signals said:
Ready...Aim...raising minimum wage is yet another way to get rid of the middle class. Most employers don't adhere to it and do offer above minimum wages. Raising MW will force those that pay above MW to cut costs, which eventually will bring those in higher wages competing with minimum wage. Don't get it? We are becoming a third world nation!
As usual, you don't know W T F your talking about.
Case in point.
City of SEA is very soon going TO make it a law to pay a $ 15. Minimum wage.
Fast food workers getting ready for a nation wide STRIKE for $ 15. (Not saying they're gonna get $15, but the wage IS Going to go U P.)
Guys like 'Mittens' Romney on board with a High M-W.
The M-W thing is like a snowball that's already underway, that the GOP WILL get Crushed by if they don't smarten up, and Very SOON.
The US hourly worker is FED UP Big Time with the two tier Capitalistic system, and want the Middle Class restored pronto.
YOU say we're headed to a 'third world' direction like Bangladesh or Mexico.
I say we're headed more towards a Norway/Sweden/Belgium/Switzerland/Finland/Germany/Denmark/Netherlands/Canada. Last time i checked, noted countries were on the top of the "10 happiest countries" list.
And don't any of you staunch Capitalists have a HEART Attack, but I agree with eolesen when he says....... that once the 'SNOW BALL" becomes unstopable, things like More automation will become inevitable, to which I say,...FINE, bring it on !
Can a food Union be far behind for starters for the Big-Boys (Mickey D's, and the 'King' ) ?
Methinks NOT !!
ALL these Fat-Cat BAS-TARDS sitting in thier board rooms high fiving each other as Profits soar to new heights, and hourly wages reamain STAGNANT year after year,............seem to have forgotten a..Proven (many times) theory. NO, it's not..."What goes around comes around"
It's........"For every action, there's an EQUAL and OPPOSITE... R E A C T I O N "
I LOVE 'this stuff' !!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!