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Wholly Owneds To Be Sold?

2ndtier said:

you sound like a bitter person, The type who paid for his or her job. let me guess you went from zero time to rj in 3 months. you know exactly why every other airline out there is bitter with mesa. I will slow down for you that means all airlines not just piedmont or allegeny. Mesa undercuts jobs, hell I read in a previous post that the FA's at piedmont made more than some of the Fo's at mesa. You can laugh all you want but just remember that pdt and alg pilots didnt apply to work for mesa.

You knew the rules of the game befoe you took the job!!

just my 2 cents take it or leave it.
Nope. No PFT. Perfectly happy when I was hired to fly my 1900 around Pa. Felt the love in the pit/clt/phl crewroom, like the other contract carriers we were STEALING your jobs (never mind that you got them from mainline at one time, but that's another thread), the rude comments, the stares, but hey, we'll be sure and welcome you in the family when and if the time comes.
BTW, I voted yes on the contract to stop a non-union shop, I never went to Freedom, and I got every CCAir pilot who deserved a job one back.
You three bozo's cut each other off at the knees, after your precious RJ. Tell me, who's the snob?
ps. I never wanted to be a flight attendant

The wholly owned regional airlines perform(ed) US Airways Express service for its parent company US Airways. US Airways flying= operated by US Airways employees. Doesnt sound like stealing to me.

Your company, and others, undercut other airlines by having lower costs than the equiptment should really have. This is achieved through labor agreeing to these poor conditions in a blind, selfish stab at quick growth to achieve a status they are quickly helping to eliminate. US Airways already has three airlines to do the regional flying. You got it because you compromised yourself to snag other peoples work. That = stealing.

Thats the general take on it anyway.
Light Years,

Good post. Turtle trying to justify helping to weaken the industry with his last post is laughable at best.


In all honesty, I'll spare you the speech of what I think of Mesa and its pilots because I think you already know. So you can spare us all your little fiesta. Because when it comes right down to it, nobody cares what kind of welcome you would give to a WO'd pilot. If the WO's end up having to work at mesa because of a sale, then you can rest asured that we will still look at you in the same manor as we do today.
Bob, even when I was unemployed I avoided WalMart, and my family always did when they came to town in my youth.
PineyBob said:
Light Years said:

The wholly owned regional airlines perform(ed) US Airways Express service for its parent company US Airways. US Airways flying= operated by US Airways employees. Doesnt sound like stealing to me.

Your company, and others, undercut other airlines by having lower costs than the equiptment should really have. This is achieved through labor agreeing to these poor conditions in a blind, selfish stab at quick growth to achieve a status they are quickly helping to eliminate. US Airways already has three airlines to do the regional flying. You got it because you compromised yourself to snag other peoples work. That = stealing.

Thats the general take on it anyway.
Pardon me Light years but what you describe is called a Competitive Business Environment. You know capitalism? Free enterprise? Building a better or in this case cheaper mouse trap!

How is it stealing? explain that?

Do you mean if I come into Airways and sell them 300 copy machines that are 10% faster, 10% more reliable & 10% cheaper then the current vendor, and as a result the former supplier has to lay off 8 technicians that I "Stole" the jobs of those 8 people? Help me understand how Mesa "Stole" work by offering a similar product or service at a lower price?

If we use your logic then whenever you shop personally you MUST stay out of Wal-Mart because it is well documented how they engage in predatory pricing to drive small competitors out.

Help me understand your thinking as I am totally lost

Bob even in your own example you could see how its stealing. Just because we live in a world that allows this, it dose'nt make it right.

Let me ask you this. If its not stealing, is it ethical? Was it ethical for Airways to even own three other airlines, let alone contract out?
[Do you mean if I come into Airways and sell them 300 copy machines that are 10% faster, 10% more reliable & 10% cheaper then the current vendor, and as a result the former supplier has to lay off 8 technicians that I "Stole" the jobs of those 8 people? Help me understand how Mesa "Stole" work by offering a similar product or service at a lower price?

If I do recall Mesa has the worst reliability of the express carriers.
"If I do recall Mesa has the worst reliability of the express carriers."

Actually that would be PSA. -Cape
PineyBob said:
How is it stealing? explain that?

Do you mean if I come into Airways and sell them 300 copy machines that are 10% faster, 10% more reliable & 10% cheaper then the current vendor, and as a result the former supplier has to lay off 8 technicians that I "Stole" the jobs of those 8 people? Help me understand how Mesa "Stole" work by offering a similar product or service at a lower price?

If these copy machines are built by a sweat shop with child labor, does that still make it OK, just because you sold them cheaper?
Piney don't wish to hard for your copier/airline analogy you just might see it come to fruition. Unfortunately passengers have to trust the copier/airline to follow the applicable regulations. If your copier has a recurring maintenance problem your health isn't in jeopardy. Maybe your copier maintenance sub contractor should place a rock bottom bid to perform contract maintenance for Mesa. I would venture to say they need a replacement for Raytheon. Just keep a close eye on the new personnel when they pull out the rigging specification manual. There is no free ride when it comes to running a airline. The cheapest isn't always the best. When a pilot "carries" a maintenance problem on a aircraft they better know what they are doing or have the character to park the plane. Mesa "pushes" their personnel via the pay structure and management. I just hope you or any other cockroach will not be taken for their last ride.
Do you mean if I come into Airways and sell them 300 copy machines that are 10% faster, 10% more reliable & 10% cheaper then the current vendor, and as a result the former supplier has to lay off 8 technicians that I "Stole" the jobs of those 8 people? Help me understand how Mesa "Stole" work by offering a similar product or service at a lower price.


That would be great if the service was reliable. How about if your copy machines worked about 80% of the time, if that. They looked like crap, and when they did work produced terrible copies. Mesa does offer a lower price and cheaper product. But if you pay bananas your gonna get a bunch of monkeys, and thats what you have over a Mesa.
You can actually walk into the CLT crewroom and tell who is MESA and Piedmont without even without seeing the badges. The dress of the pilots and Fa's AKA the professionals of the two sticks out so much its almost a joke. My take is that US Airways doent care anymore about on-time, completion, and appearance of its crews... And it shows with Mesa.
Hopefully one day someone will make a hamburger so cheap that nobody will want to buy it. 😉 :up:
just remember Go around is not an option

superior product??????????? :up: :up: :up:
sorry for all of the B's I am new to this fourm. 😳

hey turtle I found a smilie for you ( :spam: :cold: ) just having fun.
2ndtier.....many of us on here can't figure out how to do those darn QUOTES...no apologies necessary. Ask Piney Bob.....he's an expert at it. 🙄
I just put a poll in the regional section. I just want to know what everyone is thinking.