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Minimum Wage Bill Dead

eolesen said:
Some people will definitely pay more, but you can't really afford to take a family of four to Panera or Chipotle when you're running between soccer practice and a Boy Scout meeting. That's still the primary audience for McD's.

Both McD and BK are losing sales, but I suspect some of that is due to the overall health of the franchisees and not necessarily the corporate stores or those of a regional franchisee. You see some pretty wild variations on the condition of the stores when you get outside the major metro areas.

The moves to add the coffee bar and healthier menu are a good step at making them a little more accessible to older patrons and singles without kids. Just about every remodel I've seen of a corporate store or a large franchisee is coming with electrical outlets and laptop friendly seating, and the PlayPlaces are getting whacked.
How about 92 million off the work rolls and an America with no discretionary income anymore.
Dog Wonder said:
She could give him and the kids a ride in her Caddy down to the gray market for booze and smokes.
With food stamps on a 50% cash value.
Actually Glenn has a valid argument this very minute. Welfare is Welfare no matter or for what reason they receive it. Whether it be General Motors being bailed out or the stereotypical "Welfare Queen" and her EBT card.
You used that money to "better yourself"? Some of that money was mine. It was confiscated by the IRS in order to train you. That, my friend is the text book example of the very socialism you purport to hate.
Confiscation is NOT compassion. You slithered up to take a drink from the government trough and because it benefited you then it's OK for you, but not OK for Tamika and her 4 kids by 4 different men? You can't have it both ways.
Yes, of course. I must have missed it. GM shoots out cars and employs thousands of people, while Welfare Queens employ the Father Of The Year to help them shoot out babies. Wow, either way the taxpayer gets F#C3D!
SparrowHawk said:
Secondly it is not the role of the Federal Government to fund the social contract. I believe that each of us is morally and ethically bound to help each other in time fo need. It is our duty, the "price" we pay for Liberty and frankly it's a bargain.
Your right, it is not the role of the Federal Government to fun the social contract, yet they don't mind imposing forced charity on working America.
SparrowHawk said:
I just had to laugh at the move to where there are jobs comment. Some, perhaps most who live in Appalachia have families that have lived on that land for 300 years. Take a look at the family burial plots with death dates around 1743. Sure just pack up, no biggie. So they struggle. 
Yeah, that is called making a choice. Some choices are hard.
But it looked so good on paper.
Many cities that implemented a minimum wage hike to $10 or more in recent months have experienced an unexpected consequence as a result: a severe lack of available service industry jobs.
Investor’s Business Daily reported last week that job gains at restaurants, hotels and other leisure and hospitality venues have fallen to multiyear lows in cities that passed wage hikes, which include:
  • Chicago;
  • Oakland;
  • San Francisco;
  • Seattle;
  • Los Angeles; and
  • Washington, D.C.
The paper notes that the nation’s capital is among the cities being hit the hardest, as 700 leisure and hospitality jobs disappeared in the second half of 2015 following a $1 jump in the minimum wage on July 1st.

The data aren't, for the most part, stark and reliable enough to amount to smoking-gun proof.
However, they show an early alarming trend.
xUT said:
So here we are <Linky<.
Kommiefornia is set to implement a min wage of $15 for the entire state.
A 50% increase in base salaries by 2022.
Who do these idiots think will pay for it?
The department of unicorns and rainbows?

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