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Monday Doomsday

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Good, all those like 700 deserve what they get! Your market value isnt worth what you are paid, do you not understand that?? Is that too much too comprehend?? See You in the abyss liek all the others who got canned! Seniority isnt worth crap when you are in chap 7 now is it????
You got issues. Glad to see you wish 28,000 people to be thrown under the bus.

Why do you care anyhow? You are no longer a employee.

Just remember the word Karma, cause it seems like you have some bad coming your way.
uair has about 100 people per aircraft the LCCs have about 75..... sound like about 6000 people will get the pink slip....if they follow through with there AWA and Jblue model.....
PineyBob said:
I think you should walk over to Mssrs. Freshwater, Von Bargen, Crocker & Brookman and personally thank them.

Regardless of what happened in the past they had the power to stop what is happening now. They Chose not to. Here's some new math for ya

27,996 hard working dedicated employees times 4 self centered egomaniacal ALPA reps equals ZERO persons employeed! Gotta love that "Brotherhood" Let's all meet at the bread line for a rousing chorus of "Solidarity Forever" We can light my GoFares hats to keep warm.
PineyBob, for the love of God, these guys are acting on behalf of their membership. People like me said "No." They listened. You gotta problem with that? You wanna piece of me? 😛
PineyBob said:
I think you should walk over to Mssrs. Freshwater, Von Bargen, Crocker & Brookman and personally thank them.

Regardless of what happened in the past they had the power to stop what is happening now. They Chose not to. Here's some new math for ya

27,996 hard working dedicated employees times 4 self centered egomaniacal ALPA reps equals ZERO persons employeed! Gotta love that "Brotherhood" Let's all meet at the bread line for a rousing chorus of "Solidarity Forever" We can light my GoFares hats to keep warm.


Don't think you will be sitting at any breadline with any U employees. You are not on the inside, so you only see the ALPA4 by what certain posters post on here.

"Those who would give up essential liberties for a little safety; deserve neither liberty or safety" - Ben Franklin

Stood back then; stands today.

PineyBob said: "And you know what Fred Freshwater can die anyways HE Choses, just allow the other 27996 that same choice."

USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob that is what is so unfair in that the each person should have the right to vote.

Separately, let's look at the process going forward.

As I previously posted, the company is going to file its S.1113(e) motion on Monday and seek an emergency hearing. At that time it is expected Judge Mitchell will immediately schedule a hearing where the company will argue it needs emergency labor contract relief. The motion could include the company's last offer and there could be a ruling from the bench to immediately impose new contracts on all labor groups.

If this motion is granted as expected, the cuts could occur on October 1 and cannot be challenged by labor. The S.1113(e) cuts are not negotiable and are not subject to membership ratification.

This will give the company cash flow relief and help it comply with ATSB bankruptcy requirements.

Then the judge will order the parties to negotiate final contract terms per S.1113/S.1114 of the bankruptcy code. If the parties agree to new contracts, then the court will likely affirm the CBA's. If not, then the company can ask the court to impose the terms. Most unions have told their constituents that at this point the union could take a strike vote, which does require membership ratification, but I now understand that may not be true.

There are two interesting points that are now being discussed from informed labor sources.

First, a S.1113 proceeding has never been tested and the company could seek to have the judge set aside the provision that would allow labor to strike. Apparently a judge has tremendous latitude and he could order to have the company's proposal "imposed" without any labor recourse, if its necessary to save the business enterprise.

Second, during the time period from the S.1113(e) hearing and the S.1113 hearing, the company could train and seek to use replacement workers as well as eliminate severance pay.

Not only are there "painful" ramifications available that include out of seniority layoffs and the elimination of severance pay, it appears there are other negative consequences as well.

I believe it's important for every person to listen to MEC Chairman Bill Pollock’s message at 800-FOR-ALPA. In each of these recordings, he discusses US Airways’ Chapter 11 filing and reviews the significant events that transpired in bankruptcy court on Monday, September 13. He then explains what could happen next during this bankruptcy proceeding, and talks about what changes to our contract could be implemented during this time. This information is very important, and all US Airways pilots should view both the Chairman’s message and webcast.

When would now be a good time for all labor groups to limit their damage and protect as much of their contracts as possible? Then if necessary, an employee could seek other employment and have a high percentage of their current pay, benefits, and some retirement, versus only unemployment during a potential change.

By the way, remember when I said there would be "painful" ramifications to any labor group who did not obtain a new agreement? Unfortunately, they're here.


I don't know how much more painful it can get. We've pimped ourselves out enough. It's time to let this Ho go.
By the way, I believe the RC4 are about to become "irrelevant".


Per B6's 2nd quarter report:

FTE employees - 5718
A/C at end of quarter - 60
FTE employees per aircraft - 95.3

Per WN's 2nd quarter report:

Total employees - 31408
A/C at end of qtr - 405
Employees per aircraft - 77.6

Per HP's 2nd quarter report:

FTE employees - 11936
A/C at end of qtr - 140
FTE employees per aircraft - 85.3

Per U's 2nd quarter report (mainline):

FTE employees - 26880
A/C at end of qtr - 283
FTE employees per aircraft - 95.0

BoeingBoy said:
Per B6's 2nd quarter report:

FTE employees - 5718
A/C at end of quarter - 60
FTE employees per aircraft - 95.3
Per WN's 2nd quarter report:

Total employees - 31408
A/C at end of qtr - 405
Employees per aircraft - 77.6
Per HP's 2nd quarter report:

FTE employees - 11936
A/C at end of qtr - 140
FTE employees per aircraft - 85.3
Per U's 2nd quarter report (mainline):

FTE employees - 26880
A/C at end of qtr - 283
FTE employees per aircraft - 95.0


Thanks Jim for the "relevant" facts.
EyeInTheSky said:
I don't know how much more painful it can get. We've pimped ourselves out enough. It's time to let this Ho go.
That is why I have always kidded about getting the red light, :lol: 🙄
You just don't get it. Where do I start?

First you took pleasure in claiming you had a God given right to fly United’s 777’s during the failed acquisition of US by UA.

Then you jumped for joy when UA filed for CH11.

You badgered UA employees endlessly about “Corporate Transactions†that would see parts of UA sold off to your personal benefit. Assets moving westward! USAirways will dominate the world! Etc.etc.etc.

How many times did you claim that the end was near for UA because UA was (in your words) “unable†to get exit financing? (By the way… where is USAirways exit financing now?)

When your pension was targeted you claimed ALPA would strike and a bloodbath would occur. (What a union guy you were at that moment!)

You badger your own fellow employees to take every concession the company asks for, with threats of “painful†consequences.

You bad mouth your fellow pilots and your union when they don’t conform to your opinions. (What happened to that union guy?)

You take pleasure in the thought that people like mwereplanes, pilots senior to you, and anyone on your personal hit list could be furloughed. (Another self serving attitude. I'm sure you've forwraded a suggested list of furlough targets to management by now.)

Now with both feet in the grave you are still beating your drum and bashing everyone else! Take a look in the mirror guy! Do you really wonder why no one likes you, including fellow pilots who know you personally and have worked with you? You remind me of the knight in Monty Python who just won’t go away.

Let me tell you, and I speak for many a person on this web site, it takes a large dose of restraint not to give you your well deserved reaming now that you are back in the hands of the court and NONE of your delusions of grandeur have come true. It is only out of respect for every US employee except you that we don’t rub your smug nose in your just desserts. Lucky for you most of us have far more class than you. And by the way, respect is something earned. It doesn’t come from a fourth stripe (which you will soon lose) or from signing your posts as you do. Around here you have earned no one’s respect. And watching you squirm with fear is the only good thing that has come from this latest turn of events.

When is now a good time to BACK THE HECK OFF AND GIVE OTHERS A REST!

To all the USAirways family, my sincerest thoughts of good will are with you. May you and your families make it through these difficult times. I also extend my deepest sympathy for having a person like you-know-who amongst you. You have enough on your plate as it is.
My name is HP_FA, and I appove of the preceeding message.
320, you are wrong.

1113e motions are challengable in court. When you get your law degree, then I suggest you make the statements that you have, but until then I suggest you do not interpet the law.

And 1113, is temporary relief, ie wage cuts, it does not impose a new contract.

Stop trying to scare and intimidate by posting false statements.
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