I still have not figured out why everyone on this web site is so negetive..but then I go to work and everyone is so positive. If U goes under there will be thousands of people with family's, morgages, and all kinds of other types of bills that will basically be screwed and be on unemplyment ..wellfare..etc.. Why do you negetive people that are employed at U want that to happen? Yes, U has screwed up in alot of ways, but, I for one did not like being unemployed. Let me tell you first hand, I was embaressed. It was not a good situation. Unemployment is not all that much money and you can not support a family on it. Everyone on here that posts and talks negative should be ashamed of themselves and if U should go under you will then think about what I am saying. I have a morgage and family and I am struggling now. I do not have a college degree nor can I just run out and find a job in a month to support myself...that is all I have to say. I love this job, and I love working for U. I hope and pray we survive. For those that do not..quit and find another job. You are bringing this company down. :angry: