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Introducing you guys and gals to America West!

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My guess is the AA culture will dominate just on size alone so all of this will soon be a moot point.

I hope your right... but it has gone the opposite way at UAL-CAL. And it's not going well for the United side of the merger. CAL has dominated everything and doesn't want to hear a thing from the United side.
[sup]I think whatever "culture" existed at the former AA, will be eliminated and whatever philosophy and culture existed at US Airways will be adopted. Particularily within management ranks, I've seen many senior executives bring over the people they are comfortable working with. [/sup]
UPNAWAY THAT was f'ing embarrassing! You're telling the AA employees how great AWA was? Good lord what are they smoking in PHX. Sorry AA employees the 'kids' in PHX haven't worked for a real airline before. I can remember...but we're talking decades. Best wishes for all and I sincerely mean that.

America West almost shut down by the FAA and was not allowed to grow or add planes unless the FAA approved.

AWA never had a crash, nor a loss of life. AWA under Franke was bad, but he is gone, and AWA recovered quite well. Water under the bridge.
AWA never had a crash, nor a loss of life. AWA under Franke was bad, but he is gone, and AWA recovered quite well. Water under the bridge.

So what! Welcome to the world of merger where absolutely no one cares what airline you originally came from. The sooner everyone gets over themselves the sooner the new company can succeed. You just have to roll your eyes sometimes. We're all collecting from the same airline tit now.

Don't base your opinion on the postings of a select few. As posted above, many of these kids that are posting here haven't been in the industry for more than a few years.
Nope. Lake Central went Allegheny's way in 1968. Though both NC and LC and AL had Convair 580s. There was I believe talk at one point though between NC and LC. They did overlap some territory as well.
I think I flew Lake Central from IND to South Bend for my Notre Dame interview in 1967. An F27, IIRC.

My guess is the AA culture will dominate just on size alone so all of this will soon be a moot point.

This would be my guess. Big mix on this board between "the way WE are used to doing it" and culture. As for process and technical solutions, the most efficient and scalable will survive, period. There will be a no looking back policy.

As for culture, you better believe it will change. I'm not so sure it will become the AWA either, probably more of a hybrid led by Parkers personality (CEO always sets the culture of the corporation) the AWA just do it coupled with the AA premier philosophy if it comes to passenger services, IFE, meals, on time dependability, etc. That USA operations czar will change attitudes about cleanliness, onetime and customer satisfaction.

Thought I heard today is once the merger is complete operating on a single certificate in two years---that is incredibly fast. I think it will be rough going in the GO in the early rounds, and some visible examples of what happens lead, follow or get out of the way. So I'm not so sure that those example cases won't just be AA mgt, but all three (AA/AWA/USA_East). Parker is too smart to allow a situation where AWA is running everything. He's start loosing the support of too many of the team he needs to make this happen. I do believe that no more than three directs will probably come from AA though, and maybe one from the outside.

Time will tell....
America West is just a memory in some peoples minds! You can't live in the past you really need to move forward...Doug did! I'm former PSA and it's nice to reminisce with other former PSA people, but we know reality is that we are USairways! Now we will soon complete another merger and will becaome AA. The only way this will work is to keep moving forward and not resists the inevitable.
Well said.move forward and become one group.AA has a long history of "divide and conquor" tactics.I'd like to see us resist that temptation.I look forward to working with you guys and gals East and West!
The most successful?
Let's not forget bankruptcy now.

Good point. But isn't it ironic in a way. The one thing that could have saved AA would have been to file bankruptcy back when "everybody else was doing it". So bankrutcy has become "good business" apparently. Because the airline that got AA went thru bankruptcy twice...and the airline got the airline that got AA went thru bankruptcy themselves. I mean...a glowing history, sure. But am I the only one that's just a little bit repulssed by that?
I think most of you missed my point, I assumed the vast majority od AA employees had little to no knowledge of America West and just thought I'd show them the culture and where most "West" employees and their management came from.
At this point in time, do you really think that anyone from the AA side cares? Do you realize just how many airlines have been merged into what we have today?
This isn't the time to focus on where any of us came from, it's time to focus on where we are going.
Good point. But isn't it ironic in a way. The one thing that could have saved AA would have been to file bankruptcy back when "everybody else was doing it". So bankrutcy has become "good business" apparently. Because the airline that got AA went thru bankruptcy twice...and the airline got the airline that got AA went thru bankruptcy themselves. I mean...a glowing history, sure. But am I the only one that's just a little bit repulssed by that?
Hey flyer! Obama wants your guns! Are you goimg to give them to him? ------- Not trying to be a smart ass here, just curious!
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