Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

That is lazy, delusional, and the cowards way out.
.... whose very being is defined by xenophobic, egocentric fear and hate and informed only by what they choose to see from the emotional safety of thier self-imposed exile from reality.

Enjoy your foxmoment, your fears, your hate, and the comraderie of your fellow extremists. I suppose that you must need them.

And YOU claim not to be delusional? Best joke posted thus far. I've always been curious as to where complete fools like yourself pull your perverted little fantasies from. "...and the cowards way out.".."Enjoy your foxmoment, your fears.."...? . The typical useage of "coward" and/or "fear(s)" is the norm within the precious little liberal community it seems. Hmmm..might that perhaps be indicative of just a wee bit of personal projection? One necessarily wonders. Oh well. Kiss my arse, you pathetic little punk. Desert Storm saw us achieve arguably the most one-sided tactical triumph in modern history against the then 4th largest military in the world. I don't recall seeing any pompous little liberal democrats anywhere around, but perhaps you/they were just well hidden...? ;) Since after the times of Saladin; muslim forces on any field generally fail to produce much in the way of long-term, overwhelming fear, save perhaps within their own ranks.

Whenever disgusting little pimples, so poorly equipped to even attempt thinking, start spouting off mindlessly generalized and wholly delusional nonsense as you've done...well...Your types are always good for a laugh, if good for nothing much else. :) Seriously: What sort of perverse bigotry of the "mind" and spirit allows you to even presume as you do towards others? I don't even watch Fox, nor any other particular station for what laughably passes for "news" anymore. "xenophobic"..? From what bizzare little crypt, within what you must strangely imagine to be a "mind", did that BS get pulled from? I taught Saudi officers in much earlier life, and found most of them to be agreeable people that I saw no personal problems with whatsoever. I bear no malice towards the Iraqi military men, who in '91, were just doing their duty as our enemy, as we were as theirs. On the other hand, hopeless village idiots like yourself would have us fantasize that nowadays, no serious enemies or threats routinely spring forth from the muslim culture, which is provably false and completely insane to even assume.

You merely babble along in the predictably pretentious language of nonsensical stereotypes, which demonstrates a mental illness typical of many of the politically "correct" persuasion. Considering that obvious observation....well..."the emotional safety of thier self-imposed exile from reality." is perhaps your finest joke here. You would do well to step outside your own little, insular bubble and take a good look around once in awhile. Just a suggestion. :)
And YOU claim not to be delusional? Best joke posted thus far. I've always been curious as to where complete fools like yourself pull your perverted little fantasies from. "...and the cowards way out.".."Enjoy your foxmoment, your fears.."...? Kiss my arse, you pathetic little punk. Desert Storm saw us achieve arguably the most one-sided tactical triumph in modern history against the then 4th largest military in the world. I don't recall seeing any pompous little liberal democrats anywhere around, but perhaps you/they were just well hidden...? ;) Since after the times of Saladin; muslim forces on any field generally fail to produce much in way of overwhelming fear, save perhaps within their own ranks.

Whenever disgusting little pimples, so poorly equipped to even attempt thinking, start spouting off mindlessly generalized and wholly delusional nonsense as you've done...well...Your types are always good for a laugh, if good for nothing much else. :) Seriously: What sort of perverse bigotry of the "mind" and spirit allows you to even presume as you do towards others? I don't even watch Fox, nor any other particular station for what laughably passes for "news" anymore. "xenophobic"..? From what bizzare little crypt, within what you must strangely imagine to be a "mind", did that BS get pulled from? I taught Saudi officers in much earlier life, and found most of them to be agreeable people that I saw no personal problems with whatsoever. I bear no malice towards the Iraqi military men, who in '91, were just doing their duty as our enemy, as we were theirs. On the other hand, hopeless village idiots like yourself would have us fantasize that nowadays, no serious enemies or threats routinely spring forth from the muslim culture, which is provably false and completely insane to even assume.

You merely babble along in the language of stereotypes, which demonstrates a mental illness typical of many of the politically "correct" persuasion. Considering that obvious observation....well..."the emotional safety of thier self-imposed exile from reality." is perhaps your finest joke here. You would do well to step outside your own little, insular bubble and take a good look around once in awhile. Just a suggestion. :)
Straw men all over the place... [/sup]
[sup]Yet another lie... (bold above...) as I never said that, and repeatedly said otherwise. BTW, since you brought it up, "Our" invasion of Iraq was not only unnecessary, and an act directly in conflict with every single good thing the U.S. is supposed to stand for, every thing the founders had to say about foreign affairs, and any logical intent of the US Constitution, but also, after the initial 4 blitzkreig an absolute disaster. American soldiers dying and being maimed by roadside bombs because Humvees were cheaper than hardened vehicles??? Disgraceful. By what rational measure is the invasion of a country that posed absolutely no threat to the U.S. in order to spread our ideology and "effect regime change", killing thousands of innocent civilians and disrupting an entire culture in the process, in any way any different in principle than what the average religious fanatic or ideologically driven terrorist does, or rather hopes to do? It was obviously much very different in scale and impact. I guess the neocon bunch did manage to rid themselves of the nuisance and embarrassment of having an evil dictator that they themselves had supported and armed remain a player on the world scene, refusing to obey his former handlers. I guess all those people, and our own "other people's kids" died for something, huh? BTW, Stow the "I served and so I am better/know better/see things correctly and you don't" crap, So did I. The tough guy talk isn't real impressive either, the first Chief I met would have laughed out loud at your weak attempt at verbal machismo. FWIW, I'm not even a liberal. More just disgusted at what the present day excuse for conservatism has become, since it was hijacked by radicals and the "religious" right. Somehow I can still not make paragraphs, so ... To the guy that is disappointed that no one has posted video of muslim anti terror/violence rallies... do your own research--or remain blind. Your choice.[/sup]
[sup]Straw men all over the place... [/sup]
[sup]Yet another lie... (bold above...) as I never said that, and repeatedly said otherwise. BTW, since you brought it up, "Our" invasion of Iraq was not only unnecessary, and an act directly in conflict with every single good thing the U.S. is supposed to stand for, every thing the founders had to say about foreign affairs, and any logical intent of the US Constitution, but also, after the initial 4 blitzkreig an absolute disaster. American soldiers dying and being maimed by roadside bombs because Humvees were cheaper than hardened vehicles??? Disgraceful. By what rational measure is the invasion of a country that posed absolutely no threat to the U.S. in order to spread our ideology and "effect regime change", killing thousands of innocent civilians and disrupting an entire culture in the process, in any way any different in principle than what the average religious fanatic or ideologically driven terrorist does, or rather hopes to do? It was obviously much very different in scale and impact. I guess the neocon bunch did manage to rid themselves of the nuisance and embarrassment of having an evil dictator that they themselves had supported and armed remain a player on the world scene, refusing to obey his former handlers. I guess all those people, and our own "other people's kids" died for something, huh? BTW, Stow the "I served and so I am better/know better/see things correctly and you don't" crap, So did I. The tough guy talk isn't real impressive either, the first Chief I met would have laughed out loud at your weak attempt at verbal machismo. FWIW, I'm not even a liberal. More just disgusted at what the present day excuse for conservatism has become, since it was hijacked by radicals and the "religious" right. Somehow I can still not make paragraphs, so ... To the guy that is disappointed that no one has posted video of muslim anti terror/violence rallies... do your own research--or remain blind. Your choice.[/sup]

ALL of your replys have been..'Dead-on-correct' .
You made it emphatically CLEAR that you acknowlege muslim terrorists.

What so F'n Hard for some people on here to understand what you said, is Beyond me.
I liked the question you posed...back about 2-3 pages ago, when you asked...."What do we call it when THEY do it,".....followed by.".What do we call it when WE do it " ?
Whatever the answer is,...the REAL answer should be..HYPOCRACY.. But we should Never be surprised by that, because since 1492, with the first order of BULL SHIIT (doctrine of DISCOVERY), followed later with the NEXT christian load of DUNG called MANIFEST DESTINY, these ASS HOLES have been 'running-thier-game-here' for a long..long time.
(Just ask the American Indians)
Stay strong my friend. Do NOT let these RIGHT WING douche bags get to you !

OK, time to log off.
Time to continue with my book..." CUSTERS FALL"..The Native American side of the Story.


'Dog.......U Rock ! : )
[sup]American soldiers dying and being maimed by roadside bombs because Humvees were cheaper than hardened vehicles??? Disgraceful.[/sup]

[sup]To the guy that is disappointed that no one has posted video of muslim anti terror/violence rallies... do your own research--or remain blind. Your choice.[/sup]

1) That first; we have full agreement on.

2) "remain blind"..? Nice try. The truth is you can't find videos showing any mass rallies of muslims against their terrorists simply because they don't exist....Period.

Per your mighty BS of: "The tough guy talk isn't real impressive either.." Consider what spews from your mouth assigning supposed cowardice and/or fear for people you don't know..."tough guy". ;)
.....MANIFEST DESTINY, these ASS HOLES have been 'running-thier-game-here' for a long..long time.
(Just ask the American Indians)

Time to continue with my book..." CUSTERS FALL"..The Native American side of the Story.

1) Ah yes....and you would fantasize that the noble natives were all magical and spiritually pure beings, without warfare, rapine and plundering other tribes being among their top hobbies? Thanks for the laughs. :)

2) You do that. One really bad day for Custer and the 7th....and how'd that work out long-term for the home team natives? Natives being just a term for people who'd migrated to the land previously. Oh well...nothing serves better than contemporary casinos to demonstrate the moral perfection of any peoples I suppose, native/anglo/whatever...although my all time cynical favorite is "traditional" whale hunting with .50 cal weapons. Hmm...You may have a point here. Perhaps the continent should have been left pretty much stuck in the stone age...? ;) http://www.cbsnews.c...2-3244933.html

The human condition is universal in nature, and not subject to any special exemptions from ethnicity or place of birth...nor any "Free Passes" from differing religious structures.
1) Ah yes....and you would fantasize that the noble natives were all magical and spiritually pure beings, without warfare, rapine and plundering other tribes being among their top hobbies? Thanks for the laughs. :)

2) You do that. One really bad day for Custer and the 7th....and how'd that work out long-term for the "home team" natives? Natives being just a term for people who'd migrated to the land previously. Oh well...nothing serves like contemporary casinos to demonstrate the moral perfection of any peoples, I suppose. ;)

I'll bet he thinks bears were here after Indians. Natives were first!

I heard some rumors their was a land/ice bridge connected N America to Asia. I also heard some rumors Vikings were here prior to 1492. I don't remember seeing a Siberian bridge to Alaska. I've seen Vikings. They live in a dome in Minnesota.

Either way, I was born in the US over 50 years ago and consider myself as a native of America.
I've seen Vikings. They live in a dome in Minnesota.

Either way, I was born in the US over 50 years ago and consider myself as a native of America.

1) Well...we can't really blame 'em for the dome. Consider the frigid lands of Viking origin...not to mention Minnesota! :)

2) So I've believed as well....but heck; what do we know? ;)

A quick, thumbnail summary of the last few pages for the most seriously impaired that we've been addressing = Nice try. The truth is you can't find videos showing any mass rallies of muslims against their terrorists simply because they don't exist....Period.

Nonsense remains nonsense, regardless of how much it's ever seasoned with hefty doses of politically "correct"...ummm..."sauce".
1) Well...we can't really blame 'em for the dome. Consider the frigid lands of Viking origin...not to mention Minnesota! :)2) So I've believed as well....but heck; what do we know? ;)A quick, thumbnail summary of the last few pages = Nice try. The truth is you can't find videos showing any mass rallies of muslims against their terrorists simply because they don't exist....Period.Nonsense remains nonsense, regardless of how much it's ever seasoned with hefty doses of politically "correct"...ummm..."sauce".
The Vikings lost their advantage when they retreated into the dome. Just look at their record since Bud Grant was their coach. Now Green Bay has the advantage of "icing" opponents.

I don't understand why links don't work for some people. Maybe it's time to dump the Apple II. :lol:

There is newer technology ;)

And hate remains hate, regardless of religion or skin color.

Again?..Sigh!....From what perverted mental recesses of the "mind" do you continually draw such BS from? I don't hate even the terrorists, who's often lifetime programming and ridiculous levels of gloriously "religious" brainwashing have caused them to be what they are. I've the fullest and I think proper contempt for any supposed "culture" that'd foster and feed such insanity though. Who knows how any of us would have turned out if born into the same circumstances? Having said that; only a complete fool fails to recognize real enemies....Period. One needn't hate one's enemies, but any sane people must properly accept and deal with their existence. Pretending they don't exist, or that such represent just a tiny and insignificant minority of their spawning "culture" is absurd nonsense raised to it's highest possible level. Untold millions spent, and intense and directed indoctrination/"education" are needed to spawn the Mohammed Atta's of this world...and such is made available and infectiously injected into young minds by who?

Umm...still eagerly awaiting all/ANY impressive videos of the massive demonstrations within Islam against their own terrorists, that "happen all the time".....Anyone?....Anywhere? ;) Perhaps someone could at least show us even one of thousands joyously dancing in the streets celebrating osama's death, as happened with the mass murders of 9-11...? Anyone? Certainly the religion of "peace" must host many millions vehemently opposed to terrorism....Right? Were they all just too busy to demonstrate their righteous antagonism towards their main terrorist?
Muslims are about 1.6% of the U.S. population... even at 5 children per mother... this is going to be one slooooow invasion. Militant Islam is some number smaller than that. Be afraid, be very afraid. this 1.6% is about to displace/convert/outnumber/kill the 77% who consider themselves Christian. OMG!!!! Seriously??? Some invasion... BTW, this country was founded on the idea that all should be free to worship as they choose--or not at all--by the mostly non-Christian founders, in consideration of the natural rights and the roughly 17% of the colonial population who were church members. Plenty to be worried about. this muslim "invasion" ain't it. What it is, is nothing but old-fashioned religion/race/appearance based fear and hate. Period.
He-he. You leave out current immigration. There are tens of thousands of muslim refugees arriving daily in the US. It is actually the Christians such as Catholic Charities that are bringing them in. Leave your shell and go to Detroit or Dearborne Michigan. Then talk to me with your mouth not out your @$$ :p