OK, I've heard this one so many times it's beginning to get ridiculous. Let's look at that number for a moment, shall we? US has 25K union employees. These concessions we're talking about were agreed to about a year ago. So, dividing $1B by 25,000 employees would mean that every union employee gave (on average)$40K back to the company last year. Considering how many complaints I've been reading here, I find it hard to believe that the average union employee was making much more than $40K before the concessions, so something doesn't add up.
Might it be, perchance, that the $1B is amortized over several years? And, if so, might it be, perchance, that the actual dollars in cost reductions associated with concessions to date have amounted to substantially less than $1B?
If so, then perhaps the reason management cannot capitalize on the $1B is because management doesn't have access to the $1B?
Just a thought...