Mid Atlantic,Any New....??


Nov 8, 2002
Any new info on MDA with a start up date? Crew and MX bases?? Cities to be served? ect... Thanks.
Someone must have some info if it's really a fall start-up. I've heard there are 50 employees (probably all VPs
) at RIDC Park. I'd also like to know when recall notices will go out, and how and when training will be handled.
According to Uncle Dave''s weekly message it is not scheduled to start up until the 1st qrt of 2004 (Jan, Feb, Mar). Also, from his post...due to a software upgrade needed, Embraer cannot certify the aircraft until November. As for bases, cities, etc...I have heard nothing about that. As far as I know right now PIT will be the only base. I am sure that is only short term. And yes, there are many people already over at MDA in RIDC. An airline isn''t born...it is built. Someone has to start it....right?

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