Mitt Romney........ D. O. A. - on November 06, 2012

That's correct. It's not a tax, it's a user fee. It costs a person as a consumer. There is a big difference.
Info that debunks a convenient soundbite.

Great, so does most everyone. That goes for any program, really.

It's called a user fee and you are not getting anything for it other than paying for welfare cell phones which makes it a tax to pay for a government program. You have no choice to opt out unless you drop your cell phone service.

Sometimes, a user fee is indeed a user fee. But other times it's not that at all; instead, it's a tax hike disguised by a misnomer.
When someone chooses to use a government service and must pay for it, he's paying a user fee. Furthermore, what he pays should cover the cost of the service he's receiving; if it also pays for something he isn't getting or doesn't want, then he's paying both a user fee and a tax. Taxes differ from user fees in that paying them isn't a matter of choice and what you pay is not tied to what you get.
In principle, true user fees make a lot of sense. If you use a service, you pay for it. You don't pay if you don't use. Most people understand--and support--user fees for such things as toll roads, harbors and waterways, and even certain parks and recreational facilities. Each person has to make a rational economic decision: Is this service really worth the price or should I choose a more economical option?
... You have no choice to opt out unless you drop your cell phone service.

Already covered further up the thread.

...And unlike a tax, which you must pay whether you agree with where the $$ is going to or not, a user fee is not compulsory. You said it yourself: all one has to do is simply choose to drop (or not renew) your phone service.

None of that changes the fact that the idea of the "Obamaphone" as presented here is inaccurate as best.
Doesn't change the fact that this woman and millions of others "BELIEVE" they have a free ObamaPhone headed their way.............that and the fact that Barrack will receive votes based on skin color alone, are indisputable !

Another informative post from Barry-O !
Where's your reply to post # 128.................Barry-O ?

The only way it's an 'Obama Phone' is if he was pres in '85 and '96. You should really try reading something other than your CPUSA lawsuit web site.

As Kev pointed out. Romney will get votes because he is white and because he is Mormon. What else is new.
When did the Chinese President say this? Was it on

Several times over the years they have 'mentioned' it.

General Zhu's threat is not the first of its kind from a senior Chinese military official. In 1995, Xiong Guangkai, who is now the deputy chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army, told Chas W. Freeman, a former Pentagon official, that China would consider using nuclear weapons in a Taiwan conflict. Mr. Freeman quoted Mr. Xiong as saying that Americans should worry more about Los Angeles than Taipei.
The only way it's an 'Obama Phone' is if he was pres in '85 and '96. You should really try reading something other than your CPUSA lawsuit web site.

As Kev pointed out. Romney will get votes because he is white and because he is Mormon. What else is new.

The FCC's LifeLine Assistance program was set up in the '90s to help low-income families with monthly landline bills. Over the past few years, the program has put more than 12 million wireless feature phones into the hands of low-income Americans.

Obama Phone 2, 2011 – The State and Federal government has a program that provides free cellphones and free talk time to people with low income as well as senior ...

Obama Phone Application - Who Qualifies for an Obama ... - Contact
Your links show that companies are willing to capitalize on the popularity of the (incorrect) term, not that it's something that was birthed by the White House in the last few years. Lovely.

And while Lifeline may indeed have helped ~12M people since it's inception, that doesn't mean that "millions of people" think they're getting a freephone, as Southwind suggests.
Your user fee is a tax unless you want to go back to smoke signals. It's on cell and land lines so you basically have no option but to pay the tax. You get no direct service for what you pay, others will.

The correct term is Obama Phone from now until the cows come home like it or not.

that doesn't mean that "millions of people" think they're getting a freephone, as Southwind suggests.

I don't know if I'd bet on that.

Two things, apply and qualify is all you need to get an Obama Phone.
Your user fee is a tax unless you want to go back to smoke signals. It's on cell and land lines so you basically have no option but to pay the tax.

It's not a tax, no matter how bad you & others want to call it that. No options? Sure there are. If you find it so offputting that you (general sense) just can't stand it, you can always cancel your service.

The correct term is Obama Phone from now until the cows come home like it or not.

No it's not... like it or not...

I don't know if I'd bet on that.
Two things, apply and qualify is all you need to get an Obama Phone.

The first does not directly correlate with the second.
Go to Cleveland on the East side and ask if anyone knows what those free gov't phones are called.

It's a backdoor tax like it or not, A hidden tax to pay for a New Telecommunication Entitlement Program There are many like that anymore. Got to change the lingo.

Maybe the 'chosen means of communication by the 47% crowd'.

Many apply to find out if they qualify, Kev.

"Obama has my vote, he gave me a free phone"
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  • #145
Your user fee is a tax unless you want to go back to smoke signals. It's on cell and land lines so you basically have no option but to pay the tax. You get no direct service for what you pay, others will.

The correct term is Obama Phone from now until the cows come home like it or not.

I don't know if I'd bet on that.

Two things, apply and qualify is all you need to get an Obama Phone.

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  • #146
Your user fee is a tax unless you want to go back to smoke signals. It's on cell and land lines so you basically have no option but to pay the tax. You get no direct service for what you pay, others will.

The correct term is Obama Phone from now until the cows come home like it or not.

I don't know if I'd bet on that.

Two things, apply and qualify is all you need to get an Obama Phone.

Thats hillarious (SERIOUSLY) !!!!!!!
(You CRAZY P---rick) : )

Whats your ARSE doin' over in East Cleveland ???????????????
Already covered further up the thread.

...And unlike a tax, which you must pay whether you agree with where the $$ is going to or not, a user fee is not compulsory. You said it yourself: all one has to do is simply choose to drop (or not renew) your phone service.

None of that changes the fact that the idea of the "Obamaphone" as presented here is inaccurate as best.

Yeah right! And ObamaCareTM is not a tax ! You will either purchase ObamaCareTM or pay a penalty, enforced by your friendly "I.R.S." agent !

And another link :

"You may qualify if you participate in such programs as foodstamps or Medicade !"
It's not a tax, no matter how bad you & others want to call it that. No options? Sure there are. If you find it so offputting that you (general sense) just can't stand it, you can always cancel your service.

You can call it what you want to make yourself believe that you are not being taxed by Obama or the federal govt. But it is no different than any road tax, school tax, fuel tax, or obamacare tax...which a lot of dems refuse to call a tax even though the only way it was deemed constitutional by the supreme court was to confirm that it IS a tax.

You can decline to own a car, or to live in a house, or to buy any fuel of anykind (heating oil, go cart fuel, diesel, whatever) and avoid above said taxes, use fees, whatever you want to call it. The fact remains if you want to have telecommunication service of anykind you WILL pay for somebody else to have a phone also....even though there is a good chance they also get to op out of Income tax as well when you don't.

By your reasoning income tax is not a tax either. You avoid it by not working or collecting welfare or unemployment or pay of any kind. I guess it needs to be renamed "Income fee" since you can opt out of the program.

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