Mitt Romney........ D. O. A. - on November 06, 2012

Thats the part of america that is great...ANYBODY can do it but it takes effort.

What used to be great about America is that we all worked for the common good. Sure, there was ambition & risk/reward, but there also existed an understanding that everyone was in it together.

Today many Americans are so busy salivating over the idea of being let into the gentry that they let greed get in the way, even when it goes against their best interests (to say nothing of morality).

Of the people I know that complain the most about "the rich" most make a good living....but they cannot control themselves and spend every dime they make plus some and end up with creditcard debt etc. or others that went out and could afford to buy a 130000 house but instead bought a 250000 house then complain its not fair that they are being forclosed on and want the govt to bail them out.

Likely one of the few times we'll agree. I can't stand overconsumption, or the idea that we "need" more and more "things." Keeping up with the Joneses is not a race I'm interested in running, thanks.

'Course W's idea to save the economy was to implore all of us to go shopping, but I digress...

Just the other day I drove by a house that in my section of the world sells for about 50,000 (800 to 1000 sq ft) in good shape but was probably in the 30000 range in the run down shape it was in....and sitting in the driveway was a brand new vette with temp tags.

Maybe it was the realtor? A visiting friend or relative? Lots of assumptions being made for just driving by.

Since you seem so ate up about user fees, maybe you oughta channel that energy into seeing that there is *no* segment of American society with income low enough to qualify for one of the phones?

That's just my take on it.
Me too. However unlike many on this board i do not begrudge the guy that worked hard and invested wisely to get to that point. I would much rather take some invesment tips from him so i can one day be in the position to only have to pay capital gains tax.

Nobody gets rich by working for somebody else. Does well maybe in the case of a CEO or something, but the true path to wealth is taking invesment risk and reward.

Thats the part of america that is great...ANYBODY can do it but it takes effort. Sadly there are many many who would rather avoid the effort and stand around for handouts and free phones.

Of the people I know that complain the most about "the rich" most make a good living....but they cannot control themselves and spend every dime they make plus some and end up with creditcard debt etc. or others that went out and could afford to buy a 130000 house but instead bought a 250000 house then complain its not fair that they are being forclosed on and want the govt to bail them out.

Obama panders to the afore mentioned catagory of people, the ones that could be doing very well with a bit of fiscal planning but piss it all away on flat screens for every room or fancy cars. How many houses have you driven by in a lower income neighborhood in your life and seen mercedes, cadillacs, and corvettes sitting in the driveway? Just the other day I drove by a house that in my section of the world sells for about 50,000 (800 to 1000 sq ft) in good shape but was probably in the 30000 range in the run down shape it was in....and sitting in the driveway was a brand new vette with temp tags. 60k price tag I think the last time I passed by a chevy dealer. Here is a person that clearly has the means to improve their living standard but chose to piss it away. even with the best rates possible that vette will run you around 700 a month or more. you can pay for a1900 to 2000 or more sq ft house in my area for 700 a month.

Or with that 700 a month....$8400 a year he/she could save or invest the money in safe investments and come out very well indeed a few years down the road........but then they might end up being one of those evil 1% ers that only pays tax on capital gains.

instead most just whine about the evil rich...and go buy another item that they have no real need for at the Wal mart or whatever.

Not everybody falls into the catagory I laid out above....but you have to be really really bad off to not be able to save and invest in your future. I know, I have been there and even when I was working a 18k a year job I managed to save money and invest in cd's etc to make the furure better. granted 18k was a bit more back then, but still not much.

Bottom line is if you go out and buy a new car that costs more than you make a year you are an idiot......and I don't want to have to pay for your stupidity.

just my take on it! :)
Ugh... What a narrow minded fool.
I am not going to bother with the tit for tat.
Your words speak for themselves and if 'anyone' buys into your mantra, we deserve what we get.

Since you seem so ate up about user fees, maybe you oughta channel that energy into seeing that there is *no* segment of American society with income low enough to qualify for one of the phones?

That's just my take on it.

Sure i am willing to help somebody that needs a job to find one. You don't need to post a name but if you have somebody in mind put up their qualifications and what they are good at or in the case of somebody with a limited skill set I have several friends that are manager types at facilities that have entry level positions that somebody can work their way up. (Beverage warehouse, medical supply facility etc) they are always in need of people for the entry level jobs. The beverage guy is always telling me they are short on people because they cannot keep drivers. The starting pay is about 35k a year but it is not easy work driving a truck and unloading and loading drink cases.........but thats probably not what you had in mind was it? you probably meant some grand scheme where we all pay for a large percentage of our population to sit at home and collect freebies.

By the way, the general manager of the beverage facility started about 20 years ago driving a truck for then about 25k a year i think, worked his way up and now owns 3 houses (2 that he rents out) a boat and lives very well. No college, one of about 3 of my highschool friends that college was not his thing when the rest of us went. The other 2 are doing well also, custom woodworker and maint supervisor.

Thats the problem with your way of looking at things. everybody wants 60k a year right out of school and figures working their way up is for chumps. Or even better if they can get the govt to pay for them to put forth no effort and get a sweet free cell phone, free house and pay no taxes thats even better!
Me too. However unlike many on this board i do not begrudge the guy that worked hard and invested wisely to get to that point. I would much rather take some invesment tips ......... :)

That's a really long way to go to dodge the point I was making but what ever floats your boat.

You are aware that the Ryan tax plan would have Romney paying less than 1% in income tax?
That's a really long way to go to dodge the point I was making but what ever floats your boat.

You are aware that the Ryan tax plan would have Romney paying less than 1% in income tax?

On capital gains I guess is what you mean.

If you are asking me if I have a problem with paying less tax on interest or similar gained on money that has already been taxed once or maybe even twice before.....No i don't have an issue with that.

What you are wanting is for somebody to be taxed many many times at an astronomical rate on the same chuck of income. Then if he/she manages to die while still having some money/property then tax it again at 55% in the form of an inheritance tax to his/her offspring. Or if some in congress have their way 75%. And then redistribute that money to people that don't have the drive or fiscal responsibility to save anything.

The main problem is the govt that is doing the redistributing is even worse at being fiscally responsible than most of the population.

I don't mind paying taxes, but I do mind paying taxes specifically geared to bailing out stupid fiscal decisions made by the guy down the street that consistantly spends twice what he earns.
On capital gains I guess is what you mean.

If you are asking me if I have a problem with paying less tax on interest or similar gained on money that has already been taxed once or maybe even twice before.....No i don't have an issue with that.

What you are wanting is for somebody to be taxed many many times at an astronomical rate on the same chuck of income. Then if he/she manages to die while still having some money/property then tax it again at 55% in the form of an inheritance tax to his/her offspring. Or if some in congress have their way 75%. And then redistribute that money to people that don't have the drive or fiscal responsibility to save anything.

The main problem is the govt that is doing the redistributing is even worse at being fiscally responsible than most of the population.

I don't mind paying taxes, but I do mind paying taxes specifically geared to bailing out stupid fiscal decisions made by the guy down the street that consistantly spends twice what he earns.

I do not recall saying any of that but what ever makes you happy. Specifically, never said I was in favor of inheritance tax. I am in favor of capital gains tax. People keep saying that capital gains has already been taxed and that is simply not true. Capital gains is profit above and beyond the principle investment. The profit has not been taxed and that is what we are talking about. The interest on my savings account has not been taxed. The principle has.

What I want is for him to pay at least the same percentage of tax that I pay. What I would like is for there to be a progressive tax where everyone has at least a little skin in the game. Romney and others are complaining about the 36% top tax rate, well..... lets at least have them pay 36% before they start complaining about it.

I don't like paying taxes to subsidize corporation welfare, fund wars that have no end game and are unwarranted, and useless military spending just to mention a few.
Sure i am willing to help somebody that needs a job to find one.

Great. Now work to make that happen on a national scale, and with a living wage.

but thats probably not what you had in mind was it? you probably meant some grand scheme where we all pay for a large percentage of our population to sit at home and collect freebies.


Thats the problem with your way of looking at things.

You really are far too quick to assume. Careful you don't get hurt jumping to conclusions.
Since this was brought up in this thread, decided to give you confirmed evidence of "Government" paid for cell phone service (ObamaPhone)
Received in mail today, addressed to "Current Resident"
Assurance Wireless

Free Assurance Phone
Free 250 minutes
Free 250 Texts

Must meet one of the following 8 requirements:

"SNAP" card
Supplemental SS Income
Low-income Energy assistance Program
Federal public housing assistance
Senior Citizen low income discount plan
Temporary assistance to needy families
National school lunch program free lunch program

"Lifeline is a "GOVERNMENT" benefit program supported by the "Federal" universal service fund!"


Since when did having a cellphone constitute a "Necessity of life" ?

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