Help For Distraught Family

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

I don't mean to dimmish that woman's disappearance in slightest; it is tragic and the source of unimaginable anguish for her family. It does show, however, US newsmedia (the cable news outlets, in particular) facination with "missing white women".

Be it Natalie Holloway, Lacee Peterson, the "runaway bride", or several others, they are examples of what should be local news story in Birmingham, Modesto, or wherever that runaway bride hails from, making the the national news. And a leading national story, at that; not just on after the third commericial break or below the fold. It is terrible that people "disappear" or are murdered. But when was the last time Fox News, CNN, or USA today did wall to wall coverage of a missing black woman? Or a white man?

Top stories should be those that truly have national or international impact.

I am glad that US Airways is able to help the family. But IMHO, this terrible event should not have gotten the newspaper inches or airtime that it has

Perhaps this thread should be moved to the "Just Coversation" forum.
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

You are a sick twisted individual who really needs to evaluate the kind of values under which you live your life. HOW DARE YOU characterize the situation like that. I seriously hope and pray that you never find yourself in that situation with your child. Shame on you. And btw, US did the right thing. Get a life

I don't agree with your thought process.

I believe these types of violent crimes have a huge impact on our nation and society. The more attention given to these types of violent crimes, the more conscious awareness the American public has. This is what makes way and movement to change laws, make stiffer penalities swiftly for the offenders so they get life or the dealth penalty no chance of any payrole, and rid our society of these verments.
Dont call me Shirley said:
But IMHO, this terrible event should not have gotten the newspaper inches or airtime that it has


I disagree. The Dutch government sat by and allowed the entire investigation to be botched. It is the way the entire matter was handled that is outrageous.

Are you sure Princess K doesn't write the YOUR FAULT column in the Attache? :lol: And, while I am on that topic, I see she is back to blaming customers for problems encountered--I look forward to reading it every month for a good laugh.
pitguy74 said:
Your mother should have swallowed you
LMAO. That's rich. :up: :lol:

I do agree however that this missing person has received way more media attention than is due. I think one thing is for damn sure. She's not in the United States where most of the media is being broadcast. Maybe the media moguls should broadcast more in Aruba than here.

I think we all are a little less sensitive now to things like this since it's almost a daily thing. Most turn out tragic. Some, like the runaway bride was a hoot. I hope the girl is found alive and well. Congradulations to US for helping out.

One thing I find irontic. My understanding is US no longer offers bereavement fares for family deaths/emergencies but they offer assistence in this case. IMO there is a PR motive.
speedbird86 said:
One thing I find irontic. My understanding is US no longer offers bereavement fares for family deaths/emergencies but they offer assistence in this case. IMO there is a PR motive.

Unless something has changed on my two days off, US does offer bereavement/Medical fares in many markets, just not all. Many of the markets have cheaper regular fares (GoFares) than the price of the special fares.