eolesen said:Some people will definitely pay more, but you can't really afford to take a family of four to Panera or Chipotle when you're running between soccer practice and a Boy Scout meeting. That's still the primary audience for McD's.
Both McD and BK are losing sales, but I suspect some of that is due to the overall health of the franchisees and not necessarily the corporate stores or those of a regional franchisee. You see some pretty wild variations on the condition of the stores when you get outside the major metro areas.
The moves to add the coffee bar and healthier menu are a good step at making them a little more accessible to older patrons and singles without kids. Just about every remodel I've seen of a corporate store or a large franchisee is coming with electrical outlets and laptop friendly seating, and the PlayPlaces are getting whacked.
How about 92 million off the work rolls and an America with no discretionary income anymore.