It is kinda sad to see all the bitter and unhappy people on here. I feel sorry for you...
Like I said, There is nothing wrong with the 170 Division of Mainline (which by the way is what you are supposed to call MDA
😛 ). It just serves as a lightining rod for dissatisfied, disillusioned, and jealous people who have a mistaken sense of pre-deregulation entitlement...
Not much I can do about that. Could write 'till my fingers fell off and those who are callous and bitter would still remain so. I understand change is scary to some, and your fears manifest themselves in derogatory remarks towards the aircraft, 170 Division, or even me, oh well...
Fact is, the EMB-170 is a great Plane, easily THE BEST 70 seater flying and heads above anything our competition has. Fact is that the 170 Division is now and will always be far more experienced and "mainline-like" than our competition. Fact is that it IS already making money for US, and fact is that having the newest plane around is and always will be cool B)
Unhappy naysayers cannot change a thing about ANY of the above items. So if this post is the written equivelent of the middle finger to your poor attitudes, so be it.
I have a choice, to wallow in the self-pity and remorse, to whine endlessly with little worthwhile or constructive to add like many on here, or...
I can try to enjoy the job I CHOOSE to work at (ummm just like everyone has CHOSEN to continue to work at US), enjoy the new 20 Million dollar toy I have been given, and remind myself why I got into this job in the first place.
So complain about the plane, call me names, whine whine cry cry cry all you want. When it comes down to it I will be happy, enjoying myself for a change, and have a positive outlook.
You will be stuck being, well..., stuck being you...
To all the normal people, have a great weekend.