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Mesa May Purchase Usairways


You keep avoiding the real issue that Lakefield is not qualified to run an airline and he is no leader.

I have pointed that out in several postings, but funny you keep ignoring them.
bwipilot said:
Pitbull, I thought your last post was well written and had useful input.  I especially liked the part where you intentionally mispelled chameleon and sent Francis--no I mean Calibrator over the edge. :}


He's a joke, and I just laugh...

He pretends its his friends computer, so then he blames the comments on his friend. Calibrator, curt, Cav, whatever...

He keeps this up, and he continues to stalk...he and his friends account will be closed for good.

But knowing him personally, he is soooo obsessed, he'll be back pretending he's managment or some God -sent priest.
Change your name to Piney320Bob.

The above is their own business, none of yours or any other board member.
Plain and simple, he is the CEO, the man in charge of the airline.

He is not leading it, he is letting others.

Why has Tilton from UA and Kellner for CO take paycuts since their employees have taken concessions?

What is so special about Lakefield that is should not take a paycut?

Why does he make more then Parker at WN and Neeleman at B6?
Last time I checked they were profitible and US is dying a slow death.

Why did he blame the employees for the X-mas meltdown, only to be caught lying by the DOT's report?

A leader leads, he is just cashing a paycheck.

I have met the man and talked to him, I am not impressed.

Give me Rakesh any day over Leechfield.
PineyBob said:
But he may be just the right guy for the job of SAVING US Airways. He is highly respected in the investment banking business and what does US need MORE than anything else right now? MONEY!! The more the better. Remember he is one of THEM! A money guy, not an airline guy so he is percieved differently.


Wonder why they aren't breaking down the door. Oh wait he said they were. I forgot.
And they would be worth it.

What has Lakefield done?

Lets see he had US file bankruptcy again.

He had Judge Mitchell impose a 21% paycut, while management only took 1% and he took 0%.

Then he blames the employees for every mistake and he does not hold any executive responsible for doing their jobs and does not apologize after he was proven to be lying about the Meltdown in PHL.

Still have no plan to make this company profitible.

With leadership like that, this place is doomed.

He needs to learn how to lead:

Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
Lee Iacocca
PineyBob said:
Let's wait and withold judgement for now. Nobody expected the Air Wisc deal which to me has Lakefield/Bronner stamped all over it. Whether we agree on anything else I think we could agree that when it comes to finance US has a pretty good team in place.

Airline operations is another story IMO.

700UW, taking a pay cut is not the only way to display leadership. He is in a position with a distressed carrier so he has some personal pricing power. IF US tried to hire the 2 folks you mentioned what do you think they would want to work at US? My guess is MILLIONS

I guess we could wait until its all over and Chapter 7 is done then debate it. Maybe they have a good finance team together but investors really are not in the business of throwing away money are they? If everything is so rosy looking for USAirways why hasn't Bonner stepped up to the plate, for his old friend, the one he got in this mess, like he said he would again if employees stepped up again? I don't care how many financers they say they have lined up until they come up with a viable and credible business plan and oil shows a sign of easing this puppy isn't going to get the big financing it needs.
700UW said:
What has Lakefield done?

One thing about Lakefield that distinguishes him from the other "leaders" of US Airways -- he's made some tough command decisions.

Nobody wants to go into bankruptcy, ask for paycuts, or close down operations.

But it had to be done, and he did what he could with the tools and resources at his disposal.

I don't agree with the decisions made by Lakefield and Bronner. But the fact remains that they made some difficult decisions and, based on some of the 2004 layoff data just released last week, 90% of the employees are still receiving a paycheck and have some level of health coverage.

Had the paycuts not been imposed in October, my guess is that US would have probably run out of cash at some point during 4Q04. Maybe someone like mweiss can run the numbers...

Leaders sometimes where two hats. There's the concensus builder, which is what Iococca championed, and there's making tough decisions, which is what Jack Welch is known for.

Ideally, as a shareholder I want both qualities in my management team, but if I have to pick one over the other, I'd rather have someone who was trained to launch nuclear missles over a touchy-feely-group-hug type.

Hello they are about to layoff 4,000 people, that is about 15% of the workforce, on top of the all ready 20,000+ all ready on layoff.

Lakefield declared war on the employees and listened to Glass, say what you want about Siegel, at least he did not file motions in court to abrogate contracts.

Lakefield is not a leader he is a leech, he sucked out $1.1 Million in total compensation last year.
700UW said:
Talking to people who use to work for and negotiate against JO when he ran COEX, he was fair to deal with.


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