W/O access to various editions of seniority lists to compare/contrast, I'd say it's almost impossible. I can see them, but it's not a link posted on the front of the company webpage like other groups have.
We used to have that as well. Refer to Airlinelifer's earlier post; he put it much more succinctly than I could've. All movement- lateral or promotion was posted. There's no reason why DL can't set it up to do the same.
I agree transparency is good but DL does not have to make this information available or justify their decisions to anyone.
Dunno if you are directing that at me or Roach, but again, I didn't say that- only that there is a lot less movement than the company would like people to think.
Roach. It is not true and he was spreading lies and misinformation. This was before the campaign so it influenced peoples' decisions in voting. I'm sure there are many other compelling reasons he could come up with that RR is not in employee interests and peddle those but to say they get no raises or opportunities for advancement is untrue. I'm sure if DL was spreading misinformation about the IAM, their leadership and influencing people's votes the union would be all over them...oh wait the union tried when the NMB found DL acted appropriately and upheld the election results.
What people don't understand is management, senior management especially (Senior VPs, CFOs, CEOs, Directors, etc) are all under careful scrutiny by the FTC, SEC, and other government organizations. They have to be very careful of what they say and how they say it since people (especially in the investment community) rely on their words and assessment of situations in decision making. Union leadership on the other hand isn't held accountable.
Like I said it is disingenuous for him to come on and cover himself up as a philanthropist representing the interests of workers and making an appeal to "the middle class". Bob has posted on this matter extensively, the problem is union officials have become out of touch with the needs and interests of workers today probably because they have enjoyed perks and haven't worked the line in many, many years or decades. Bob is right, the attack on workers has been going on for years and the union leaders didn't bat an eye. Once the unions come under attack and their positions are threatened they act.
And what did Labor do about it? Nothing. Buffy didnt take paycuts, neither did Hoffa or any of the other unions leaders that rolled us over. They were all hoping that one of the other airlines would go out of business and they could scoop up a few more dues payers without having to raid, since they wont. I'd been calling for a General Strike by all the airline unions, a political act against how the courts were dealing with and running over the RLA, but instead I was removed from office by our International. The even brought up how I was calling for a General Strike during the Kangaroo Court trial they put on. Now we see where states have upped the ante, they arent just going after wages and benifits of workers anymore, now they are going after their right to organize, well now they(the leaders) have something to lose and all of a sudden its time to fight back. They didnt want us to fight back when they stripped us of everything we pay dues for but now they want us to fight back because their ability to collect those dues are at stake, their asses are on the line, they may have to go back to the floor and work under terms they helped put in place!
Well stay tuned. Labor has failed many times in the past, Patco, the 2002-2005 Airline BK scam, the rape of the UAW, but now the very existance of collective bargaining is being threatened. Sure our leaders have let us down many times in the past but now they have something at stake as well, we may fight each other but we both will fight you because we know for sure where you stand. You may very well see this country's first ever "General Strike" in the not too distant future.
Sure you may say our numbers are low but look at where we are. The Seaports, Airports, Train Stations, Bus Depots, Subway Stations and truck stops. ALL UNIONIZED. Most require specialized skills that are not readily available. Even Deltas Pilots and Dispatchers are union. Despite our low numbers we can stop the economy cold.
In all these industries our rights have been compromised, whether its the RLA, the Taylor Law or any of the other laws we've seen over the years where our rights are restricted, in Wisconson we can see what the next step will be for the rest of us if we dont act.