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My Real Concern...

cavalier said:
.. It comes down to how bad the employees want this baby to continue, that simple. This is exactly why I have been saying U is finished because it sure as hell seems the employees no longer care enough to bleed themselves for what they feel is a hopeless cause. ...

Cav, I used to think that and I used to hear that from the most stringent die hard "I'll-never-take-another-paycut-again people." However, lately, these die hard mechanics, agents, flight attendants and pilots are scared. The recent financial analysis was a sort of b*tch slap awakening. Basically, this is the end of the line and everyone knows it. I just think in my heart of hearts that while a lot of people spout off they are truly starting to grasp the fact of no job, no paychecks and a lot of bills with no money coming in.
Kinda bothers me that on a post about high oil prices, and the effect it is having upon our affairs...,

That the same old tired complaints, misgivings, and disillusionment pop up all over again. If that is what makes some feel empowered over this fustrating situation, well... you all realize that I am not Dr. Phil. 🙄 Right..?

But if such discussion gives needed perspective to my opinions, then so be it...

One more time...


I do not have to call my union reps, ALPA paid hard cash to obtain an accurate assesment of the companies' financial situation. Even the "hardliners" are taking this a lot more serious after the recent report.

BTW, MY union reps are your union reps Jim. I am represented by, pay dues and assesments to, and am a voting member in good standing of the AAA ALPA just like you...

You seemed a little confused on that, and a few other issues I raised, like...

Why then so much pleading with others who've merely done the same, whatever their bottom line is.

Because, my bottom line is based upon just what I need to pay the bills, feed the family, and still do the job I love. Below that pay scale I cannot, NOT because I do not want to, but because I am not the single 20-ish kid that I once was. That "Rico" started flying as a flight instructor for 400 bucks a month.

This Rico has a baby girl, wife, and house to pay for. I cannot justify working for less than 35K, only because I love the job. But, if I cannot make 35K at US, then I will go elsewhere to move onto some other kind of employment that can. I will leave the job behind to those who can and want to remain.

35K is that magic amount where I can find another job, flying or otherwise. Thus I do not HAVE to work for less than 35K, so I will not.

Just like people on here should too. If US Airways can no longer pay you what you need, then move onto some other kind of employment that can. No need to whine about it, just take care of your own needs.

And, if that is the case, would it not be smarter to do so while currently employed, with health benifits, and the ability to travel. "Full pay 'til the last day" sounds neat, but how neat is it to have full pay for a very short time, compared to some pay every day until you can actually move on...?

Even if all of this is "just business" to you, that's great. It still makes better business sense to salvage what you can, rather than limit your options. One extra thing though, the people that would like to stay and make this place better in the long run will appreciate having the chance rather than a pink slip.

in effect you're asking others to help you keep your job.

No duh. 🙄

But in case you have not noticed, I am not the only one employed at US Airways. I am asking everyone to help themselves to keep their jobs as well.

Not exactly sure what is so wrong with that Jim...

In another thread (or maybe the same one) you talked about how U employees need to be "more productive". This is one of my personal favorites - and I'm not picking on just you but any of those who have said the same thing.

I DID say that we DO have to become more productive. I still do. What exactly was your point...? I AGREE that is is up to management to give us the tools and policies that will help us get our job done better. Nothing makes me more upset than waste.

As for employees, I was not directing my ire at the many hard working people at US Airways, it was at the ones that are not so hard working that I would like to see greater effort from...

Also not exactly sure what is so wrong with that Jim...

I am esp. not sure what all this has to do with the my opinion that with 46$ a Oil barrel, that BK liquidation is more probable than BK reorganization...

That IMO we better do what we need to do to stay OUT of BK, because IMO (and many experts) that we have this one last chance to give now to get to survive later.

I am not an idealist, I am a realist. I just happen to like what I do, and want to continue to do it. I have faith in the turnaround plan, CAL did it, and so can we. But if we go under, we will never know if it would have worked out, will we...?

Decide to pay and stay, or cut your losses and go. No middle ground left anymore.
Well if You can't make a go of it for less than $35k, what would make you think that anyone else can either? With the proposal the comany has made to the CWA, they would All be in the 24k area. When and IF the IAM-FSA sit down at the table, I'm sure the offer will be the same dollar amount. At this point there has been no mention of what is in store for the Mainline Express group. Given that $13 is already a reality, one can only hope they are not taken any lower. It all boils down to the fact that a Pilot's job is still worth saving for them ,but for the rest it may not be. There are places out there that will start at or above what top rate is proposed to be here. The Company has done nothing with the last 2 rounds of concessions, and there is no reason to think this time will be any different. The have never had any plans, other than slicing wages and benefits
Decide to pay and stay, or cut your losses and go. No middle ground left anymore.
you've forgotten option 3 - ride this puppy in till the gear comes off , then leave.
and it will be a hard landing.... 😉
If I were you, a young man with lots of potential to do just about anything, I'd be getting OUT of this business as quickly as I could. The days if the "respected aviation professional" are over. Pilots are little more than high speed greyhound bus drivers anymore. Ask your family what they think about you never being home for major holidays, only occasionally on birthdays, and rarely on weekends when the kids are home. This career sucks, even at the higher wages, as far as family is concerned. Now they want you to do it while the wife shops with food stamps. I'm looking, you should be too. I hope someone will hire an "oldybutgoody".
I don't write much here anymore as I am an Ex Employee of U. However I count myself lucky every day I open the paper and read yet another dire prediction about U's future. I found a job, a good one with a pension (State) and reasonable benefits. You can find a new job too! But trying to find a job from the unemployment line is horrible at best and a true depressing nightmare at it's worst.

My adivce, for what it worth is simple. Make a deal and look for a new job with a paycheck in hand. I don't mean looking in the paper either, I mean get off your butt and look! Make contact's. All of you are in and out of airports almost every day. Thats the first place to look - your airports web site for a job. Smooze, network, or anything else you can think of but do it! and do it now! Anyone who dosen't look and look hard is either lazy or an idiot - IF you want employment elsewhere with a future.

If your choice is to stick it out with U, great! Make it work and work fast. If your going to look, don't kill it off for those who do want to stay. Any % of pay is better than ZERO - When your looking for a new job!!

My motto is and always has been THINK AHEAD! NOT BEHIND!

Thanks for the space to rant.

Good luck to you all!

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