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MSM-Obamascare a Disaster

So, you will be buying your own insurance in your retirement years. Good, i wouldnt want any of you good "tea party patriots" to be relying on government run health care.

Already suckling from the government teat, Pal....
The PBGC is open for business.
Since 2006
Guess the saying "We have to pass it, so we can find out what's in it" is carrying over to the website !

"A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. Healthcare.gov forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away!"


In other words, BaRack wants detailed info on people, so when the prices scare then away, he'll have a means of tracking them down and sicking his IRS dogs on them !
Since 2006

Were talking healthcare dude, not retirement.

So, do you get medicare? Government run healthcare?

Or do you "pull up your bootstraps" like a real conservative man, and pony up the cash you got a job and worked for?

Which is it?.... Like you keep asking others, "answer the question"
Were talking healthcare dude, not retirement.

So, do you get medicare? Government run healthcare?

Or do you "pull up your bootstraps" like a real conservative man, and pony up the cash you got a job and worked for?

Which is it?.... Like you keep asking others, "answer the question"

You brought up the entitlement issue not I.

Ahh, so your pro entitlement.

Im confused?

Oh, i get it... When it "your" entitlement, its all good....

I see you know nothing of PBGC.
Were talking healthcare dude, not retirement.

So, do you get medicare? Government run healthcare?

Or do you "pull up your bootstraps" like a real conservative man, and pony up the cash you got a job and worked for?

Which is it?.... Like you keep asking others, "answer the question"

I want the $CASH$ back, that I've been paying to Big Brother, for the last 30+ years...........gotta problem with that?

Especially after watching EBT card owners raid the shelves bare, with their "No limit" cards, this past weekend.............wonder if we'll see any of it back?

Black Friday comes early as computer glitches cause welfare benefits frenzy!

I want the $CASH$ back, that I've been paying to Big Brother, for the last 30+ years...........gotta problem with that?

Especially after watching EBT card owners raid the shelves bare, with their "No limit" cards, this past weekend.............wonder if we'll see any of it back?

Black Friday comes early as computer glitches cause welfare benefits frenzy!


That's probably illegal.......wonder if the states will go after the ones who took advantage?
You got yours, who cares about anybody else.

The government should buy private insurance for people who can't afford it including preexisting conditions.

You don't have to destroy the entire system to do that.

We could pay for it with the money saved by pulling our military out of Germany, Japan, Afganistan, etc.

The ACA is about control, not health care.
Obama robbed Medicare to pay for your HC......duh.

You can not sign up for Medicare either, unless you don't file for SSI.....where you get your facts?

So, then how do all my parents friends live off their SS checks, and have Medicare for their insurance?

I dont think you know anything about what your saying...

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