merger could come in 2 weeks
You Betcha. I'm here to make every last dollar that I can of this industry, and if this brings me more $$$, bring it on!!!
I'm sure that you won't refuse a raise will ya?

Nope... But your raise can't be supported by what you're bringing to the table. It requires our involvement, and I havent been convinced our involvement is enough to make your raise possible long term. What you bring to the table works for you at your pay package..

As I said, depending on how long this all takes, I may be retired anyway, but perhaps a buyout will surface for some other workgroups before that time.

We can hope.

Are you still eluding to your comment about preferring to leave instead of go thru a merger?

Never said that, put up or shut up.

When I have some time to kill, I will have to search for it, but you said it regardless.

See above.

I believe that I know the "root" of you issue with this merger, and it all has to do with AA just being too high and mighty to be involved with a merger with poor little ole' US......

Nope, I could care less who it is. I would feel the same way as I do if it were Frontier.. But I actually believe they would add to the network in a more, overall, meaningful way. A lot of LCC'ers have this "We're just what you need" mentality about them thats pretty dated... Just ask UAL and Delta. I do think AA would benefit fro the shuttle and DCA. Anything else? More liability than asset.

Don't be bitter just because AA squandered every other merger opportunity that they have had, as this one can be different if handled properly.

I'm not bitter. I'm sorry AA didn't persue NWA when they had the chance. AA has a long history of taking on more than they can handle.. If LCC is added, watch for 20-40% reduction of LCC ops and and equal growth on the AA side. Nothing personal, but I'd rather see new hires and our own people in those jobs.

Face it, RDU and BNA failed ... We had what you needed then and we still have what you need today. We just posted a 1/2 billion dollar annual profit from it ..... Now can we just merger and move on?
The merger-wolf cries are going to drag on :rolleyes:

Oh the inhumanity and torture that we must endure just to reach the light at the end of the tunnel :rolleyes:

Hope it's not a freight train coming your way :rolleyes:

I hate to say it, but the NDA is working. We are witnessing the equivalent of an airline media circus :rolleyes:

April 15, huh? I doubt it will be a final announcement, but it is interesting how we actually have taxes and death to look forward to on that day :rolleyes:
The merger-wolf cries are going to drag on :rolleyes:

Oh the inhumanity and torture that we must endure just to reach the light at the end of the tunnel :rolleyes:

Hope it's not a freight train coming your way :rolleyes:

I hate to say it, but the NDA is working. We are witnessing the equivalent of an airline media circus :rolleyes:

April 15, huh? I doubt it will be a final announcement, but it is interesting how we actually have taxes and death to look forward to on that day :rolleyes:

it's nice that you can joke and have such merriment with so many peoples lively hood
what a pos you are
Awww, truth hurts, huh. Did you catch the bumper sticker on my lav truck? I may be slow but I'm ahead of you :p

Come and get it :p
Awww, truth hurts, huh. Did you catch the bumper sticker on my lav truck? I may be slow but I'm ahead of you :p

Come and get it :p

I'm on record as against this merger, what truth are you referring to? that you're a piece of ####?
Face it, RDU and BNA failed ... We had what you needed then and we still have what you need today. We just posted a 1/2 billion dollar annual profit from it ..... Now can we just merger and move on?

Can you move on?

Please do, without us!
p.s. RDU and BNA were shut down due to a slacking economy..... Look at where the jets went while you're at it. MIA!
​How many times did USAir go belly up and ultimately disappear in that time frame??????? And you're still paddling for that life raft
How many layoffs will this merger be responsible for? I have not heard too much about this issue and there will be layoffs as airline ticket counters for both carriers will merge into one counter and the same pattern will follow for some other work groups.
Staying as independent carriers will not reduce the work force and I hate to think how many will lose their jobs with this merger.
Its been said many times that airways made its profits due to having the lowest wage scales but that cannot continue for ever. Too many variables in this deal to truly project the outcome of a merger.