Sitting there and listening are two different things.
Akins did not say that. He said that the merger happened after and they both emerged from BK before they merged. Look it up Bob.
The point is that all the unions agreed to concessions with US Air that AA wanted in the past. Both the APA and APFA admitted that in court. If you were actually listening you would have heard Roghair and Mollen for the APA say that as well as Akins.
It doesn't matter if you don't agree to it Bob. The Union leadership at all three already agreed to it in the US Air term sheets. You are a real piece of work.
Why did the TWU use FEAR to attempt to save 900 jobs in Tulsa using massive concessions, but then signed a term sheet US Air that only protects 4500 AMT's in Tulsa for 24 months?
Why hasn't the powerful AFL-CIO using millions of dollars from our paychecks in the Politcal Arena, gotten the Bankruptcy Laws changed after you can demonstrate 33 cases of Unions taking it in the shorts when you are spreading fear?
Why are you appointed and not Elected by the Membership?
Why did the membership vote on something that is so divisive when the negotiators did not agree to it?
Why is that when other Unions lost pay, benefits, and work scope it was those Union's fault, but now that it happens to the TWU, there is no talk about how bad this Union least from the leaders and propaganda. Plenty of TWU members are talking now.
How does concessions for jobs still equate to great Union Leadership when it has been tried several times in the past and has done nothing to protect my future? All that is happening is the membership living standard is being decimated.
Why didn't the membership get to vote on the US Air term sheet agreement?
Why is everytime the Local 514 Membership fails to re-elect a representative to Local Union Office the TWU International Appoints them to a position, gives them a raise for life, while the same TWU is raping the employees pay and benefits?