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How common for ex-employees to boycott US Airways?

I hope your wife's new job has adequate mental health coverage. Clearly, you need it. Good luck!

I think the ones who need mental health coverage are the ones who get screwed by an employer (ANY employer, not just in the airline industry) and then continue to do business with that employer as a paying customer. That's just plain nuts! Apparently you're the type who would get mugged and then invite the mugger over for dinner with your wife and kids. What part of "US Airways screwed you" don't you understand?

Amen to what won'tflyUSAIRWAYS, allegheny37, NAPAUS, and 28yrsnojob said. They have a more realistic view of life than you.
What happened at USAirways is happening all over corporate America....nobody in no job is immune to cutbacks and layoffs. What happenend in PIT was shared by US officials and Allegheny County officials too. In the outcome, PHL had more of a financial windfall than PIT did and that is exactly what US needed to hold on to. The state of PA is still reeling in the money that US generates....and they do generate a lot of income for the state of PA. It's very unfortunate that you as an ex-employee would have that much anger and bitterness not to support your former hardworking employees who want nothing more to stay employed in a job they love, despite former management! It's very sad that you cannot remember all the good times you shared with your co-workers and all the good times you had doing your job, that you supposedly loved...I feel very sad for you that you can turn such an incredible experience into years of bitterness and anger! Don't take it personally, corporate America is a cutthroat survivalist enviroment! I wish you all the best in your new endeavors!
[quote name='won'tflyUSAIRWAYS' post='349335' date='Feb 5 2006, 08:55 AM']If you want to give business to the company which kicked you and Pittsburgh in the nuts, fine. If you think you're helping out your former co-workers by directing business to US (I guess the former co-workers who are now resigned/retired and getting treated like sh*t by US don't count), that's fine too. But I'll bet there are plenty like myself, 28yrsnojob and allegheny37 who have better uses for our money than to further reward US. But you go ahead and fork over the money.[/quote]

Thats ok. We have plenty of ex NW/TW/AA/DL etc people flying us instead. They wouldnt want to give money to the people who kicked them while they were down either, ya know? Like NW/TW/AA/DL..... (To those in the know, one big circle of life) 😛h34r:
I personally don't think there should be any boycotting of US. But please try to understand those who do feel that way. Those that have retired or taken early-out, or furlough may feel like they have gotten a raw deal. So what are they supposed to do about it? There is nothing they can do. The remaining active employees (for the most part) don't care and are glad they are gone and are unwilling to approach management or their unions for any solutions. This is a perfect deal for management, they can treat inactives and retirees any way they want with no fear of them doing anything about it. Meanwhile they stroke the "actives" with boarding priorities and bonuses. I find this kind of corporate culture short-sighted. It makes me wonder what upper management's goal is. I wonder if they are trying to make the airline look good quickly by keeping the "actives" happy in hopes for a possible buyout/sale/merger. Upper management makes good money but isn't the real money to be had with a sale or merger with stock options and golden parachutes.
I agree with you about Wolf and gang. But lucky to be retired not at all, my pension was turned over to PBGC, medical almost reduced to nothing. AND LOW BOARDING PRIORTY
when traveling. All this after 37 Years.
And still having to work another job.
Lucky I don't think so.

All our our pensions were turned over to the PBGC not on Gangwals watch but on Jerry Glass and Dave Siegel, Bruce Lakefield.

I haven't flown U (paid travel or non-rev) since I left. However, I have flown USA 3000 twice to Florida. Not bad service, A320 a/c free headsets. The ony thing that concerns me is flying on an outfit like USA 3000 that doesn't nearly have the mechanic experience as U mechanics. I always know when you fly USAirways you are in the best and safest hands with the pilots and mechanics.

Its always on my mind.

Not enough service out of Pittsburgh, now the City of Champions. I know many folks in Pittsburgh that refuse to give their business to U. They feel betrayed and I can't blame them...so do I and so does my family and friends.

U must have know the stakes when you dump 22,000 employees into the streets in 3 year span. Those folks probably will choose another airline to fly if they have the choice.
They feel betrayed and I can't blame them...so do I and so does my family and friends.

U must have know the stakes when you dump 22,000 employees into the streets in 3 year span. Those folks probably will choose another airline to fly if they have the choice.

Betrayed? You left on your own...how about some support for your former co-workers and friends who are still employed with US and are trying to move on with this "new management and new airline".
Ford is going to do something similar. I wonder if people will stop buying Ford products.

They already have, thus the reason for the layoff. If they dump the pensions for their employees, I won't ever buy a Ford.
Betrayed? You left on your own...how about some support for your former co-workers and friends who are still employed with US and are trying to move on with this "new management and new airline".

Yea, the emotion is "betrayl". I stayed with the company mostly because they offerd a defined pension. I was short 2 years when they terminated our pension plan on Jan. 10, 2005. Even though I stayed at U throughout my 24th year, and into the 25th there was no pension credit. Not even a 401K contribution. There was only a reduced wage of 31% in wage concession over the 3 years, in addition to an extra 21% cut for 4 months. Medical contributions soaring and no wage increases to absorb the jump per year. I don't believe you could appreciate this emotion unless you were closing in on retirment or invested a good 15-20-30-40 years in a company always hoping for "better days". T
In retrospect, they don't come in this industry and more give backs than any gains in my experience of 25 years.

I have spent 5 long difficult years doing nothing but accepting and supporting those f/as who voted in this crap as well as those who were thrown under the bus.

At this point, I have moved on for the sake of my family and my future. I have to say this again, being in the airline industry has convinced many mployees that this is all they are worth and the job doesn't have much value. This acceptance has really pushed many employees financially backward, bottom line. If your new, you won't notice yet. However, the longer you stay, the faster the years go by just staying above the poverty line.

No more for me. Best thing I ever did, and I highly recommend "change" to my friends and those I still support.
What happened at USAirways is happening all over corporate America....nobody in no job is immune to cutbacks and layoffs. What happenend in PIT was shared by US officials and Allegheny County officials too. In the outcome, PHL had more of a financial windfall than PIT did and that is exactly what US needed to hold on to. The state of PA is still reeling in the money that US generates....and they do generate a lot of income for the state of PA. It's very unfortunate that you as an ex-employee would have that much anger and bitterness not to support your former hardworking employees who want nothing more to stay employed in a job they love, despite former management! It's very sad that you cannot remember all the good times you shared with your co-workers and all the good times you had doing your job, that you supposedly loved...I feel very sad for you that you can turn such an incredible experience into years of bitterness and anger! Don't take it personally, corporate America is a cutthroat survivalist enviroment! I wish you all the best in your new endeavors!

No. What is happenend to USAirways is not happening all over Corporate America. I have found that Many Corporate thinkers do not think like airline management, specifically USAirways managment. You have to step out and step away to have an understanding. We were unique. We had a bonified, hired anti union team on the property that busted us from here to kingdom come by going into BK twice in 24 months.
I treat my employees with respect and place them in high regard. When an employee asks something of me I look for a way I can say ‘yes’. I give them the benefit of the doubt when needed and support them to be happy in their work life AND in their home life. Did I do this on my own? No! It is the culture where I work. It never had to be the way it was at U. I fly often and fly U rarely since I prefer some of the other carriers.
However, the longer you stay, the faster the years go by just staying above the poverty line.

Poverty line in 2003.

The poverty line is the level of income below which one cannot afford to purchase all the resources one requires to live. People who have an income below the poverty line have no discretionary disposable income, by definition.
It's a free country, fly who you want. Me, I have no qualms plunking my hard-earned buckos on US Airways and will continue to do so.


You are correct.

I landed a job with a company whose President and Senior officers respect their employees and appreciate their work. He looked at my resume and thinks I'm some miracle worker of sorts...lol... I'm in my third day of orientation and have excerbated my irritable bowel. 😀

I was given a salary that I never would even have guessed would be offered. I exaggerated just a little my previous income at U when asked. And they almost doubled it. I just hope I can meet their expectations of what they think and believe I can do.

When you've been "put down" by a company for so many years, its hard to mentally rise above it or think you deserve it. I just don't let it show to my new employer any insecurity. And I made sure I did not bad mouth my previous employer in any way.

I just told them that after 25 years, I basically over stayed my welcome... B)

PS: Going to buy a new car (for the first time in a decade) on March 3...first pay check :up: My family is so excited!! I even get to put my children (college full time up to 25 years old) on full medical in 90 days at affordible rates, no deductables or out-of-pocket expenses. Just a contribution and a co-pay of $20 buckarooneies for physician visits, PPPO Blue with one physical fully paid and gyno. 401K match after 12 months of employement there. And guess what? NO mail order for maintenance prescriptions either! LTD short and long term at NO contribution, free term life insurance 1 year salary, FREE vision care, and dental (that old U had pre 9/11)

Can you believe it!!!! 😛

Congrats! I knew you'd land on your feet in a big way.

I'm so happy for you. Best wishes and thanks for all you did for the flight attendants at US Airways. You will be missed.


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