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Monday Doomsday

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700, You F LEE now? Please, again mincing words...... Just because someone has the "right" to challenge, doesnt mean it will happen. This judge, and this management team, obviously want this airline to survive, and will do what it takes to make that happen. 320, continues to speak the truth, and at least has an "intelligent" opinion.
You are blind.

He said the judge will impose new contracts, that is wrong, it can be challenged.

And that information came fomr Sharon Levine, esquire. And yes she a bankruptcy attorney specializing in airlines.

USA320Pilot Yesterday, 09:57 PM Post #22
Rank: Veteran Member
Group: Founders Club
Posts: 2,816
Joined: 18-May 03
Member No.: 2,293
As I previously posted, the company is going to file its S.1113(e) motion on Monday and seek an emergency hearing. At that time it is expected Judge Mitchell will immediately schedule a hearing where the company will argue it needs emergency labor contract relief. The motion could include the company's last offer and there could be a ruling from the bench to immediately impose new contracts on all labor groups.

Section 1113 (e) allows a debtor to ask the court for temporary or interim relief on an emergency basis. The Company must show that the changes sought are “essential to the continuation of the debtor’s businessâ€￾ or needed “to avoid irreparable damageâ€￾ to the Company.
All crap aside....how low would the judge allow the motion to go???? Are we talking a few bucks an hour or minimum wage here?

With all all due respect for my bretheren at UAL, but you have spread your share of obnoxious around here as well.

Good luck to both our airlines as UAL is far from outa-the-woods at this point to. Lets concentrate on the issues, and treat each other with respect...starting wih you my friend!

Have a great day!

767jetz said:
You just don't get it. Where do I start?

First you took pleasure in claiming you had a God given right to fly United’s 777’s during the failed acquisition of US by UA.

Then you jumped for joy when UA filed for CH11.

You badgered UA employees endlessly about “Corporate Transactions†that would see parts of UA sold off to your personal benefit. Assets moving westward! USAirways will dominate the world! Etc.etc.etc.

How many times did you claim that the end was near for UA because UA was (in your words) “unable†to get exit financing? (By the way… where is USAirways exit financing now?)

When your pension was targeted you claimed ALPA would strike and a bloodbath would occur. (What a union guy you were at that moment!)

You badger your own fellow employees to take every concession the company asks for, with threats of “painful†consequences.

You bad mouth your fellow pilots and your union when they don’t conform to your opinions. (What happened to that union guy?)

You take pleasure in the thought that people like mwereplanes, pilots senior to you, and anyone on your personal hit list could be furloughed. (Another self serving attitude. I'm sure you've forwraded a suggested list of furlough targets to management by now.)

Now with both feet in the grave you are still beating your drum and bashing everyone else! Take a look in the mirror guy! Do you really wonder why no one likes you, including fellow pilots who know you personally and have worked with you? You remind me of the knight in Monty Python who just won’t go away.

Let me tell you, and I speak for many a person on this web site, it takes a large dose of restraint not to give you your well deserved reaming now that you are back in the hands of the court and NONE of your delusions of grandeur have come true. It is only out of respect for every US employee except you that we don’t rub your smug nose in your just desserts. Lucky for you most of us have far more class than you. And by the way, respect is something earned. It doesn’t come from a fourth stripe (which you will soon lose) or from signing your posts as you do. Around here you have earned no one’s respect. And watching you squirm with fear is the only good thing that has come from this latest turn of events.

When is now a good time to BACK THE HECK OFF AND GIVE OTHERS A REST!

To all the USAirways family, my sincerest thoughts of good will are with you. May you and your families make it through these difficult times. I also extend my deepest sympathy for having a person like you-know-who amongst you. You have enough on your plate as it is.
PineyBob said:
27,996 hard working dedicated employees times 4 self centered egomaniacal ALPA reps equals ZERO persons employeed!

Oh please. So you are trying to scapegoat ALPA for U's failure. Spare us your rhetoric. It appears to me that there are many non pilot types on this board who have quite simply had enough. What?... do you expect the employees to subsidize bad business and your ridiculously low airfares?
767jetz said:
You just don't get it. Where do I start?


767 what can I say except that was a perfect post and you have my 100% backing to lose all restraint and royally ream usa320 and smash his nose in it. Even if it means a trip to cornfield that I would gladly serve for you
700, again mincing words.. Just because it can be challenged, doesnt mean it wont be implemented lol ! In fact the likely hood is extremely high that it will be!
usfliboi said:
700, again mincing words.. Just because it can be challenged, doesnt mean it wont be implemented lol ! In fact the likely hood is extremely high that it will be!

It is not mincing words, he posted an untruth and I proved him wrong, plain and simple, can you comprehend that?

No where did I post that it would be implemented or not.
luv2fly said:
Oh please. So you are trying to scapegoat ALPA for U's failure. Spare us your rhetoric. It appears to me that there are many non pilot types on this board who have quite simply had enough. What?... do you expect the employees to subsidize bad business and your ridiculously low airfares?

You really need to think about this objectively. I dont know where you are getting your information but it is wrong. US fares are not ridiculously low. Employees are not subsidizing flyers. Flyers are paying market fares that can be delivered by other carriers. You are asking flyers to subsidize higher than market fares so you can get benefit from higher than market labor costs. It wont happen. It shouldnt happen. U has at least until recently had some of the highest fares around. I have on several occassions not been able to book on U due to being unable to justify the high cost of a ticket compared to the competition. And I dont fly LCCs. I tried to book NYC-LAX last November on US and it was over $2200 for a connecting flight. A non-stop on AA was two hundred something and on UA was three something. That is 10 times as much on US for a connecting flight as on AA for their flagship service. On those flights AA service in coach isnt a lot worse than US in first class although in first on US you get drinks for free an a bit nicer seat. I cant drink the $2000 difference on a 5 hour flight even at airline drink prices. Prices will never return to what they were. That is over. The airlines need to figure out how to make money in a more competitive environment. They need to do that with cooperation between all parties or it wont happen at that carrier. They will go away.
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