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Bankruptcy's Siren Song

mweiss said:
Who else was running extras? Not CO, NW, or AS. I don't recall on UA at the time.
Actually, USAirways never pioneered staffing levels. We are "copy cats". Specifically the same staffing as UAL using the same a/c seating type.
I am back on reserve, and in the last six months I have already taken a six thousand dollar pay cut , on top of what I have already given in consessions in the past two contracts, which by the way I voted no for. I can not afford to give anymore. I will then be at nineteen thousand a year. If I have to file BK, so can the company. I will not commute and put up with all this job entails. By the way I worked for Value Jet when it first started. I am not goin to back track
PineyBob said:
If I were a union leader it would be my moral and ethical duty to protect the income of as many as possible. If I were I would lead as passionately as you do. I would get the best deal I could and then I'd use the dues revenue for programs to prepare my workers for life after U. I would do everything in my power to ensure my people suffered as little as possible. Even if the concessions only gave me 12 -18 months of time to prepare. I would do whatever I could to ensure a soft landing for the as many as possible. To me that's what a union is.
We are trying to protect the income of as many brothers and sisters as possible I can’t believe you don’t see that. How much do any of you expect us to make 30k a year 25k,20k how low do you want us to go.
This whole thing about giving back is getting ridiculous WE GAVE and we gave big my house is for sale I took my kid out of his school now if you ask to give again I won’t make enough to qualify for a 125k ….home …..

mweiss said:
You mean to tell me that you were still flying with more than the minimum FA complement? Everyone else was already down to minimums by that point, so I can see how that would have contributed to US's higher costs. I didn't realize you were still flying with "extra" FAs in 2001. Wow.
I can't speak for other airlines, but at UA in 2000/2001 we were generally staffed above FAA minimums on most a/c except for the smallest planes in the fleet (B737s / Airbus-- though we often had 4 on the A320 (FAA min 3)). For meal services the staffing was something like this, if memory serves correct:

B757-- FAA min 4, staffing 5 (sometimes 6)
B767-- FAA min 4 or 5 (on the -300), staffing up to 10 on int'l flights
B777-- FAA min 8, staffing up to 14
B747-- FAA min 9, staffing up to 18

The FAA mins of course do not take into account the staffing needed for the on-board meal services the airlines market, but only the evacuation requirements. So they weren't really "extras;" that was the staffing necessary to do the required service. We are still staffed at more than FAA mins on the larger a/c, though not as much as we were.
Bear 96,

Our staffing use to be your staffing. Now, we are at FAA min. on ALL a/c. Our A330 which is used for International is at 8 (FAA min) and the service is the same as if we had 10-13 like before.
Actually staffing on all a/c that has a language speaker is 1 above FAA min. So,
A330 - 9, 767- 6, 320-4, 319-4.
PSA1979 said:
Actually staffing on all a/c that has a language speaker is 1 above FAA min. So,
A330 - 9, 767- 6, 320-4, 319-4.
Domestically, there has not been 4 on the 319/320 for years. The company took the meals off after 9/11 and that was their reason for reducing staffing levels. Now the B.O.B. is on the a/c with 3 choices, but the additional f/a has not been put back on. So we ARE doing more with less. That is called productivity.
U 737 PILOT said:
400 Million from the pilots !!!!! .......... HELLO !!! ...Thats an average of $ 120,000 dollars per year........ per pilot !!!!! First Officers would have to pay the company to work here !!!!
The $400 million figure was put out last week under a different topic. No one knows if that is correct or not. I was just playing with the numbers. But what is correct is the company wanting $800-900 million from labor. Even if you divide it equally between all of the 28,000 of us who are left, the figure per employee is about $28,000. That is a chunk of change. In fact, for me, that is about a 60% cut. I don't care if it is wages, bennies, or work rules or a combo of all. No way will I vote for anything even close to that. This is why I feel the company has a plan that they're not telling us about. Maybe one group will go for this figure. The rest won't.

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