NeedForSpeed said:
Useless post.......The President Of the United States has NOTHING to do with the price of oil!!!!! Get over your Kerry loss, and your bitterness, and better yet, educate yourself as to how politics/the government work! GOOD DAY!!!!!
The price of a gallon of regular at your local
filling station still comes down to the greedy
SOB's who control the refineries. If they
increased refining capacity and put more
gasoline and kerosene into the market, the
price would come down to the appropriate
levels to stimulate the overall economy.
They just refuse to do it because they like
the profits from an artificially low supply of
refined petroleum in the U.S. End of story.
If I could fully express my disdain for the
fokkers who control our refined petroleum
products in the U.S., most of their CEO's
would be tied to a chair in a very cold room
for many hours with a loaded weapon
pointed at their heads. This would continue
until they came to their senses and did the
right thing by increasing refining and
lowering their prices. Call me crazy, but
I hate it when monopolistic corporations
screw things up the way they have for
the past 3 years.