Mitt Romney........ D. O. A. - on November 06, 2012

Since this was brought up in this thread, decided to give you confirmed evidence of "Government" paid for cell phone service (ObamaPhone)
Received in mail today, addressed to "Current Resident"
Assurance Wireless

Free Assurance Phone
Free 250 minutes
Free 250 Texts

Must meet one of the following 8 requirements:

"SNAP" card
Supplemental SS Income
Low-income Energy assistance Program
Federal public housing assistance
Senior Citizen low income discount plan
Temporary assistance to needy families
National school lunch program free lunch program

"Lifeline is a "GOVERNMENT" benefit program supported by the "Federal" universal service fund!"


Since when did having a cellphone constitute a "Necessity of life" ?

Since 2004, under bush, when the reagan era program was expanded to include cell phones

The $$ is appropriated by congress. The providors make mucho$$.

Anyone think some of the $$ are finding thier way to congress

It's better to own a congressman, than be one

Got nothing to do with Obama, or Bush, or Reagan
He has already been told.this a few times as I recall. Research is not one of his.strong suites. Ask him about the CPUSA law suit.
Romney ahead by 7pts with likely voters, and gap has widened since the debates this Tuesday.
Still doesn't answer the question, "When did owning a cell phone become a necessity of life?"

You must be talking about the US communist party , suing the Demorats, for stealing their platform !

In a surprise move, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) has announced a lawsuit against the Democratic Party and its leadership for the alleged theft of intellectual property !

Talk about your oxymorons, Demorat's and intellectual, mentioned in the same ?
Still doesn't answer the question, "When did owning a cell phone become a necessity of life?"

You must be talking about the US communist party , suing the Demorats, for stealing their platform !

In a surprise move, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) has announced a lawsuit against the Democratic Party and its leadership for the alleged theft of intellectual property !

Actually its against the republicants..


Talk about your oxymorons, Demorat's and intellectual, mentioned in the same ?
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  • #189
ROMNEY..D O A on 11/06/12 !

Crying like a lil' BIITCH..on 11/17/12 !

Just think of the ..FOUR-STOOGES..that have gone down in FLAMES.


The GIFT that Keeps On .. G I V I N G !!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !
Far more respectable to be a giver than a taker.

I'm guessing that you missed the fact that Ryan got re-elected to Congress in a landslide.

A mandate, if you will. In a blue state, no less.
So who really won?

Commercial production companies?

I'm guessing that you missed the fact that Ryan got re-elected to Congress in a landslide.

A mandate, if you will. In a blue state, no less.

Point(s) of order:

Ryan didn't even win his hometown.

Ryan's re-election percentage (55%) was his lowest ever, even after his district was made more Republican through redistricting.

A win? Yes. A landslide? Not so much.
Told you already sent checks, btw isn't it time to go to your mail box and see if your welfare check is there ?

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