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A New Round Of Mid-atlantic Classes...

They would be denied anyway....deadheading crews do not ride jumpseat. Not many will sit on an uncomfortable jumpseat when they contractually are entitled to a real seat.

I flew PSA on PHL-DTW a month or two ago, and the flight was completely full. Then two space-positive deadheading pilots showed up. The agent was ready to bump two people, but the deadheading Captain volunteered to sit in the jumpseat so that only one person needed to be bumped. :up: :up: :up:
if they sent out all of these letters to furloughed employees for recall to mid, then why did my friend get a call today while on a trip telling her she was getting displaced? but she has a choice...go to philly and bump a junior or go to dc and hold a block. are they scheduling these classes because they think people are going to quit? light years help my friend out.
noluv said:
if they sent out all of these letters to furloughed employees for recall to mid, then why did my friend get a call today while on a trip telling her she was getting displaced? but she has a choice...go to philly and bump a junior or go to dc and hold a block. are they scheduling these classes because they think people are going to quit? light years help my friend out.

I don't know if a lot of people are leaving MAA, but I suspect that the new financing arrangement that the company made with GE includes the seven 170s sitting on the tarmac in Brazil, painted in UAIR colors and ready to fly. If that's the case, I think there's still time to work them into the March schedules. Perhaps they've even already been worked into the February schedules.
Someone said on the displacement topic that the Jan. were canceled, does anyone know if this is true???
I haven't heard anything about January classes cancelled (although they have been on and off a few times) but the displacements have nothing to do with recalls. A huge part of the flying is shifting to DCA, along with any new aircraft that may arrive. The company had grandiose plans for MDA at all of the "big five" cities, but with the scaled back deliveries they are focusing on DCA right now. They are able to fly the 170 (not the larger variants) in Express slots, so they'll be kicking out the RJs and flying to business markets and such from thier valuable space at DCA.

All I can gather is that more people than expected bid for DCA (the CLT contingent, commuters and those chasing a block) and there is space in PHL after all. Apparently thus far only PIT people have officially recieved displacement notices.
DCAflyer said:
The letter states that the first class will be in January. Exact date I cannot tell you.

January classes are being cancelled. As of today, there will be no classes in January. Things are ALWAYS subject to change though
Classic US Airways! 🙄
We will....we won't...we will...no wait, we won't...just kidding it's back on....ect.
USAirBoyA330 said:
Classic US Airways! 🙄
We will....we won't...we will...no wait, we won't...just kidding it's back on....ect.

Funny that you said that....

Just got a phone call and there is a VERY TENTATIVE class slated for the 17th of January. The reason there will probably be no class is that the staffing levels are "very healthy" at MAA right now. I was told that it will probably still be NO classes for January.
BoeingBoy said:
Air conditioned,

All I have to go on are the BK filings, where the only deliveries spelled out are the 3 CRJ-700's.

I would expect that there are discussions being held about delivery schedules and aircraft types in connection with the RJ leases contained in the GE deal.

The only thing I can add is just some food for thought. I understand MDA F/A's are qualified on all the company's aircraft, so could be used in the event of a mainline F/A work action after contract abrogation (if it comes to that). Unlike any other group of F/A's or folks off the street, there would be no additional training required.

Aside from we pilots (who have an agreement), no other group that I know of requires airline specific training. A Piedmont ramper could fill in for a mainline ramper. A PSA agent could fill in for a mainline agent. Contract maintenance could fill in for mainline maintenance.


How ironic that the company would send out letter for more classes with no delivery dates on equiptment, at the same time, AFA puts out a strike vote with 85% FOR.

IMO opinion they were using MAA f/as to cross our picket lines and fly our planes in case of a strike.

That would have created the biggest war ever seen in avaition history!!!!!

The company would never have survived it.

Since AFA has a T/A, they have cancelled these classes.

Can't trust this managment as far as one could throw them.
Ok, folks, here's the deal. Go to Inflight Services for MidAtlantic on theHub, then to transfers. They have it divided as follows:

*PIT F/As displaced to PHL or DCA (thier choice) 13
*PHL F/As who WILL be displaced too DCA (no choice) 36
*PHL F/As who MAY be displaced to DCA (if PIT F/As select PHL) 13
*Voluntary Transfer Awards- DCA 41

The company is anticipating a few people quitting, so they have "reinforcements" on hold to accept a recall class if needed.

There is in fact displacement pay up to $1000, HOWEVER, you have to produce reciepts for $1000 in expenses, which a) no one has because thats a month's pay and B) the company can contest so pretty much forget it.

There are supposedly people in PHL (who are on the 13 may be displaced list) who want to go to DC, but were waiting to see if they got displaced and would get any money out of it. I know a couple people who are going to call and ask if they can be considered a voluntary transfer, so a junior person who wants to be in PHL will not be displaced.

By seniority, the PIT people can bump those mid-seniority 13 out of PHL, although previously when senior people came back online, they could not go to PIT and bump juniors out because it was a "closed base."

I'll post this is both threads.

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