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Media Day Picket a success!

I all ready posted that, the Mediator reports to the NMB and informs them of the status and the board makes the decision.
I'm done here. Watch what happens. And as far as the cost of oil goes, airlines have been successful in tagging fuel surcharges tro the price of everrything anyway.
Contract or Chaos.

Pairity my arse -

Sparrow have fun sucking that koolaid.
I'm done here. Watch what happens. And as far as the cost of oil goes, airlines have been successful in tagging fuel surcharges tro the price of everrything anyway.
Contract or Chaos.

Pairity my arse -

Sparrow have fun sucking that koolaid.

Now I'm way confused. Me? Kool-Aide? I've been called many things in 10 years but never a Kool-Aide Drinker. Whose Kool-Aide am I supposed to be drinking? I mean I want to make sure I use the right glass 😀
Now I'm way confused. Me? Kool-Aide? I've been called many things in 10 years but never a Kool-Aide Drinker. Whose Kool-Aide am I supposed to be drinking? I mean I want to make sure I use the right glass 😀
Wrong guy sorry. This phone screeen is tiny.


100 If Provoked we will Strike Stickers




😛 😛 😛
Freedom you will never learn.

You have to fight for what you want in a CBA the company just doesnt give it to you.

Grow a set and stand up for yourself, your last stance on the CBA caused a few hundred of your fellow FSAs to be laid-off.

I have been on strike against US for five days, its not a bad thing and its better to die standing up for yourself than living in fear on your knees.

If everyone had your attitude workers would be back to indentured servitude or living in company towns.

please , don't make this so life or death ... people have bills to be paid , moratges and car payments don't pay for themselves .... how many of the FA's have kids they need to help put through college , or even grandchildren that they have to help support ..

Those of us who had any sense fought for better working conditions when the time was right ....What you see now are the results of work groups who couldn't get their heads screwed on when it was necessary to do so ....

All of the OTHER work groups are going to have to be happy with cost netrual contracts ... i still feel that my work group may end up getting a raise .... BECAUSE .
And that has nothing to do with US And Collective Bargaining, and the government has shutdown before, the world didnt come to an end.
Bottom line is when the f/a's take a strike vote it will pass by a landslide. Trust us on that. Also, educate yourself Freedom on the legal action called CHAOS. Honestly.....moving along
of course thou , who would want to cross picket lines when unemployment is at 11 % ( undeclared ) and underemployment is 10 % .....

it's both sad and funny watching all of the workers try to talk tough at the moment of greatest weakness ... did anyone notice the price of oil was rising ? omius storm clouds on the horizons ...

I will !!! Take that to the bank!!! 😀 😀 😀
I had this really wild question as I was reading.

Suppose the NMB released one of the work groups and that group authorized a strike and went all over the media with a strike date and all of the stuff. But instead of actually going out on strike they all reported for work. Those who had days off manned the Picket Line. Day two, one hub goes out, Day three a different Hub stays home.

Could they do this legally?
And that has nothing to do with US And Collective Bargaining, and the government has shutdown before, the world didnt come to an end.

But it's never taken five years. I give it less than a week
freedom said:
I would learn to do a lot more than than just talk tough before crossing a picket line...... Probably martial arts.....but that's me.
But I don't live out West anymore....Talk about the decline of "western civilazation".