Geeze, I love watching a decent thread go off into "la la land" from unrelated tangenets being tossed in There is no height requirement nor limitation for F/A's on express aircraft, we have em in all shapes and sizes.
As for the longevity pay issue, I am not sure exactly why it played out the way it did. I have thought about it and come up with a few opinions though.
IMHO the company did not expect MDA to go the way it did. Remember that initially it was not meant to be a part of mainline, rather another subsidiary like ALG/PDT/PSA. And remember that most of the current situation was set upto address JFJ at places like Mesa.
it was probably more an issue to placate John Ornstein, who always seemed to have an unnatural level of influance upon Dave S. In that APL pilots coming to Mesa would make as little as necessary. Thus, first yr CA pay, or max F/O pay was established for JFJ to save outfits like Mesa and CHQ $$$
When it came to MDA, IMHO the powers that be never expected that MDA would be only marginally popular to those on the APL list. My best guess is that they at least expected every CA position to be filled by an APL pilot. As for F/O positions they could then be filled by junior APL pilots with only a few years' senority anyways, or W/O pilots payed longevity, each of which would usually mean max F/O pay (36/hr). (Since neither Junior APL, nor senior W/O pilots could work for starting F/O pay at MDA...)
Just a guess.
As for the longevity pay issue, I am not sure exactly why it played out the way it did. I have thought about it and come up with a few opinions though.
IMHO the company did not expect MDA to go the way it did. Remember that initially it was not meant to be a part of mainline, rather another subsidiary like ALG/PDT/PSA. And remember that most of the current situation was set upto address JFJ at places like Mesa.
it was probably more an issue to placate John Ornstein, who always seemed to have an unnatural level of influance upon Dave S. In that APL pilots coming to Mesa would make as little as necessary. Thus, first yr CA pay, or max F/O pay was established for JFJ to save outfits like Mesa and CHQ $$$
When it came to MDA, IMHO the powers that be never expected that MDA would be only marginally popular to those on the APL list. My best guess is that they at least expected every CA position to be filled by an APL pilot. As for F/O positions they could then be filled by junior APL pilots with only a few years' senority anyways, or W/O pilots payed longevity, each of which would usually mean max F/O pay (36/hr). (Since neither Junior APL, nor senior W/O pilots could work for starting F/O pay at MDA...)
Just a guess.