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More Cuts

Onion, your response made my day!... [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']

The quote above doesn't reflect what the actual statement from Carty was (there's a shocker...).

[blockquote]AMR Chief Executive Donald Carty told employees in Chicago on Monday that he would be looking at making changes to their contracts, in addition to other areas where he's made cuts, as the carrier struggles to find a profitable path.

Some of these reporters wouldn't know a Trent from a turboprop. There's a huge difference between pay cut and changes to their contracts...

UAL has taken the approach that wages need to be cut, and left some serious productivity issues untouched. AMR's approach to date has been productivity. Work with fewer people, but don't touch wages.
Do you have the text of his remarks or were you there? The text of the remarks are not posted on jetnet.

The first paragraph of the story cleary says that Carty told the AA employees that pay cuts may be necessary.

The following paragraph says that contractual changes may be necessary.

If Carty did not say the words attributed to him, let Corp Comm issue a denial over jetnet.
AA can save lots of money. First start at the top and kick out the dead weight that don't have a clue what the every day employees job is and fail to know that that same employee has made it possible for him to live in a million plus home. The thanks that employee receives is to be laid off. Do we really need all the F/As on every flight? I for one do not need a overly paid person standing at the door of the plane saying hello and having clothes on that the company paid for. Never have asked or seen another passenger ask where my seat was either. Also don't need someone telling me how to put on as seat belt when we use them every day in a car. Don't them to pass out meals or drinks either since we don't get them anymore. The little bit of coke in a glass filled up with ice don't need that either. Think I will open up a booth between some gates and sell bottled water, soft drinks, and lunchables. I bet I could make some money and AA could save a bunch. But then on the other hand we might need all the F/As to tell us where the emergency exits are when it goes down because the plane took off with a no go item because the mechanics are gone so the stock price can remain high.
On 11/26/2002 3:49:21 PM Workingman wrote:

. Do we really need all the F/As on every flight? I for one do not need a overly paid person standing at the door of the plane saying hello and having clothes on that the company paid for. Never have asked or seen another passenger ask where my seat was either. Also don't need someone telling me how to put on as seat belt when we use them every day in a car. Don't them to pass out meals or drinks either since we don't get them anymore. The little bit of coke in a glass filled up with ice don't need that either. Think I will open up a booth between some gates and sell bottled water, soft drinks, and lunchables. I bet I could make some money and AA could save a bunch. But then on the other hand we might need all the F/As to tell us where the emergency exits are when it goes down because the plane took off with a no go item because the mechanics are gone so the stock price can remain high. [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/16.gif']

Most flights that do not have a meal service are staffed with minimum crew (FAA standards). Overly paid? The initial uniform cost is paid by the flight attendant. I don't understand your remark about it goes down no-go items stock prices. Please don't tell me you are thinking that if a mechanic gets laid off that we are going to sacrifice saftey!
The Trib article only quoted Carty as saying contractual changes. The wage cuts weren/t a direct quote apparently, at least judging by the lack of quotation marks. The wage cuts might have been an inference by the reporter as most people automatically assume contractual changes to mean wage cuts. Of course this could all be cleared up by seeing the transcript from the meeting.
On 11/26/2002 12:33:20 PM Wild Onion wrote:

YOU can WRITE however you WANT, in ALL CAPS --- or with lot's-of "EXTRA" punctuation...!!!, no one CARES...CARTY CHAINSAW (HA HA HA), every problem in the world is W'S fault, ENRON ENRON ENRON, I'm right....W hates everyone...EVIL EVIL ENRON ENRON.

What the hell is the Potato bit about? Are you refering to a 15 year gaffe by Dan Quayle? What does that have to do with anything?

A solid argument is always well written and has a point. Since when is it OK to butcher the english language in an email or a note? Maybe I'm just overvaluing my high school diploma.

I'll read the posts I want to, and I'll respond to the posts I want to. If you don't like it, then either make a better post or be quiet.

Ok you win.I will be quiet
Ps. Any job opening down there in DFW?
TWA was in serious finanicial trouble long before GW became President.TWA would not exist today if not for AMR.I did not see a long line in the bankruptcy court bidding for TWA.Face the truth,Carl Ichan raided and gutted TWA long before AMR bought it.I thought we were suppose to be one big happy family but attacks on AMR will prevent this from happening.Layoffs will affect all areas of AMR.Blaming the woes of the airline business on GW is not an accurate refelection of the facts.SGT JOE Friday:JUST THE FACTS MAMN
On 11/26/2002 10:24:43 AM WingNaPrayer wrote:

On 11/26/2002 9:16:10 AM [STRONG]Boomer[/STRONG] [EM]quoted from the trib[/EM]:

In what may be a harbinger of bad news for employees of American Airlines, the carrier's chairman and chief executive told Chicago-area workers Monday that [STRONG]wage concessions[/STRONG] may be needed.


And there you have it folks, the true cat is finally out of the bag, straight from the horse's ass....er...mouth![/BLOCKQUOTE]


I'm just wondering how much of a wage cut Carty is going to take for himself and the rest of the management group?

It's always great to see that whenever wage concessions is brought up, you never hear about how much our fearless leaders are going to give up from their own salaries. If they want us to take a pay cut, then I'd like to see Carty and management to forego their salary & bonuses for as long as they expects us to deal with wage concessions, but by God, that's sacrilegious to even mention or think something like that!