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Pittsburgh Weighed As Hub For Mesa

Light Years said:
Was it really for going to work on time for 3 months? :unsure:
Everyone with no sick calls over the holdiays had there names put in a hat and the winner got the car. They also gave away a couple other nice gifts (I think a computer and a big screen T.V?). -Cape
SoldWholeSale said:

I told you so..... I didn't say it was a good thing, but I said it would happen. Everyone including Mesa thinks USAir will fail and they are setting up shop to be able to pick up the pieces and run if it happens.
No you said Mesa had all ready leased them and were getting certified to fly them.

Posted on: Apr 4 2004, 01:41 PM

Wanna bet? All of Mesa Airlines operating certificates are held by the Dallas FSDO which is where Mesa origionally started Jet service from Ft. Worth. You check, both Mesa Airlines and Freedom Airlines certificates are held there.

Proving runs start in June, revenue in July. Not everyone works at the USAirways pace of business. You would also be amazed at how many Mesa/Freedom pilots already posess 737 types in an effort to get on with SWA, its not exactly a difficult type to get. It takes less than six weeks to add a new equipment type to an existing certificate, two weeks to type a pilot, and two weeks to finish "initial cadre" IOE. Mesa already contracts out a good bit of maintenance, why would a 737 be any different? No "bit of time" would be longer than 60 days.

Like you, I would rather they didn't, but its hard to bet against the lead horse!

You want facts, you drive by PHX Goodyear airport and you will see 3 ex-UAL Shuttle 737-300's getting ready for paint. Guess who they belong to?

Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #128362

Posted on: Apr 4 2004, 01:27 PM
No, Mesa 737's is not a "Chip fact". I know the gentleman who was responsible for proof reading the manuals which once there are serial # specifics supplied for the aircraft will be sent to the Dallas FSDO for approval.

Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #128353

Posted on: Apr 4 2004, 12:21 PM
Actually, Mesa has finished 737 manuals and has secured leases on three ex-UAL 737-300's. JO has spoken openly about his desire to fly 737's very recently in the press.

You are correct about the paint though, from what I hear they will not be in Mesa colors...
Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #128335
They have and are....... I may miss the June time frame by a month give or take, but they're coming. Ten by year end.

Believe it....or not?
