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Mid Atlantic July Classes

Does anyone know when ground school will start being conducted at CLT? Any word on when the training devices are to be moved?

No word on Groundschool. for now it is still going to be in PIT.

Was told by the nice lady setting up classes that the Sim they bought for CLT should be up in AUG, with overflow going still to YUL. So I may or may not see that happen, depends on what day of August it is up and running.

Do not have anythingto study yet, looked for aftermarket study aids, nothing avail yet. Supposed to have a cockpit poster avial from one outfit in "the near future". I will keep checking on that and post if it is avail.
bigbusdrvr said:
Do you have any idea what the working conditions will be at JBLU on the EMB-190??

You do know that you will be on a seperate list than the 320 at JBLU...

Their will be no crossover, with MDA pay at such an excedingly low rate, I can't wait to see the JBLU payrate...
like 737 said, i've heard from a few of the line pilots at blu that its going to be one list, they didn't want to have the problems they see everyone else (ie airways) has with creating second class citizen status in their own ranks like airways did with its wo regionals
It is going to be near impossible for UAIR to keep Ejet typed pilots, once the JBLU Ejet program is up and running.

I guess the WO's didn't see J4J guys getting max FO pay, and taking Capt. slots away from PSA guys either. But I guess that was okay.
WO's have been screwed so hard by the mainline folks for so many years, let them take longevity over. Sorry you guys aren't getting that, but thats how it was neg. And that was the same way it was neg. for you guys to get Capt Slots, and Max FO pay on the J4J deal.
If the mainline furloughs are gonna get mad about WO's taking longevity over there, well then how about the WO's fight for date of hire intergration at MDA. Since it will soon be a WO anyway (SSO does it paychecks, Health Care is same as PDT, and they have PDT #'s)
It already has. Come spend a month with me at PSA. The same old tired discussion gets rehashed several times a day... Both sides have a point but enough already I can only listen to it so many times. Let's just get our job done.
WSurf said:

I guess the WO's didn't see J4J guys getting max FO pay, and taking Capt. slots away from PSA guys either. But I guess that was okay.
WO's have been screwed so hard by the mainline folks for so many years, let them take longevity over. Sorry you guys aren't getting that, but thats how it was neg. And that was the same way it was neg. for you guys to get Capt Slots, and Max FO pay on the J4J deal.
If the mainline furloughs are gonna get mad about WO's taking longevity over there, well then how about the WO's fight for date of hire intergration at MDA. Since it will soon be a WO anyway (SSO does it paychecks, Health Care is same as PDT, and they have PDT #'s)
I would NOT say those of us APLers going to MAA are mad at wholly owned pilots coming to MAA for making $91/hr for captain. Thats what the position SHOULD pay! We are mad at our own union for negotiating these substandard pay rates for us without our input. But of course thats the way it has always been at U mainline.......... the junior pilots get screwed again !
PropPiedmont said:
It looks like 42 Allegheny and 6 Piedmont pilots will be making up the Mid Atlantic July FO classes. Numbers for the August classes should be out on July 6 or 7 (60 openings 30 CA and 30 FO).
How can ALG and PDT who are already very short on pilots see so many of there pilots go to MDA and still run an airline? I mean 42 pilots at ALG? What is that like 10% of the entire list? Are you guys retiring the Dash's faster then was planned? It looks from the outside that ALG and PDT might join PSA and MESA in the many CX'd flights due to lack of crew soon. That should be good for the overall health of US Airways. -Cape
Well PDT is hiring 20-30 pilots a month. And I do believe once ALG/PDT merger is complete, and since we now have a full 'flush thru' that MDA and PDT will be just one airline operating Turbo Props and the EMB.

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