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Minimum Wage Bill Dead

eolesen said:
The good news is that with Bears' new job, he's authorized to sit on his ass at work.

At some point, Amtrak will replace his ass with an ATM-like ticket vending machine, which just about every other commuter railroad seems to have done, as have the railroads in the UK, Germany, Japan, China, France, etc....

Drove past several fast food places on the drive into work today. Didn't see any picket lines, and nobody was missing from my McDonalds stop (gotta have their burritos in the morning...).
Nice try.......eric,..B U T...Amtrak and the TCU-IAM contract forbids Anyone who 'bumps' CHI from bringing thier Seniority with them in the beginning.(they reclaim it totally, 5 years later)
with a dept. of 25 people (7 of the slots are VACANT, and a 3-4 old-old 'dogs retiring in mid june)..the 'ol Bear is sitting (very) pretty, even with crummy seniority  !!
Silly boy.
And YOU thought the "Bear" came to CHI voluntarily just for the Italian Beef Sandwich's  !!
I've got ANOTHER SS check coming next week Eric, so STOP wasting time, and "GET out There" to work, so you can PAY those SS TAXES  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Nice try.......eric,..B U T...Amtrak and the TCU-IAM contract forbids Anyone who 'bumps' CHI from bringing thier Seniority with them in the beginning.(they reclaim it totally, 5 years later)
with a dept. of 25 people (7 of the slots are VACANT, and a 3-4 old-old 'dogs retiring in mid june)..the 'ol Bear is sitting (very) pretty, even with crummy seniority  !!
Silly boy.
And YOU thought the "Bear" came to CHI voluntarily just for the Italian Beef Sandwich's  !!
I've got ANOTHER SS check coming next week Eric, so STOP wasting time, and "GET out There" to work, so you can PAY those SS TAXES  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !
I don't care if they're paying you a buck, ninety-five an hour, your over paid!
700UW said:
So why dont you just eliminate any protections for workers and go back to Master and Servant or Indentured Servitude?
We still have that on the democrat plantation.
700UW said:
Why should I work a minimum wage?
I had two jobs at min wage at the same time and decided it stinks.
Joined the Army and the GI Bill helped pay for my education.
I decided to get an education to get out of it.
Since we are going all socialized, how about I charge workers to pay off my business loan.
That would be fair, right?
Raising minimum wage is another leftist handout to people working minimum skill jobs with caviar taste pocket books.
To pay any more than the market value for a service with no quantifiable benefit or even intangible benefit, is charity which although morally commendable, is not the prerogative of a for-profit enterprise.
If there is anything a libtard loves it is forced charity.
delldude said:
Raising minimum wage is another leftist handout to people working minimum skill jobs with caviar taste pocket books.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
If there is anything a libtard loves it is forced charity.
You fit your definition of "libtard" then.

We were forced to pay charity for your re-training. You whined about not getting it fast enough. Now you brag about getting it. You loved it.

I still want my money back.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You fit your definition of "libtard" then.

We were forced to pay charity for your re-training. You whined about not getting it fast enough. Now you brag about getting it. You loved it.

I still want my money back.
The difference is I paid that money back in taxes in the first year, I used that money to better myself and become a productive member of society, and I didn't make it a lifestyle.
When I start using grant money (or tax money in general) as a way of life then you have a valid argument, until then STFU.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The difference is I paid that money back in taxes in the first year, I used that money to better myself and become a productive member of society, and I didn't make it a lifestyle.
When I start using grant money (or tax money in general) as a way of life then you have a valid argument, until then STFU.
You can thanks us all for our forced charity to retrain you. Then you can stfu.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The difference is I paid that money back in taxes in the first year, I used that money to better myself and become a productive member of society, and I didn't make it a lifestyle.
When I start using grant money (or tax money in general) as a way of life then you have a valid argument, until then STFU.
Actually Glenn has a valid argument this very minute. Welfare is Welfare no matter or for what reason they receive it. Whether it be General Motors being bailed out or the stereotypical "Welfare Queen" and her EBT card.
You used that money to "better yourself"? Some of that money was mine. It was confiscated by the IRS in order to train you. That, my friend is the text book example of the very socialism you purport to hate.
Confiscation is NOT compassion. You slithered up to take a drink from the government trough and because it benefited you then it's OK for you, but not OK for Tamika and her 4 kids by 4 different men? You can't have it both ways.

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