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Mid Atlantic July Classes

after this next round of pay cuts at mainline, some fo's will be making less than $91/hr.....this career is so F-ed up.
Light Years said:
.......... You start running into height issues with mainline F/As on the props. When MAA was first announced to be a "regional jet" operation, there were concerns about a/c type, as many of the eligible F/As wouldnt be allowed to work it.
Height issues? What? I didn't realize mainline flight attendants were so huge. Amazonian?

I'm 6'1" and have no problem moving around in the Dash. Now, width restrictions may need to be applied.
We've got a handful of 6 footers working the galleys of Piedmont. So, if PSA or MAA ever turns you down or US Air decides to let you go because you're too tall, come on over to the Dark Side. Piedmont will scoop you up and throw you right into battle.
foreright said:
after this next round of pay cuts at mainline, some fo's will be making less than $91/hr.....this career is so F-ed up.
I know you can't be serious, but just in case you really don't have your tongue firmly in your cheek when you typed that...... Boo Hoo and Waa Waaaaah!

Sure there are a vast number of severly underpaid pilots out there, but those FOs making slightly less than $91 p.hr, even at the top of the scale, are not doing too badly.

How about considering an 18 year wholly-owned pilot taking an FO job at MDA for $37 or so per hour?

How about a new-hire at MDA getting $20 per hour in the first year?

No, you're not serious. It's a "let them eat cake" joke you're making. Right? Please don't be serious. :shock:
What if he said, "some mainline flight attendants make more than some MidAtlantic CAPTAINS -- this career is so F-ed up."

Would that have been ok?

Aww heck. Been an airline pilot for a decade and i'm only making $38/hr (thats around $38,000/yr pre-tax for all you non pilot folks) So what do I know? 🙄
Light Years said:
Alot of mainline flight attendants make more than alot of "regional" pilots. This has always been true.
You sound as if to justify that fact... It's pretty screwed up if you ask me.
Yes, but for the first time a flight attendant is earning more than a CAPTAIN of a 70+ passenger jetliner flown by the same company, on the same certificate...

MidAtlantic is no "regional", despite the company's effort to minimize it by painting EXPRESS on the side of the airplanes.

MidAtlantic is no different than Song, or Metrojet, or Delta Express. It is a B-scale airline (albeit fenced from the rest of the mainline.

And the CAPTAINS -- some who have in excess of a decade of seniority -- are earning far less than most flight attendants.

It is an inequity. Pilots are by no means the most highly educated, highly trained, experienced employees at the airline. But their skill-set is such that it deserves a certain level of compensation.

It is an emberassment that a flight attendant - nomatter how much experience or training he or she may have - is more highly compensated than the Captain.

Just my opinion.
Furloughedagain said:
It is an inequity. Pilots are by no means the most highly educated, highly trained, experienced employees at the airline. But their skill-set is such that it deserves a certain level of compensation.
Apparently, pilots are so eager to keep on flying planes no matter what, that they are willing to work for such wages. As long as that is true, the trend will continue. If highly-skilled people are willing to work for peanuts, what we think that skill-set "deserves" is meaningless.
People have a choice when chosing an airline or regional. I finished college, went down to FSI instructed in Vero Beach. (Flew some corporate on side while teaching). Then it was time to send out resumes, and I refused to go to places that had pay for training, or not being paid in training. So after all that I decided on Piedmont (no jets, but dam good working contract, and some of the best pay for FO's). I guess my point is, what 'bear' said. People are willing to fly for nothing.
Remember the old saying by J.O. (Mesa Ceo).. "I pay my pilots too much as it is".. And why is that mr. ornstien... "because every month I can fill up a new hire class."
It was okay 5 years ago, if you where at a regional flying for nothing. Mainly because you wanted to get that dream mainline job. But with all this 70 seat crap being flown by regionals it has made this industry one big blurr... And I blame a lot of that on ALPA... They where so caught of guard trying to protect the mainline, that they forgot about the sneaking regionals with the big jets biting them in the arse...
ALPA has to realise they can't be everybody friend just too get those union dues... STOP SIGNING OFF ON THIS CRAPPY CONTRACTS... PROTECT THE PROFESSION.....
Okay, I feel better... G-Day

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