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Wholly Owneds To Be Sold?

PineyBob said:
OldpropGuy said:

If these copy machines are built by a sweat shop with child labor, does that still make it OK, just because you sold them cheaper?
Old PropGuy - Just like sometimes my ignorance of the airline industry shows, your ignorance of mine is showing. Most copiers that are sold by my company are manufactured in Japan with union labor and right here in the USA also with union labor. In order to comply with GSA contract requirements copiers made in China can not be sold to GSA accounts.

I think you missed my point. I was not trying to degrade your product in any way.

For comparison, my point was that Mesa is more like those machines from China, to which you refer!
PineyBob said:
The point is/was that if i build a superior product or deliver a superior service at a reduced price compared to another vendor then I have earned the business.
there in lies the problem 'superior product'
mesa most certainly does not do that, and that's where the analogy falls apart unfortunately, nothing personal B)
the turtle said:
2ndtier said:

you sound like a bitter person, The type who paid for his or her job. let me guess you went from zero time to rj in 3 months. you know exactly why every other airline out there is bitter with mesa. I will slow down for you that means all airlines not just piedmont or allegeny. Mesa undercuts jobs, hell I read in a previous post that the FA's at piedmont made more than some of the Fo's at mesa. You can laugh all you want but just remember that pdt and alg pilots didnt apply to work for mesa.

You knew the rules of the game befoe you took the job!!

just my 2 cents take it or leave it.
Nope. No PFT. Perfectly happy when I was hired to fly my 1900 around Pa. Felt the love in the pit/clt/phl crewroom, like the other contract carriers we were STEALING your jobs (never mind that you got them from mainline at one time, but that's another thread), the rude comments, the stares, but hey, we'll be sure and welcome you in the family when and if the time comes.
BTW, I voted yes on the contract to stop a non-union shop, I never went to Freedom, and I got every CCAir pilot who deserved a job one back.
You three bozo's cut each other off at the knees, after your precious RJ. Tell me, who's the snob?
ps. I never wanted to be a flight attendant
Just wondering who decided (and how) which pilots "deserved" their jobs back at CCAir.
When I was in the Printing industry we had a saying, "The sour taste of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is gone" I frankly am growing very very tired of "Good Enough"

Mesa is "Good Enough", Wal-Mart is "Good Enough", The copier is "Good Enough" and so it goes. When does failing to deliver on the T & C's of your contract become "NOT Good Enough"?

in economics, law stating that if one factor of production is increased while the others remain constant, the overall returns will relatively decrease after a certain point. Thus, for example, if more and more laborers are added to harvest a wheat field, at some point each additional laborer will add relatively less output than his predecessor did, simply because he has less and less of the fixed amount of land to work with.

In other words, as Airways added more and more contract carriers, the product got worse. Maybe the price that Airways paid for the service was less, but as Bob points out when is enough, enough?

Airways has never reacted fast enough or in anticipation of anything. Their behind the times on the LCC's and their behind the times in presenting a unified product to the customer. Right on any of the several U contract carriers and see if you receive the same service or appearance. Chances are you won't.

Passengers choose either price or quality of service when picking an airline. If you have a hard time providing the best of either one, where do you think your passenger will go?
I know it must be hard for many of you to understand this, but we live in a
society. You can all claim that you don't shop at walmart, but take a look at the numbers. Walmart is kicking butt. It comes down to price. Are your customers going to turn down a flight that might be $200 less than another just because an F/A is not wearing the proper uniform? I used to work for Walmart and found that even when a customer complained and said that they would never shop there again- they were there the following week because they had the lowest prices. Wake up!
:up: great the max to fly a rj 50 seat 50000.00 the max for 70 seat 62000.00
max on 737 on air bus 95000.00

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