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Mid Atlantic July Classes

Geeze, I love watching a decent thread go off into "la la land" from unrelated tangenets being tossed in There is no height requirement nor limitation for F/A's on express aircraft, we have em in all shapes and sizes.

As for the longevity pay issue, I am not sure exactly why it played out the way it did. I have thought about it and come up with a few opinions though.

IMHO the company did not expect MDA to go the way it did. Remember that initially it was not meant to be a part of mainline, rather another subsidiary like ALG/PDT/PSA. And remember that most of the current situation was set upto address JFJ at places like Mesa.

it was probably more an issue to placate John Ornstein, who always seemed to have an unnatural level of influance upon Dave S. In that APL pilots coming to Mesa would make as little as necessary. Thus, first yr CA pay, or max F/O pay was established for JFJ to save outfits like Mesa and CHQ $$$

When it came to MDA, IMHO the powers that be never expected that MDA would be only marginally popular to those on the APL list. My best guess is that they at least expected every CA position to be filled by an APL pilot. As for F/O positions they could then be filled by junior APL pilots with only a few years' senority anyways, or W/O pilots payed longevity, each of which would usually mean max F/O pay (36/hr). (Since neither Junior APL, nor senior W/O pilots could work for starting F/O pay at MDA...)

Just a guess.
A quick look at the official websites will show that Piedmont Airlines requires you be no shorter than 5'2 and PSA requires you be no taller than 5'9.

Maybe they are talking about something else, like shoe size, since there are no height requirements. 🙄
Light Years: Don't you EVER keep your insights to yourself. You keep on talking, Babe. Thank God for people like you on this forum sight.

You Go Girl!!!! 😉 :up:

I certainly meant no disrespect. I have the highest regard for those US Airways flight attendants who work so hard to care for US Airways' guests and to provide them with exceptional customer service.

Notwithstanding, I do not believe that a flight attendant should ever earn more than a Captain.

The Captain is, essentially, the manager of our little "shop". He/she is responsible for everything that occurs on the aircraft -- every facet of its operation.

I would never presume to diminish the importance of the safety and customer-service related functions of the INFLIGHT staff, but I believe we can all agree that the Captains job and his or her responsibilities regardless of aircraft size should yield a higher paycheck.

I hope that you don't construe that as my being a "d*ck" to the cabin crew. It is simply an opinion from a lowly furloughee.

Even YOU have to admit Flight Attendant height has nothing to do with this thread topic. Feel free to start a new thread and chat till you are blue in the face over the issue. I am just telling you that I KNOW there are Flight attendants taller than 5'9 and shorter than 5'2 at Express.

Having worked there for EIGHT years I might just have noticed such a thing.

But like I said, feel free to start another topis thread and debate it till the end of time, I will not bother you for that.

As for attitude tpawards the cabin crew, I am nothing but professional, helpful, and friendly (No matter how tall or short they might be <wink>). No trip goes well if the cabin crew is unhappy, period. But I am still unclear what your PS statement also has to do with this topic.. Just sounded like a needless threat meant to lash out at me. Sorry you felt the need to say such a thing.

So lighten up Light Years. 😀

"being told you are incorrect is not the same as being told you are a liar"

Thanks for the advice on forum usage, I guess we are even-steven now on telling each other how to use this new fangled internet-thingy 😉

So we will agree to disagree. I think the world revolves around pilots, and you consider your world's rotation point to be Flight Attendants. B)

And so it has been since the beginning of airline aviation, and so it shall be until the end... No sense in our trying to change it 😀

have a good night Light
LOL, well just flew with a female FA at Piedmont... She was 6'3", kinda hot too...

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