flyin2low said:
AOG, didn't you work for CC Air? They are not operating so you can disclose that.
Yes I did work for CCAir...and it's something I'm damn proud of too.
CCAir was a great little USAir affiliate that had an intersting history. CCAir began as a very simple commuter known as Sunbird Airlines..and later morphed into a somewhat larger feeder for Piedmont.
CCAir took a major downturn after the US/PI merger...and with the addition of a somewhat hardnosed leader named Kenneth Gann , it emerged from Chapter 11 and started showing promise again. We worked real hard at that little airline , with what anyone in the know would call "meager resources" and somewhat un-inspiring leadership below the rank of CEO.
I was fortunate enough to have paid my dues to the aviation Gods with CCAir and another CLT based firm known as Charlotte Aircraft Corp....and I even worked at an FBO before that. I also had time in support of CO shortly after the takeover of Peoples Express. I even had offers to work for Southern Air Transport in MIA , but declined due to having a spouse in nursing school in CLT at the time So yes , I've seen my share of the good and the bad.
I was also fortunate enough to be with CCAir when we controlled the CLT Commuter Operations there...and I was there to see the JS-31's replaced by the Super 31's as well as the Shorts 360-300's go away in favor of additional second hand DHC-8-100's that we obtained from Horizon.
My fortunes continued after I was able to leave CCAir in favor of taking more lucrative employment with a larger eastern US based airline. Thankfully I left CCAir when it was at the peak of its game. Sadly I left behind hundreds who's luck was beginning to run out. I escaped CCAir before Jonathan Ornstein got his fingers dug into them. I even had a hand in getting a few friends out in time too.
CCAir will always be something to look back upon with fond memories...yet a high degree of sadness too , especially as to how it was destroyed by Dave Seigels buddy JO.
I summary...I've paid my dues to be where I'm at..and at the wages my background and knowledge are worthy of. I have no desire to going back to Commuter wages or benefits at this juncture in life...and I will resist doing so...and I'm equally prepared to make a living at my second love in life , which I did well with before. ( The automotive industry)
I was on board with Seigel at first..I was/am eager to see U survive...and if that meant giving some to keep the boat afloat at the time..So be it !! That was my one and only act of blind faith in this regard.
Having seen what those concessions have led too , which would be nothing more than buying time as opposed to taking the ball and running with it. I'm firm against giving more to people whom have no clue..and the integrity to match.