Pitbull, did you need a union to get those great benefits - or were they earned on your own merits, experiences and talent?
Not to lessen what you accomplished at US, but it's comforting to know you appear to have branched out (and succeeded) in the "real world."
Thanks for asking. Actutally my business and nursing degree really helped. But what the President of the company specifically noted was the union work I did, my commitment, and the ability to balance my time and schedule with running two offices in 2005. Plus, during most of my U employement I also went to school and finished another degree. He said he this type of commitment to excellence and professionalism is what he wants in his company and that I set a great example. I interviewed on 3 different occasions for this position (3 hours each time with his execs). The reference I used were Crew Sched director, Marick Masters (Pit Univ. Professor) and Jack Shea (President of Allegheny labor Council). Folks I believe I could trust for a good reference. The Pres told me my references came back superior.
Mostly, I owe a lot of gratitude to the f/as who had faith enough in me to represent them during the most difficult years at U and that experience alone boosted my resume...e.g., grievances, negotiations, system board, comunication skills, being a spokesperson, engaging senior managment on a daily basis, running two offices and being responsible for two office budgets etc...
They asked me what I was paid at U and I inflated it (too embarrassed to tell them what I made after 25 years) so they exceeded it beyond my expectation. I am in managment now, but they know how I feel about employees. If I reach performance targets, I want the employees to get rewarded with me.
I would tell you what company its with in Pittsburgh, but I don't trust U managment on this forum.
So Delta and JetBlue must treat their F/A's well.
They treat them better than U. Not everything is $$ related.