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Now that I've managed to singlehandedly run this thread off track, what were we supposed to be talking about??? Anyone remember???

Fondly to all,

delldude said:
usfliboi said:
PITbull said:
so you are the one....when you've backed yourself into a corner from posting illogical and uninformed information,your response in some type of perverted defense is to rat the other person out?
what comes around goes around,dude.
Delldude ! I have a large gut feeling theres more than just me who are sick of the insults and name calling that a few on here feel they need to spew!!! I do nt need to call names nor insult. If you feel great doing it do it. I follow the rules on this PUBLIC FREE board. If some cant then they dont need to be given the privledge of posting. Plain and simple.
BoeingBoy said:

Now that I've managed to singlehandedly run this thread off track, what were we supposed to be talking about??? Anyone remember???

Fondly to all,

Jim -

I do believe it was about how absolutely wonderful you are to have around. You are a refreshing change, and I do believe you know exactly what I mean.

Right back at you -


Piney -

We always seem to come to an understanding, peacefully, thank goodness!

Ugh -- living in a PC world can be so frustrating. I recall taking my youngest to swim lessons at the Y and noting that they'd changed the Suggestion Box to the "Constructive Input Container". I wanted to grab the nearest little white bag and use it!


Thanks. Maybe we can just do a little punctuation change and instead of the word I used that started this we can call it r.a.p.e. (really assinine perspective espoused).

BoeingBoy said:

Thanks. Maybe we can just do a little punctuation change and instead of the word I used that started this we can call it r.a.p.e. (really assinine perspective espoused).


That's damned diplomatic of you....but I think we all know that you were using that word in it's broadest context...not the narrowest.

BTW....Just saw the local news regarding the meeting in CLT today. They are saying that U is going to try to cut 1/4 of it's 7 Billion dollar operating costs via the employee's.

The only interview granted came from Mr.Wise of the IAM local. He stated that U was in need of leadership that can turn things around without coming to the employee's everytime to finance it. By and large I have to agree completely !!

How's that for getting things back on track??? Happier now Jim? The monkey is now on the IAM's back again...and likely mine too. :shock:
Jim/boeing boy!!! Your are the best. Keep your post coming. You eduacate and enlighten me. 😀
PineyBob said:
Seems we might have the makings of a classic Chicken vs Egg secnario here?

Labor: Won't grant concessions until they see a plan

Management: Can't have a real plan without concessions.

Hopefully everybody get past all of this and creates a plan to crush SWA

My Take:

Dave is letting the employees cool off, soften up, relax, chill some before lowering the hammer again for more cuts. He senses the animosity and it gave him a "short" pause.

If you listen to him, he says on continuous basis that labor is the biggest piece of the solution.
openview said:
...bonuses are a necessary part of any sucessful business to attract and keep the right people.
Sure. But the people running most of these companies are no longer the "right" people. And yet they get paid as if they were.

Look, I have no problem with paying a guy $15M if he takes the helm of USAirways and turns it into a powerhouse in a couple of years. So why not make that be the offer? The typical answer is "because we'd never attract the right person that way." I couldn't disagree more strongly. If it's truly the right person that they're looking for, then there wouldn't be any hesitation to take the job with that kind of offer. After all, if it's a sure thing anyway, why not?

Corporate America has turned into a world where there's a boys' club at the top, where people get paid exorbitantly regardless of the quality of performance, and get paid to leave if they do a miserable job. It's time the shareholders hold the boards of directors accountable for this travesty.
They are saying that U is going to try to cut 1/4 of it's 7 Billion dollar operating costs via the employee's.

Whose "They"?
Company, Union or the local news media?
PineyBob said:
no censorship here Lark, You can say WHATEVER you wish! AND I can get pizzed off about it! Let Dave or the Moderators get on you over it and I'll be on them like white on rice.

I never said you couldn't say it. I just wish you wouldn't! Very Big difference. Like I said earlier. Comparing a job loss to a violent crime just doesn't ring equal to me.

That's your opinion, and you are entitled to it. I get very offended by many things you say about unions, union leaders, flight attendnts and their job duties and function etc..... There are often times you take our Lord's name and use his name to an exaggerate your point to the extreme. I am offended, but I don't come on here and say it, because I KNOW from reading all your posts that your true intent is not to offend, but to make a point.

I will drop this now.
usfliboi said:
delldude said:
usfliboi said:
PITbull said:
so you are the one....when you've backed yourself into a corner from posting illogical and uninformed information,your response in some type of perverted defense is to rat the other person out?
what comes around goes around,dude.
Delldude ! I have a large gut feeling theres more than just me who are sick of the insults and name calling that a few on here feel they need to spew!!! I do nt need to call names nor insult. If you feel great doing it do it. I follow the rules on this PUBLIC FREE board. If some cant then they dont need to be given the privledge of posting. Plain and simple.
dude,or should i say dudette...i like the creative cut and paste...i never mentioned BOB in my reply to you...why do you do yourself the disservice of letting everyone here see you for what you represent?
as i stated before ,many have presented you with the facts and they were quite correct and you were quite wrong....why do you take sadistic pleasure in continuing to provide misinformation...as a matter of fact i believe there is a RULE pertaining to your most enjoyable sport...misinformation and flaming.... hopefully you will seek salvation in the aft galley doing fleet service work in the near future.
you have a great us air day my friend. 😉
I've joined this thread late and I'm sorry someone has made this point already:
If W-2 cuts must come to the station agents...a plea to the CWA and IAM...please protect the mainline express people from these cuts. More than anyone, they have given enough!
Dont call me Shirley said:
I've joined this thread late and I'm sorry someone has made this point already:
If W-2 cuts must come to the station agents...a plea to the CWA and IAM...please protect the mainline express people from these cuts. More than anyone, they have given enough!
i believe robert roach has stated rather eloquintly that IAM has provided the concessions and the suggestions to help this company to regain profitability.however,U has not attempted to gain from any IAM help and have chosen to ignore their labor groups willingness to help...ie:airbus,airbus apu,etc,etc.....
i wouldn't expect any great signatories from IAM at the moment....

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