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Johnny O Wants Some Action.....


Aug 30, 2003
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This is USairexpress!!!!! :shock: Sir Richard is not going to like this.........

Mesa May Lease B737s

Mar 08, 2004 (Commuter/Regional Airline News/PBI Media via COMTEX) -- In
another development that may further blur the line between regional and mainline
carriers, Mesa Air Group is exploring the possible use of Boeing [BA] 737s.

As it reviews future growth opportunities, CEO Jonathan Ornstein said the
carrier is studying the possible use of narrow-body planes in a point-to-point
operation. "In our view, it would appear that the narrow-body aircraft would be
more cost-effective than large regional jets in a low-cost operation outside of
the traditional hub-and-spoke," he told CRAN.

Mesa is considering the merits of leasing B737-300s, which have been configured
to carry 128 to 149 passengers.

Ornstein is not saying just how the regional carrier may use a mainline jet.
However, he was quick to say that any venture would be done in "cooperation"
with one of its code-share partners. He does not see a Mesa pilot flying a B737
for a mainline partner.

Mesa flies regional jets for America West [AWA], United Airlines [UALAQ] and US
Airways [UAIR]

"If JetBlue [JBLU] is right, there are 100 markets that we can fly from. I am
leaning toward an ultra-low cost operation. We are looking at existing models
and the most successful, Ryanair [RYAAY]," Ornstein said.

Don't get confused. Mesa is not taking a page from the Atlantic Coast Airlines
[ACAI] business plan. He said Atlantic Coast's proposed Independence Air is
"flawed" because it is precisely that - independent of its major carrier
partners. Independence plans to fly regional jets and Airbus 319s. Ornstein was
unsuccessful last fall in buying Atlantic Coast.

>>Contact: Jonathan Ornstein, Mesa, (602) 685-4001
This is all very old news my friend. Come on down to the dark dungeon of the E Concourse in CLT and hang out in the Mesa crew room for five minutes. You'll have all kinds of great stories to tell your mainline buddies about Mesa's plan to take over the world. 😛h34r:
E-GAD MAN........I knew it!! WE'RE DOOMED............doooooomed :shock: