is what RSA made of Dave's plan: a last ditch, high-risk effort to transform. But that's just a suspicion. Remember last winter when you guys were constantly posting "where is the plan?" I think the plan was in a room rapidly becoming obsolete while RSA was coming up with a post-Dave strategy.
cavalier said:
Exactly. This guy was retired and as far as he is concerned he still is, this is a like a little vacation for him, something different, something to make his blood flow again. If he succeeds great and if not, so what. The other REAL airline CEO's also failed so no shame on his part.

I am sorry. But the only thing I see running OUR airline is BIG BIG egos.

If they were actually serious about making it work the first thing they would do is get real serious with the IAM on this BUS work, until and unless that happens, it’s a joke as far as I’m concerned. WHY? Because a lot of disgruntled mechanics can make or break this company no matter what kind of hard line tactics are used.

My crystal ball says Dave Bronner will not come out ahead on this deal, his batting average just dropped three notches.
Sadly, if Dr. Bronner and the RSA don't come out ahead on this deal, neither will the remaining USAirways employees.

Speaking of the Airbus Outsourcing...is there any timeline for the rendering of a decision from the arbitration?
End of August or begining of September
700UW said:
Those were all Dave's ideas, if you go back and read the articles before Dave was fired, the BOD approved DAVE's Plan to transform the company, not Lakefield's plan as he had none and still does not.
Hmmm...strange from a guy that said
700UW said:
There is no plan, except to pillage the employees!
In case you forgot that you said it, you can reread it here.

So, whose plan was it again?
mweiss said:
Hmmm...strange from a guy that said
In case you forgot that you said it, you can reread it here.

So, whose plan was it again?
I bet you are the kind of guy who gets excited when he sticks his dog's nose into his own mess. Now you are sounding exactly like the captain, but then again, what difference is there really.
Dave's plan is to pillage the employees.

We been seeing this for two years now.
Rico. I don't see Lakefield doing everything he can to run this company. There is an important asset missing at the top. This company doesn't have a heart or a
soul. It is just an entity. Most entities just exist. This company needs to get its
employees on its side and I don't see this happening soon. Employees like to be
treated with respect. Right now the morale is low not because of the threat of going
bk, but because the employees don't feel valued. Most of them just do what they
half to do. They see no hope. Imo it would be smart to get morale back. But then
again entites don't have a heart or soul and don't have a clue how important it is
to have happy employees.
cavalier said:
Now you are sounding exactly like the captain...
Because I call hypocricy when I see it? If that's the worst he ever does, then he's a fine, fine man.

"Point to point flying just happened when pilots got lost?"

Who told you - it's supposed to be secret....


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