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Mesa Developing 737 Pay Scale

Capecod said:
And perhaps it is notable that U managment asked for 1.5 billion in give backs this time. (plus the two billion already) Maybe it is because they know you guys will give until you have personally destroyed the entire major airline payscale at all positions. Hell, I guess you aready did that the first time around. -Cape

Very well said.

The self appointed leaders of U's labor force will drive every other employee group into the dirt to save themselves.

God only knows how low the pilot group will go to "save the airline".

When is it going to be the right time to stand up and fight to keep what is left of a contract that has taken years of negotiation and sacrifice to achieve ?

Before this is over, ALPA will LEAD THE WAY for other unions on the property, along with management, to destroy the living standards of every employee in the aviation industry.

linemech said:

Very well said.

The self appointed leaders of U's labor force will drive every other employee group into the dirt to save themselves.

God only knows how low the pilot group will go to "save the airline".

When is it going to be the right time to stand up and fight to keep what is left of a contract that has taken years of negotiation and sacrifice to achieve ?

Before this is over, ALPA will LEAD THE WAY for other unions on the property, along with management, to destroy the living standards of every employee in the aviation industry.


Do you really believe that the industry will be influenced in any major way from what we do at US Airways. Look around, this is much bigger than us, it is a major shift in the industry. Pay and working conditions are coming down at all legacy carriers. Our choice is limited to attempting to be here to claw our way back in the future.

Said another way, do you believe that when you shut this airline down, that this trend will reverse, or even stop?

Think about it....
UseYourHead said:

Do you really believe that the industry will be influenced in any major way from what we do at US Airways. Look around, this is much bigger than us, it is a major shift in the industry. Pay and working conditions are coming down at all legacy carriers. Our choice is limited to attempting to be here to claw our way back in the future.

Said another way, do you believe that when you shut this airline down, that this trend will reverse, or even stop?

Think about it....
First this is NOT the trend, ask LUV, they are paying more right now BEFORE we take hit three.

So with your logic since U has the momentum, the advantage of a bad situation, employees should sacrifice everything fought for the last several decades and just give in to the obvious incompetence, greed on and on just so you can say, I still have my job. I guess you have no limits to how far you can be pushed. Is this really using ones head as your screen name states? Take a survey, or better yet watch what the final outcome shows as we live it.
UseYourHead said:

Do you really believe that the industry will be influenced in any major way from what we do at US Airways. Look around, this is much bigger than us, it is a major shift in the industry. Pay and working conditions are coming down at all legacy carriers. Our choice is limited to attempting to be here to claw our way back in the future.

Said another way, do you believe that when you shut this airline down, that this trend will reverse, or even stop?

Think about it....

Yes I do believe that the industry will be influenced by what happens at U.

The trend was initiated when labor caved in the first TWO TIMES and others have not sat by without noticing what a gruop of terrified workers will do when threatened.

As for being here to claw your way back in the future, those who continue to give, give, give, may or may not be in the handful of remaining employees working for U when nothing is left to give and most jobs are contracted out.

Management will accept all the employees will give and then take the rest.
This TREND will not stop until someone says no.

cavalier said:
First this is NOT the trend, ask LUV, they are paying more right now BEFORE we take hit three.

So with your logic since U has the momentum, the advantage of a bad situation, employees should sacrifice everything fought for the last several decades and just give in to the obvious incompetence, greed on and on just so you can say, I still have my job. I guess you have no limits to how far you can be pushed. Is this really using ones head as your screen name states? Take a survey, or better yet watch what the final outcome shows as we live it.
Don't forget to ask your LUV contemporary how many quarters his company has posted a loss in the past 31 years of its existence.

Contrast that to U's 15 or 16 years of UN-profitibility (with one or two profitable years). That's why they are making more than U are.

Really, what's out of whack with U, solely from a labor standpoint, is the higher wages UNSKILLED labor makes at U. In addition, there are remaining productivity and utilization issues that must be addressed. No employee group is excluded. U needs to work smarter and that doesn't mean more manpower.

The only momentum is a graveyard spiral. Hopefully, Captain Lakefield can manipulate the controls to effect a safe landing.
Don't forget to ask your LUV contemporary how many quarters his company has posted a loss in the past 31 years of its existence.

The profitability at WN is due, not to the employees not getting decent wages....but do to productivity and management having a coherent plan for the company. Bilking captive NE markets for every penny you can squeeze out of them and saying to heck with ASM costs did not constitute a plan, and that should come as no revelation.

Really, what's out of whack with U, solely from a labor standpoint, is the higher wages UNSKILLED labor makes at U.

This smacks of elitism. I am not certain why folks continue to try and put themselves on a pedestal, or define how much more worthy one group is than another. the bottom line is every employee brings skills and talents and abilities to the table. That doesn't mean they are all worth the exact same amount of money....in fact, that's what collective bargaining was for....so that the relative worth of each duty position could be arrived at in the marketplace. That was done. NOW folks are trying to reverse the results and that is not fair in any way, shape, or form.

The only momentum is a graveyard spiral. Hopefully, Captain Lakefield can manipulate the controls to effect a safe landing.

If that's what management was after. I think it is pretty clear (and plainly obvious) that the goal is not to maintain USAirways as a going concern. Rather, the goal is to eviscerate the employee costs and try to sell the thing to Mesa.

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