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Why does US Airways pay so poorly...?

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How many of those 40 million people without health insurance have televisions, cell phones, cable, internet, cars, houses, take vacations?

I see. You want the government to subsidize your lust for living beyond your means by giving you free health care?

Sack up, get rid of stupid cell phone, cancel the cable, drive a corolla, skip the vacation, don't upgrade to plasma and get your kids some basic healthcare.

Where does it say in the constituion of the united states that the government owes you healthcare and or a living wage?
Please actually read the constitution before you drape yourself in it.

The constitution makes the citizen the sovereign, and the state the subject. If enough citizens say jump, the state is supposed to say, "how high?"

The constitution makes no mention of corporations, so it is reasonable to assume the corporation is subordinate to the citizen.

With regards to business in general, the constitution says Congress shall "... regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states..."

So there goes any constitutional basis for Freidman's regurgitation of laissez faire.

While there are some welfare moms of legend (though none suckle the government teat nearly as dry as corporations) most folks of my acquaintance are a hardworking lot and careful with the dollars they have. They are being squeezed between the rising cost of everything and stagnant wages.

Even old lefty Greenspan sez so.

Of course that can happen - no system is perfect.

OTOH, there are over 40 million Americans, many of them children, who do not even have the option to wait - they have no insurance.

For many working class who do have some form of insurance, health care is de facto rationed - the insurance company tells them which doctor they can see, the range of treatments they can get and the formulary of drugs available to them.

Here's a market solution. Put every American in the same health pool, commoditize insurance and don't allow insurance companies to cherry pick - they have to compete in the same pool as everyone else. In other words, true competition instead of the current stacked deck from which consumers must draw.
I Have Seen The Dream In Canada & England {National Health Care}, There are Many without Health Care, The one's With Health Care Are Often Without as Well.
How Ever I Like Your Idea's Not Just Bitching like Most People, Thanks for Your Thought's Very appreciated, MWW.
The constitution makes the citizen the sovereign, and the state the subject. If enough citizens say jump, the state is supposed to say, "how high?"

The constitution makes no mention of corporations, so it is reasonable to assume the corporation is subordinate to the citizen.

With regards to business in general, the constitution says Congress shall "... regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states..."

So there goes any constitutional basis for Freidman's regurgitation of laissez faire.

Perish the thought!! Gasp! Horror! :shock:

Cheeky peasants!! 😉
Yeah,in the old days you needed a pitchfork and a torch.

These days, high speed internet! 😛 😉

Thank you, MWW.

I do not approve of bitchen' unless a reasonable solution is offered with it.

Otherwise, what's the point - making folks miserable?

Life will do that for us without any help.