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Minimum Wage Bill Dead

blue collar said:
As to your what is rewarded is repeated- does that mean that when/if this new career of yours doesn't work out, you'll be back on the dole for a new education?
I did a lot of research before I chose this career. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 28 percent job growth estimate over the next 10 years. I have gotten up to 3 job offers in one week at the most and two a month at the least. I was not searching for work either time. I am not worried about my career not working out. Unlike most I actually paid attention to what the prospects were for the field I was entering. I just got lucky that I had a genuine interest in the field. Thank for your "concern".
SparrowHawk said:
One thing we should do is change "Tamika" to Betty Jo from Harlan, KY and see if that makes a difference?
Why would it make a difference?
SparrowHawk said:
If you've ever been through Appalachia, the rural poverty in this country will stagger your imagination. 
My cousin works there right now and makes well over 100k a year. 
If the place I live has no job you know what I do? I go someplace that has jobs. 
SparrowHawk said:
WE, not as a Government but as a society have a moral obligation to care for others less fortunate.
Some people CHOOSE to be less fortunate. They have no moral issues with taking advantage and living their whole life off of other peoples labor. That is called a parasite.
I find it funny how instead of admitting we have a problem that we need to get under control you come on here and make one excuse after another after another for other peoples irresponsible behavior. 
Defending stupidity and irresponsible behavior, that is the libtard way.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I did a lot of research before I chose this career. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 28 percent job growth estimate over the next 10 years. I have gotten up to 3 job offers in one week at the most and two a month at the least. I was not searching for work either time. I am not worried about my career not working out. Unlike most I actually paid attention to what the prospects were for the field I was entering. I just got lucky that I had a genuine interest in the field. Thank for your "concern".
Why would it make a difference?
My cousin works there right now and makes well over 100k a year. 
If the place I live has no job you know what I do? I go someplace that has jobs. 
Some people CHOOSE to be less fortunate. They have no moral issues with taking advantage and living their whole life off of other peoples labor. That is called a parasite.
I find it funny how instead of admitting we have a problem that we need to get under control you come on here and make one excuse after another after another for other peoples irresponsible behavior. 
Defending stupidity and irresponsible behavior, that is the libtard way.
Doesn't change the fact that you are an admitted socialist. Not word one on corporate welfare, that's OK just so long as YOU benefit from a government retraining program.
Tamika and Betty Jo aren't allowed benefits because YOU in your infinite wisdom have decided that only YOU and Corporations are allowed benefits.
I don't know the personal stories of every person who receives benefits from the government. What I do know from first hand observation and conversation is that the system prevents a great many from rising up from the ashes of their existence.
Secondly it is not the role of the Federal Government to fund the social contract. I believe that each of us is morally and ethically bound to help each other in time fo need. It is our duty, the "price" we pay for Liberty and frankly it's a bargain.
One of the reasons I buy a Powerball ticket each week is so that if by some miracle I win the jackpot I could finally be able to fund a charity that I have dreamed about for years. A simple notion that we take care of each other. The charity would deal only with local (10 mile radius) issues. It would be simple and easy for other communities to replicate. Also all donations from it would be anonymous. It would seek no credit for its work.  
I also buy Powerball for ME. I win 200 million, government gets 100mil, the charity and I split the rest in half. Let's hope I win.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
If the place I live has no job you know what I do? I go someplace that has jobs
It is just that simple. Wow.

You show your ignorance with each successive post.

You have truly lived a sheltered existence.
Glenn Quagmire said:
It is just that simple. Wow.

You show your ignorance with each successive post.

You have truly lived a sheltered existence.
Amen Quagmire!
Having traveled for business over 10 years to 49 of 50 states and eight foreign countries the thing that just amazes me is the relative ignorance of the world by the average person in the United States.
Never mind that 37% can't find Lincoln, NE on a map. It's the other 63% who don't care where it is on the map as it interferes with the football game.
What this culture breeds is an ignorant sound bite mentality. If you can't communicate a thought and have it be no longer than a bumper sticker, then no one really listens.
I just had to laugh at the move to where there are jobs comment. Some, perhaps most who live in Appalachia have families that have lived on that land for 300 years. Take a look at the family burial plots with death dates around 1743. Sure just pack up, no biggie. So they struggle. 
I'm no fan of government handouts like EBT, TANF and WIC, however if the choice comes down to more EBT cards and a few less bombs dropped on a rag tag Army of social misfits in the Middle East then count me among those who would choose to feed our people FIRST.
I have very good friends from rural Kentucky. One didnt have running water or power until he joined the air force at 18. His family knew nothing else.

I have also lived in 11 states now. Ask someone who owns a house in Detroit if they can just pick up and move to a better job now.

Some will never get it.
You can apply this mentality to nearly anything.  There are a lot of armchair quarter backs.  'If I were in that situation I would have ......'.  Lots of times that tune changes when you get in the situation your self.  I suspect it is not quite as easy as people like t think it is.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Your posts would indicate otherwise.
Only to a moron. If we eliminate the individual welfare then the corporate welfare (Something you NEVER address) does as well. 
As I said like 6000 times before that things like the oil depletion allowance, Farm Bil,l Solyndra loan, GM bailout is the corporate equivelent to TANF, EBT & WIC.
All you dip shite Neo-Con Fascists want to eliminate Welfare? Start by going after the BIG Fish. The F-35 fighter/bomber would be a good place to start.
When I was downsized in 2009 I had a choice. To get an EBT card and other benefits until I figured out how to get back what I'd lost. I chose the path of going it alone, earning my own way, paying as I went. Still underemployed thanks to age, a failing economy and a consolidating industry.
OTOH, YOU Chose to drink from the Government trough like the true socialist you are. What kind of person would I be if I came on here touting the ideas of Ron Paul while collecting food stamps? That would make me a hypocrite like???? Oh that would be YOU!
SparrowHawk said:
No, the Business Insider article that the so called Tea Party News Network linked to was interesting.  The TPNN article on the other hand was just another talking points filled rant.  Here's the part they left out.
This directly raises a question that a lot of smart people have contemplated: Will robots steal our jobs? Opinion is divided of course. Here's what Momentum Machines has to say on the topic:
The issue of machines and job displacement has been around for centuries and economists generally accept that technology like ours actually causes an increase in employment. The three factors that contribute to this are 1. the company that makes the robots must hire new employees, 2. the restaurant that uses our robots can expand their frontiers of production which requires hiring more people, and 3. the general public saves money on the reduced cost of our burgers. This saved money can then be spent on the rest of the economy.
Looks like more workers for those big bad unions to organize.

777 fixer said:
No, the Business Insider article that the so called Tea Party News Network linked to was interesting.  The TPNN article on the other hand was just another talking points filled rant.  Here's the part they left out.
This directly raises a question that a lot of smart people have contemplated: Will robots steal our jobs? Opinion is divided of course. Here's what Momentum Machines has to say on the topic:
The issue of machines and job displacement has been around for centuries and economists generally accept that technology like ours actually causes an increase in employment. The three factors that contribute to this are 1. the company that makes the robots must hire new employees, 2. the restaurant that uses our robots can expand their frontiers of production which requires hiring more people, and 3. the general public saves money on the reduced cost of our burgers. This saved money can then be spent on the rest of the economy.
Looks like more workers for those big bad unions to organize.

Frankly I went right to the link. Didn't even read the TPNN talking point memo, so I'll take you at your word.
It does usually end up with a net increase over time, but the new workers generally have more advanced skill sets, The workforce being automated out of existence will still need a place to work and demanding $15/hour is nice but it won't happen for those with no skills.
Tamika would not have 4 kids if Tamika was not getting a big fat handout for them. Tamika has 4 kids because she lives irresponsibly and everyone else cleans up Tamika's mess. If Tamika had to deal with Tamika's consequences maybe Tamika would not be such a stupid ass.
How long have you known Tamika?
SparrowHawk said:
It does usually end up with a net increase over time, but the new workers generally have more advanced skill sets, The workforce being automated out of existence will still need a place to work and demanding $15/hour is nice but it won't happen for those with no skills.
Bingo. You can't take a fast food worker and plug them into a technician role overnight. You'd need something like the training programs or tuition credits everyone on the left is rallying on to call the same as TANF and SNAP...

There is a point where automation helps create jobs, and then it plateaus. We've reached that point in the airlines, and it's just a matter of time before it gets there in other service industries.

Just look at an airport. Check-in kiosks, self-tagging for bags, bag drop machines, kiosks for rebooking, kiosks being deployed rapidly at customs & immigration, apps on smartphones which replicate what the kiosks do...

Your average ticket counter today is a third the size it was 15 years ago, yet there are more people flying. Same thing on the call centers. The only places staffing levels remain the same are in the cockpit and cabin, and below the wing.

Where exactly were all the replacement jobs? Sure, there are a few tied to the hardware vendors, and maybe a couple dozen programmer jobs to keep the UI's current.

The rest? Lost, since particularly as more functionality at a kiosk or previously done thru a call center gets pushed to a tablet or smartphone. You can't double or triple count the manufacturing jobs tied to smartphones as being in the airline industry, the computer industry, and the telecom industry.

The notion of a Redbox style drivethru at a McDonalds isn't far fetched at all. They had pretty much the same idea with the Automat in New York almost 100 years ago. The only employees needed would be someone to stock the raw goods and simultaneously supervise & clean up the dining room.
eolesen said:
Bingo. You can't take a fast food worker and plug them into a technician role overnight. You'd need something like the training programs or tuition credits everyone on the left is rallying on to call the same as TANF and SNAP...

There is a point where automation helps create jobs, and then it plateaus. We've reached that point in the airlines, and it's just a matter of time before it gets there in other service industries.

Just look at an airport. Check-in kiosks, self-tagging for bags, bag drop machines, kiosks for rebooking, kiosks being deployed rapidly at customs & immigration, apps on smartphones which replicate what the kiosks do...

Your average ticket counter today is a third the size it was 15 years ago, yet there are more people flying. Same thing on the call centers. The only places staffing levels remain the same are in the cockpit and cabin, and below the wing.

Where exactly were all the replacement jobs? Sure, there are a few tied to the hardware vendors, and maybe a couple dozen programmer jobs to keep the UI's current.

The rest? Lost, since particularly as more functionality at a kiosk or previously done thru a call center gets pushed to a tablet or smartphone. You can't double or triple count the manufacturing jobs tied to smartphones as being in the airline industry, the computer industry, and the telecom industry.

The notion of a Redbox style drivethru at a McDonalds isn't far fetched at all. They had pretty much the same idea with the Automat in New York almost 100 years ago. The only employees needed would be someone to stock the raw goods and simultaneously supervise & clean up the dining room.
Here's something neither article talked about.  Both McDonald's and Burger King have been experiencing declining sales in the US.  McDonald's has been hit especially hard.  So all the robots in the world won't mean a thing if your current business model is becoming obsolete.  
Places like Chipotle and Panera Bread have been slowly eating into sales.  It would appear that a lot of people are more than willing to pay a little extra for a better quality product.  So it's not always about who can make it cheaper.
Some people will definitely pay more, but you can't really afford to take a family of four to Panera or Chipotle when you're running between soccer practice and a Boy Scout meeting. That's still the primary audience for McD's.

Both McD and BK are losing sales, but I suspect some of that is due to the overall health of the franchisees and not necessarily the corporate stores or those of a regional franchisee. You see some pretty wild variations on the condition of the stores when you get outside the major metro areas.

The moves to add the coffee bar and healthier menu are a good step at making them a little more accessible to older patrons and singles without kids. Just about every remodel I've seen of a corporate store or a large franchisee is coming with electrical outlets and laptop friendly seating, and the PlayPlaces are getting whacked.

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