Natalee Holloway

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JAXPax said:
How many other people have a missing relative and are only offered bereavement fares? How about anybody with a missing person in their family gets freebies? You could fill up plenty of flights like that.

It's horrible what has happened in Aruba, but what makes this case so much more important and special over the thousands of other missing persons, abductions, and murders?

Great job US Airways for helping out... really above and beyond. And I mean that. But why is this one case so much more horrible than all the others and why should it be handled any different? I hope the airlines extend the same courtesy to the next abduction/missing American abroad.... even if they aren't getting all this media coverage.
YES! A voice of reason and sanity instead of the babble we hear from the media mesmerized people bots. The media made this story a crying post. So U took advantage knowing it would be good PR. Cynical? Nay, rational thought process which is sorely lacking thanks to media entrancement of the nation. The media is the new God that feeds the masses their poison.
I don't remember US putting out a press statement on what they're doing for this family. Nor has the press said anything. US is handling this with class. In a way, it's too bad it ever came out.
Why should they get special treatment in this case? I know they're going through a tragedy, but thousands of people go through a similar tragedy every day, I don't see the airlines lining up to give these people free airfare.

Personally, I'm sick of hearing about this case. If it wasn't for the terrorist bombings, we'd still be hearing about it. We've all lived through tragedies, what makes this one so special that it's an above the fold CNN headline?
Why should any airline give a discount to people just because their "boneheaded" daughter went down to Aruba,got falling down drunk,got into a car with three strange men,and then vanished. They don't even know if she is dead or not. She could have ran off and joined the French foreign legion for all we know.
Why should any airline give a discount to people just because their "boneheaded" daughter went down to Aruba,got falling down drunk,got into a car with three strange men,and then vanished. They don't even know if she is dead or not. She could have ran off and joined the French foreign legion for all we know.

:angry: What a truly classless thing to say! Who among us hasn't made a big mistake when we were just out of high school, and vowed to never ever repeat the same mistake again. Miss Holloway may never get that chance!
As for joining the French Foriegn legion, what a crock! Her bags were packed and her passport left behind. She had a full ride to the University of Alabama.
Now she is missing!
You, as a self proclaimed "princess" have no right to look down your boney nose and pass judgement onto others. That right is reserved by GOD!
We can hope and pray that Miss Holloway is still alive, but we also must face the fact that she may not be. She may have had something slipped into her drink and caused her to act, as you so eloquently put it, "falling down drunk". The mere fact that those who saw her last are still unable to get their stories straight, seems to have eluded you
Cudos to USAirways for stepping up and being there for the Holloway family in their time of need.
I also would like to add my thoughts and prayers for the Holloway family, and may this never happen again to anybody.
Atlantic said:
I don't remember US putting out a press statement on what they're doing for this family. Nor has the press said anything. US is handling this with class. In a way, it's too bad it ever came out.

Exactly! Some people are never happy.
ringmaruf said:
Exactly! Some people are never happy.

True happiness will never be found on this planet, it's a state everyone living seeks with a high percentage doing very foolish things trying to obtain it.

It’s sad what happened, it's also sad we have terrorists coming into our boarders 24/7 with one thing in mind, to kill Americans. So I ask, where oh where is the media outcry over that fact, where? Nothing but silence. Instead lets focus on small issues and forget the atomic bomb ticking in our back yard. Let the media makes us cry over something we can’t control while ignoring the things that REALLY matter. People-bots--- a very apt term.
calibrator said:
True happiness will never be found on this planet

You might try finding this person to bring you happiness. It has worked for millions of lost sheep.


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Industry Observer said:
You might try finding this person to bring you happiness. It has worked for millions of lost sheep.

My point exactly and I agree 100%, but if you ask the millions of other, cults, that control the media which in turn control people-bots. . . . . .hence this topic
If the Holloway family gets special treatment, then the scammers will be out in full force,trying to get free or reduced fare tickets also. Like other posters have said. What is so special about this case? People come up missing all the time. There are right now Two or Three other American's that have disappeared from Aruba also. I have not heard of any special discounts for their families.

As far as me calling Natalee a "bonehead", I stand by my statement. She and her friends(if you can call them that) went to Aruba(legal drinking age is 16) to get drunk and party. Natalee failed to take any safety precautions and look what happened. I'm also willing to bet that the people they have or had in custody had nothing to do with her disappearance.

Like they say in Motocross: "Sometimes you have to pay to play!"

Ok,you can call me all the names you want.
Okay, let's say that Natalee did a bonehead thing. And let's say she should have paid the price for that bonehead thing. But if the price to pay for just being 18 is death, then there is something wrong with our world. We have all done stupid things in our lives and we have probably paid some prices. But to put a penalty, "Death" on being young and stupid is beyond the realm of what I can comprehend.
When I hear you play, you pay, I think a ticket, an arrest, a massive hangover. But the Holloway family will never hear her laughter again, they will not get to cry at her wedding, nor will they see her first child being born. And this Princess is the price they all have to pay. I just can't be so hard hearted and callous. I feel for that family and I feel for Natalee's friends that will spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves or wondering what if......
I applaud US for taking care of this family, I hope they do it again in the future for others that suffer. And I hope you never need their help in something like this.
I'm just tired of people making this girl out to be a saint,like she was sooo innocent. Yeah,right! She just went into Carlo's and Charlie's to drink a Dr.Pepper,Yeah right! I'm tired of people who worship that booze bottle and the booze companies like it is a healthy activity. I'm tired of people failing to take personal responsibility for their actions or lack of action.

Nobody deserves to get robbed,kidnapped,raped or murdered, but YOU are also responsible to try and prevent YOURSELF from getting into situations where you might get robbed,kidnapped,raped,or murdered!
It is absolutely AMAZING how people can think. Though it seems that everyday a different person is missing this just so happened to make the news because of the parties involved, IMHO. It makes it no less of a horrible thing for her family to deal with. I can't wait to hear the answers to your questions from her as well. Like she deserved it.......UNBELIEVABLE. She just might have been in what she felt was a safe situation and realized after it was to late that she wasnt.
Did Ms Holloway make a fatal mistake? possibly so but she was doing what most eighteen year olds do and thats live care free not seeing the dangers up ahead. I know looking back at my youth not only were mistakes made, but Im fortunate enough to still be alive! there is another tragedy taking place in Aruba this very moment and Im not so sure a cover up is'nt transpiring, this van der sloot fella, whos dad is a judge happens to be very good buddies with the local police chief, the Holloway family has great concern this Investigation was botched from the very beginning...truth is we may never know what happend to Natalee Holloway. One thing is certain, Justice will prevail GOD will see to it!.........................Kudos to USAIR :up:
PineyBob, I did answer your questions. I just answered in one or two sentences instead of a novel. If you want the facts of the Aruban investigation, all you have to do is read the paper. Here are some facts as of today about the investigation:

1. They have found no evidence that a crime has even been committed.

2. They have no evidence that the people who have or are being held had anything to do with Natalee's dissapearance.

3. Natalee's supposed H.S. friends have been caught changing their stories as to what they saw and when they saw it.

4. Other witnesses have described Natalee drinking and being intoxicated at Carlo's and Charlie's and leaving willingly with the "supposed" suspects.

I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion about this story. That's just TOO BAD,SOO SAD! I guess because some people like me who had common sense back in High School not to get into troublesome situations,should realize that there are people out there who didn't or don't have common sense in H.S. or as an adult for that matter.

I am not blaming the victim as you call it. I am just saying you should not set yourself up to become a victim. What part of that do you not understand?
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