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New Card Drive Started @ AA--Mechanic and Related

Speaking of card drives, how many recall the BLUE card drive by the TWU to get rid or remove all powers of the IAM from the Association? Well the AFL-CIO has spoken on this undermining drive to further separate the membership.
Wow! Nothing can be brought up by locals or members. What kind of representation is that?
And the Headbutting continues, and will never stop, between the twu and iam, you just can't make this crap up. A self destruction division and separation entirely from the members as well as the locals.
Just more and more reasons to fire this asso and get the Class and Craft AMFA representation to represent the Mechanics and related @ AA. Sun Country just did with Spirit right behind them and JetBlue to follow as well, I assume AA will take longer due to the mere size of their M&R group.
Wow! Nothing can be brought up by locals or members. What kind of representation is that?
And the Headbutting continues, and will never stop, between the twu and iam, you just can't make this crap up. A self destruction division and separation entirely from the members as well as the locals.
Just more and more reasons to fire this asso and get the Class and Craft AMFA representation to represent the Mechanics and related @ AA. Sun Country just did with Spirit right behind them and JetBlue to follow as well, I assume AA will take longer due to the mere size of their M&R group.

FYI swamp it’s not the TWU/IAM Association that’s running a card drive against AMFA at SWA. It’s only the TWU. You know. The Union (real union) that already represents your Flight Attendants, Flight Instructor's, Meteorologist’s, Dispatcher’s and Ramp Agents. 27,790 of your coworkers.
The irony of the so called Blue card drive spearheaded by the TWU was that the union reps were pushing to the guys that this will be an opportunity to finally get to vote on representation that the NMB didn't allow us to have. Plenty of blame and finger pointing. They falsely claimed that the AFL-CIO will have the authority to remove the IAM from all decisions and representation on the floor. So to simplify this it means the AFL-CIO will remove or remove the certification of the IAM from the Association. This would vave been done by an internal vote of the membership. Last time I checked the NMB rules the authority of certification or decertification of union representation is within the NMB's jurisdiction not the AFL-CIO. Sadly many fell for this scam and signed those pesky blue cards with false hope.
Now that the letter was released from the AFL-CIO I have yet to hear from any TWU rep from the president all the way down to shop stewards on this issue. They were all over the floors, all shifts chasing guys to sign cards
to the point they were stopping you in the hallways, locker rooms, break rooms, ready rooms and any other hole in the wall. Now...... Crickets........
The irony of the so called Blue card drive spearheaded by the TWU was that the union reps were pushing to the guys that this will be an opportunity to finally get to vote on representation that the NMB didn't allow us to have. Plenty of blame and finger pointing. They falsely claimed that the AFL-CIO will have the authority to remove the IAM from all decisions and representation on the floor. So to simplify this it means the AFL-CIO will remove or remove the certification of the IAM from the Association. This would vave been done by an internal vote of the membership. Last time I checked the NMB rules the authority of certification or decertification of union representation is within the NMB's jurisdiction not the AFL-CIO. Sadly many fell for this scam and signed those pesky blue cards with false hope.
Now that the letter was released from the AFL-CIO I have yet to hear from any TWU rep from the president all the way down to shop stewards on this issue. They were all over the floors, all shifts chasing guys to sign cards
to the point they were stopping you in the hallways, locker rooms, break rooms, ready rooms and any other hole in the wall. Now...... Crickets........

The “Blue cards” were spearheaded by the 3 TWU Maintenance Presidents. I don’t recall hearing or reading anything that came directly from the TWU itself. Otherwise you are correct that the AFL/CIO does not have the authority to dismantle the TWU/IAM Association.

If I recall correctly those President’s didn’t make the claim that the AFL/CIO could abolish the Association but the motivation was to apply pressure for both the TWU and IAM to have an internal vote to have one or the other Union be the sole representative for the class and craft of M&R.
The irony of the so called Blue card drive spearheaded by the TWU was that the union reps were pushing to the guys that this will be an opportunity to finally get to vote on representation that the NMB didn't allow us to have. Plenty of blame and finger pointing. They falsely claimed that the AFL-CIO will have the authority to remove the IAM from all decisions and representation on the floor. So to simplify this it means the AFL-CIO will remove or remove the certification of the IAM from the Association. This would vave been done by an internal vote of the membership. Last time I checked the NMB rules the authority of certification or decertification of union representation is within the NMB's jurisdiction not the AFL-CIO. Sadly many fell for this scam and signed those pesky blue cards with false hope.
Now that the letter was released from the AFL-CIO I have yet to hear from any TWU rep from the president all the way down to shop stewards on this issue. They were all over the floors, all shifts chasing guys to sign cards
to the point they were stopping you in the hallways, locker rooms, break rooms, ready rooms and any other hole in the wall. Now...... Crickets........

June 10, 2022

RE: AFL-CIO 2022 Convention Appeal/Petition

To the Association M&R and MLS Members:

On May 12, 2022 we three TWU Presidents of Locals 514, 567, and 591, with the support of our Executive Boards, sent the AFL-CIO Convention resolution/appeal proposal site a formal appeal letter, drafted and approved by our collective three Executive Boards. The purpose of this appeal letter was to call upon the AFL-CIO to assist us in solving the vexing problem of the dual-unions within the current TWU-IAM Association. This was explained in much greater detail in the two podcasts which we three TWU Local Presidents posted on our websites. Please take the time to listen to them.

Some have inquired, and there has been much misinformation by a select few on social media, along with some in the IAM, regarding what the response from the AFL-CIO was to those appeal letters. We are posting that AFL-CIO response to our websites. We also want to explain what we saw in that response.

The AFL-CIO declined to enter the appeal letters sent from the Locals onto the official AFL-CIO Convention agenda because Locals within a Union do not have standing at the Convention, only the parent-Union does. That said, in their response, the AFL-CIO acknowledged the issues that we raised, and frankly that was the primary goal and what we wanted in order to set the stage for moving forward. We have also responded to the AFL-CIO to further clarify the problem that was partly their doing because of their persuasion to create the Association.

When we discussed the goals of the appeal letter with all three Executive Boards in person, it was quite clear we all really had no expectations from the AFL-CIO Convention, except to highlight this specific need of our Membership and to get the AFL-CIO to acknowledge our existence and the problem that they helped create in 2013. That the AFL-CIO did acknowledge, and this early collective action is really helping to set the stage for a much bigger discussion this summer when we have not just the majority, but an overwhelming majority, of the blue cards we are collecting.

Some have asked, and some in social media are claiming that in their apparent silence the International Unions are somehow not in agreement with this effort. Let’s clear that falsehood up. TWU President John Samuelsen has made clear time and again that he, unlike some of his predecessors, respects Local Autonomy, and that he will not force his will upon the Membership but will instead listen to that Membership and their elected TWU Local leaders for guidance. Regarding where we are since the TWU Convention request, when asked to just vote this out, IAM President Bob Martinez is reported as saying that he doesn’t see why anything in the Association should change because he’s not hearing any issues from the Members on the floor.

These Blue “WE WANT A VOTE” Cards are your opportunity as Members, in a clear and unified voice, to tell your respective International Union President that YOU WANT A VOTE!

We need your help in providing AFL-CIO President Shuler, TWU President Samuelsen, and IAM President Bob Martinez the clear and unambiguous statement and guidance that the Association MUST be fixed.

Hopefully that clears up the confusion, and that absolutely no decision has been made on the blue cards, because no cards have been presented and no formal discussions have taken place with the AFL-CIO yet. All that was sent was an appeal to their Convention, and we are quite pleased that they both recognized our appeal and are formally aware of the problem.

Don’t be distracted from the goal of demanding the long overdue Membership vote by the few rogue voices in the IAM, or some on social media, who seek to tell us all how to think and/or act. We need to join together as one and use this Blue “WE WANT A VOTE” Card effort to demand the vote that will bring about the necessary change to the Association.


Dale Danker Rollie Reaves Gary Schaible

President President President

TWU Local 514 TWU Local 567 TWU Local 591​
YES 1AA. And I was right there with you. I tried my best to get across to the AA'ers that it was all a scam. I even contacted the NMB and asked them, and as I posted in these forums, they said "they have no JURISDICTION over that type of a vote". The longer this AA membership keeps believing everything they are told by this asso/twu/iam they will just continue to get let down by the true and real realities. People are too lazy to go and research for themselves and this asso takes advantage of them for this reason. Until this Mechanics group wakes the hell up at AA, they will have to deal with this asso for the rest of their careers. Hopefully, by now, they are sick and tired of all the BS they have now delt with yet again after all their promises failed to to come true. Now with all this head butting and in fighting within the asso/twu/iam they will finally see a change in representation is needed to get a better Class and Craft union that will "FOCUS" on all the Mechanics instead of 12 other groups that outnumber the mechanics by a large number. I'm in great hopes that this will be the last AMFA card drive at your carrier for AMFA...
I’m not sure yelling out “I quit” counts after the door was closed and the boot print was stamped on the back of your pants.

View attachment 16814
Yeah, as usual I don't know what the hell your talking about.

You live in your own fantasy world.

I started school long before I knew they were getting rid of Fleet Service. I had already planned on leaving. When I found out they were allowing people to early out I took it so I could focus on school.

I have had many opportunities over the years to put in a local transfer. I chose not to because I believe my current path will provide me more security and opportunities in the future. I don't want to end up like the fine employees at TWA, in the twilight of my career with crap seniority. I don't want to be in a field where I have to have 30+ years to have a decent schedule and holidays off. I don't want to be in an industry that is so heavily UNIONized that my only option is to stay put, doing the same entry level job my whole career, regardless of the fact I am ready to move on, or being treated like a day one employee simply because I wanted some variety and career growth.

But you believe whatever you want to believe.

In your little pathetic world American Airlines is obviously the center of the universe..... well just off center, your narcissism mixed with your delusion of reality will always insure YOU are the center of the universe.

You enjoy your..... whatever the hell you think this is.

You have a nice day now. Bye bye.
Yeah, as usual I don't know what the hell your talking about.

You live in your own fantasy world.

I started school long before I knew they were getting rid of Fleet Service. I had already planned on leaving. When I found out they were allowing people to early out I took it so I could focus on school.

I have had many opportunities over the years to put in a local transfer. I chose not to because I believe my current path will provide me more security and opportunities in the future. I don't want to end up like the fine employees at TWA, in the twilight of my career with crap seniority. I don't want to be in a field where I have to have 30+ years to have a decent schedule and holidays off. I don't want to be in an industry that is so heavily UNIONized that my only option is to stay put, doing the same entry level job my whole career, regardless of the fact I am ready to move on, or being treated like a day one employee simply because I wanted some variety and career growth.

But you believe whatever you want to believe.

In your little pathetic world American Airlines is obviously the center of the universe..... well just off center, your narcissism mixed with your delusion of reality will always insure YOU are the center of the universe.

You enjoy your..... whatever the hell you think this is.

You have a nice day now. Bye bye.

Blah Blah Blah Man. No one gives a chit about you or your life. You’re just another nobody swimming in a pool with lots of other nobodies.

I’d tell you to go move on with your life but you never do. SMH.
YES 1AA. And I was right there with you. I tried my best to get across to the AA'ers that it was all a scam. I even contacted the NMB and asked them, and as I posted in these forums, they said "they have no JURISDICTION over that type of a vote". The longer this AA membership keeps believing everything they are told by this asso/twu/iam they will just continue to get let down by the true and real realities. People are too lazy to go and research for themselves and this asso takes advantage of them for this reason. Until this Mechanics group wakes the hell up at AA, they will have to deal with this asso for the rest of their careers. Hopefully, by now, they are sick and tired of all the BS they have now delt with yet again after all their promises failed to to come true. Now with all this head butting and in fighting within the asso/twu/iam they will finally see a change in representation is needed to get a better Class and Craft union that will "FOCUS" on all the Mechanics instead of 12 other groups that outnumber the mechanics by a large number. I'm in great hopes that this will be the last AMFA card drive at your carrier for AMFA...

AMT’s by far are the majority within the represented class and craft of M&R at AA. And they have again BY FAR a superior contract than that crap garbage contract you have over there at SWA.

Don’t worry though. When the TWU rids AMFA off the SWA property I’m sure they’ll begin to grow your AMT ranks from the pitiful numbers you have now.
YES 1AA. And I was right there with you. I tried my best to get across to the AA'ers that it was all a scam. I even contacted the NMB and asked them, and as I posted in these forums, they said "they have no JURISDICTION over that type of a vote". The longer this AA membership keeps believing everything they are told by this asso/twu/iam they will just continue to get let down by the true and real realities. People are too lazy to go and research for themselves and this asso takes advantage of them for this reason. Until this Mechanics group wakes the hell up at AA, they will have to deal with this asso for the rest of their careers. Hopefully, by now, they are sick and tired of all the BS they have now delt with yet again after all their promises failed to to come true. Now with all this head butting and in fighting within the asso/twu/iam they will finally see a change in representation is needed to get a better Class and Craft union that will "FOCUS" on all the Mechanics instead of 12 other groups that outnumber the mechanics by a large number. I'm in great hopes that this will be the last AMFA card drive at your carrier for AMFA...
Sadly the membership is the victim here. The TWU and IAM wanted this Association at the end. The Association misled the membership into a vote which was not authorized by the NMB. A victory for the unions treasure chest. Now here we are into the middle of the JCBA and the TWU wants control over all decisions regarding the JCBA. Problem for the TWU was the JCBA is virtually a entire IAM written style agreement. The TWU way was local agreements based on geographical operations and needs. The IAM has a one size fits all location agreements.
Scheduling, shift bidding, vacation selection, overtime rules, field trip rules and other day to day operations that were never contractual are now. So like I said the TWU is not happy and wants to wake up the TWU members by pressuring the AFL-CIO to step in and do something. A vote is not legal to remove the IAM from the JCBA and give authority to the TWU. So the in-house fighting will continue.
Yeah, as usual I don't know what the hell your talking about.

You live in your own fantasy world.

I started school long before I knew they were getting rid of Fleet Service. I had already planned on leaving. When I found out they were allowing people to early out I took it so I could focus on school.

I have had many opportunities over the years to put in a local transfer. I chose not to because I believe my current path will provide me more security and opportunities in the future. I don't want to end up like the fine employees at TWA, in the twilight of my career with crap seniority. I don't want to be in a field where I have to have 30+ years to have a decent schedule and holidays off. I don't want to be in an industry that is so heavily UNIONized that my only option is to stay put, doing the same entry level job my whole career, regardless of the fact I am ready to move on, or being treated like a day one employee simply because I wanted some variety and career growth.

But you believe whatever you want to believe.

In your little pathetic world American Airlines is obviously the center of the universe..... well just off center, your narcissism mixed with your delusion of reality will always insure YOU are the center of the universe.

You enjoy your..... whatever the hell you think this is.

You have a nice day now. Bye bye.
Nailed it.
Sadly the membership is the victim here. The TWU and IAM wanted this Association at the end. The Association misled the membership into a vote which was not authorized by the NMB. A victory for the unions treasure chest. Now here we are into the middle of the JCBA and the TWU wants control over all decisions regarding the JCBA. Problem for the TWU was the JCBA is virtually a entire IAM written style agreement. The TWU way was local agreements based on geographical operations and needs. The IAM has a one size fits all location agreements.
Scheduling, shift bidding, vacation selection, overtime rules, field trip rules and other day to day operations that were never contractual are now. So like I said the TWU is not happy and wants to wake up the TWU members by pressuring the AFL-CIO to step in and do something. A vote is not legal to remove the IAM from the JCBA and give authority to the TWU. So the in-house fighting will continue.

Sadly the membership is the victim here. The TWU and IAM wanted this Association at the end. The Association misled the membership into a vote which was not authorized by the NMB. A victory for the unions treasure chest. Now here we are into the middle of the JCBA and the TWU wants control over all decisions regarding the JCBA. Problem for the TWU was the JCBA is virtually a entire IAM written style agreement. The TWU way was local agreements based on geographical operations and needs. The IAM has a one size fits all location agreements.
Scheduling, shift bidding, vacation selection, overtime rules, field trip rules and other day to day operations that were never contractual are now. So like I said the TWU is not happy and wants to wake up the TWU members by pressuring the AFL-CIO to step in and do something. A vote is not legal to remove the IAM from the JCBA and give authority to the TWU. So the in-house fighting will continue.
Correct, and the asso will be so focused on these internal headbutting and infighting they will never come to quick agreements in the future, so I am hopeful the membership will get the AMFA drive done this time around. I feel that this really is the final and last attempt to do so. It's also the best timing IMO since the membership is so wound up from the long dragged out nego's directly due to all the infighting between the leadership of both the iam and twu upper leaders not agreeing on the language for so freaking long. Plus, they never got any retro and never fully refurbished what was stolen from you guys in BK. Something they promised and even guaranteed by the asso's leadership, but, as we all know never delivered to the membership. The membership only voted for this contract to get something now, even though it did not make them whole again NOR did it meet "Industry Leading" at the time it was delivered. Good luck and hope to bring you guys into AMFA soon, it's been a long time coming for sure...
Correct, and the asso will be so focused on these internal headbutting and infighting they will never come to quick agreements in the future, so I am hopeful the membership will get the AMFA drive done this time around. I feel that this really is the final and last attempt to do so. It's also the best timing IMO since the membership is so wound up from the long dragged out nego's directly due to all the infighting between the leadership of both the iam and twu upper leaders not agreeing on the language for so freaking long. Plus, they never got any retro and never fully refurbished what was stolen from you guys in BK. Something they promised and even guaranteed by the asso's leadership, but, as we all know never delivered to the membership. The membership only voted for this contract to get something now, even though it did not make them whole again NOR did it meet "Industry Leading" at the time it was delivered. Good luck and hope to bring you guys into AMFA soon, it's been a long time coming for sure...

Very silly writing here swamp.

No one is wound up because we all have contracts and they’re much better than ANY AMFA negotiated agreements by far.

We weren’t entitled to retro because we had contracts and we were negotiating joint collective bargaining agreements that needed to merge the two groups. So go ahead and try and find anything written about retro? You will find nothing because there isn’t anything and no one ever even mentioned it anywhere.

By the time we start negotiations AMFA likely will not even exist at SWA anymore. Absolutely though the Seeham, Seeham, Meltz and Peterson Law Firm will try to stir up trouble in the middle of our next negotiations to try and make the job to gain new contracts more difficult. It’s what they do and have been doing for over 40 years.

SSM&P are AMFA. AMFA is a fake Union.
Correct, and the asso will be so focused on these internal headbutting and infighting they will never come to quick agreements in the future, so I am hopeful the membership will get the AMFA drive done this time around. I feel that this really is the final and last attempt to do so. It's also the best timing IMO since the membership is so wound up from the long dragged out nego's directly due to all the infighting between the leadership of both the iam and twu upper leaders not agreeing on the language for so freaking long. Plus, they never got any retro and never fully refurbished what was stolen from you guys in BK. Something they promised and even guaranteed by the asso's leadership, but, as we all know never delivered to the membership. The membership only voted for this contract to get something now, even though it did not make them whole again NOR did it meet "Industry Leading" at the time it was delivered. Good luck and hope to bring you guys into AMFA soon, it's been a long time coming for sure...

BTW swamp: “Quick Agreements” are you kidding people here? 😂

AMFA took 7 years to negotiate for less than 2500 AMT’s at SWA.

In the Airline Industry I think you hold the record. I don’t think any negotiations have ever gone longer.


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