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Senior Management To Implement New Travel NON-Rev Policy

American - First come, first serve
Southwest - first come, first serve
America West - first come, first serve
Delta - First come, first serve
United - ?
Northwest - seniority
US airways - seniority
If the company wants to get rid of those old bags, change it to first come, first serve!
Delta - seniority
United- seniority
American - First come, first serve
Southwest - first come, first serve
America West - first come, first serve
Delta - First come, first serve
United - ?
Northwest - seniority
US airways - seniority
If the company wants to get rid of those old bags, change it to first come, first serve!

United - seniority
US East people are not computer savy?

I will tell you every ramper, gate agent, ticket, agent, reservations agent, mechanic and utility use computers everyday in their workplace.

I think you need to rethink your statement.

Your statement is ignorant and incorrect.
I agree with 700 don't insult The East side.
And please Etops1 don't be so lazy Cap your I
Wow, 5 pages on this turd. Where to start. I'm exhausted already.

1. I am from East.
2. I have 19 years.
3. I am a F/A.
4. I am system senority 2827 out of roughly 5200. (use to be 11,000)
5. 19 years means NOTHING!! See #4..you do the math.
6. Just because someone from East disagrees with someone from West doesnt
mean they are entitled. Please stop that bulllshiitt!!
7. I have been based in MIA, BWI, DCA, LAX, PIT, SFO, PHL, LGA, and now CLT.
8. Commuting IS a choice and one does what they have to do, but it IS a choice.
9. If someone really junior wants a line or "stability", you move and base
yourself in the junior base or CHOOSE to commute.
10. If you want stability, don't look for it in this biz.
11. DOUG PARKER and his TEAM go by a seperate set of rules. THEY can commute pos space but the little guy can't? THAT IS SICK!! AND SETS A POOR EXAMPLE!
12.PITBULL is outting the darker side of DP and I applaud her for that.
13. I think the policy should be FCFS.

I have CHOSEN to live in base. (I have lived in many) but BEWARE my Westie
friends...I don't do the nor'east any more, so that leaves PHX. If anything
ever happens to CLT or I should get displaced, I am headed WEST, so don't
throw me any attitude if I CHOOSE to live in base.

I usually travel once or twice a year and NOW we get 2 SA1 passes, so that
works for me.

I go when the loads are low.

I don't commute.

If I must, I can list 12 hours ahead. Who cares?

BUY A LAPTOP!! I did and took it out on my taxes as you pretty much
MUST have a computer with our job, especially commuters or those
overseas. Both Dell and Apple give US Airways discounts.
14. We have pretty much the same commuting policy. The only ones NOT
participating (you must sign up) are those suspicious of the company
having their personal info...AS IF!!
15. We in this industry...as well as the automotive and others...must
realize that the days of longevity being honored with a company is
over. Most people stay with a company on average 4 years. FOUR!! Now,
longevity is more frowned upon. I know, that is screwed up. I grew up with
the idea that longevity meant something. Well, the tide has changed. I
must change.
16. The decision needs to be made ASAP so that the party not happy gets over it
17. Any one that even ATTEMPTS to slow down the company's operation because
of the travel policy should be fired!! And no hiding under the union label.

With ALL we have been through on the EAST, considering we were almost history, does it REALLY matter if it's DOH or FCFS? Had we gone under, I would have neither. Think about it! 😉

This EASTIE is just fine with FCFS.
Longevity and job security is what unions negotiate...main reason for a contract besides wages.

Do not give managment what they want, a constant junior work force while they gather dust in their office by staying for decades. Management receive huge compensations, rank and file only have job security and that is what they should fight for and the reason for the concessions given; not for a job held for a couple of years!!!

With longevity comes experience and loyalty. Otherwise, its a revolving door with apathy and no respect for employees or the customer.

One day, all of you here will want to keep your jobs longer than 4 or 5 years. As you get older, you won't be able to hop into jobs like you did years ago or today.


C'mon, you all know better. Longevity is not a thing of the past...only if YOU allow it.

Who makes the rules here????
Excuse me but I was in mgmt and took pay cuts every time that labor did. So did every person I worked with. Then mine and hundreds other management positions were cut regardless of performance or skill in every department. That is what happens to at will employees during difficult times in a corporation. No voluntary leaves, no bumping, no layoffs ...

I could fly space pos traveling for Business only and nothing else including commuting relevant to this topic.

The top execs and their pay or perks don't represent the other 98% of management or the company. But it does make for a great union rhetoric sound bite.

Management did get severance packages...so don't start with the BS, smack off. And they do get unemployment...just like the rank whose jobs were eliminated.

This thread is about commuting to work. If you received SP for business, I assume it was only for rare meetings and not to commute to work!


uh...Sherry VP Hendry LAX to DCA weekly, Simone PIT to DCA daily, Stockton CLT to DCA weekly. These were managers; not Directors.

Obviously, the company didn't value you at all, and you weren't "special", neither was your work...uh, your excused!
OK Charlie, Those employees who have taken a paycut from $12,000 to 50,000 per year. This includes agents, f/as, pilots, mechanics. Management on the other end of the spectrum, added to their pay anywhere from $12,000 and up into the hundreds of thousands and they receive space positive whenever they fly along with their families. NO FCFS scenario for them.

In case it wasn't apparent in my post I disagree with management getting postive space except when on company business. Same as anyone else. I think if they want positive space for commuting or leisure travel they should do like I suggested in my earlier post to commuters... Buy a freakin ticket to be on the safe side.
Management did get severance packages...so don't start with the BS, smack off. And they do get unemployment...just like the rank whose jobs were eliminated.

You mean the severance package that was drastically reduced two weeks before the cuts were announced? Yep I got that one. And unemployement too. Having paid into it for twenty years I needed it one time in my life when crazed radicals flew planes into buildings and changed my career.

-"Smack off??"

Gained all the knowledge you'll ever need without anothers viewpoint necessary I see... that mindset have served unions so well these last couple of decades.

yea stay that course.
Flight attendants use computers to check in too, not all the time and over 50% of US households have computers.

I still stand by my statement that etops1 is wrong and his post was ignorant.
Longevity and job security is what unions negotiate...main reason for a contract besides wages.

Do not give managment what they want, a constant junior work force while they gather dust in their office by staying for decades. Management receive huge compensations, rank and file only have job security and that is what they should fight for and the reason for the concessions given; not for a job held for a couple of years!!!

With longevity comes experience and loyalty. Otherwise, its a revolving door with apathy and no respect for employees or the customer.

One day, all of you here will want to keep your jobs longer than 4 or 5 years. As you get older, you won't be able to hop into jobs like you did years ago or today.


C'mon, you all know better. Longevity is not a thing of the past...only if YOU allow it.

Who makes the rules here????

Don't get me wrong, Pitbull. Collectively I do feel longevity is like shivery...lacking..but still there. It just doesn't seem to be respected. Is the travel policy the statement we need? Who knows.

My beef with longevity is that in our country there is so much age discrimination. It is as if you are the worst common form of life when you have any years with a company. No, I don't believe senority and longevity should be abused, but I have seen where US has made you feel like a piece of crap because you are in your 40's, 50's, or 60's. They will throw you a crumb and act as if that will take you to retirement.

I just wish everyone who is under the age of 30 would realize that we were all 24 at one time. When I was 24 all I cared about was parties, bars, and getting laid. I made foolish choices and lived the wild life. Yes, THAT was my choice and I have paid the price, but I am now in my 40's and will HAVE to work until I'm 67, if not longer. Do you 20's here that? We top out at what, 14 years..16? That alone shows total disrespect for longevity and YES, we need to fight for longevity issues. My favorite is the way the company doesn't realize that with age comes more health issues and higher cost. Their answer? Assume anyone with over 6 sick calls is abusing US Airways. Increase the out of pocket cost. Penny, nickle, and dime the "aging" workforce. Then pitch a big biitch fit when those 40/50's f/a's can't lift granny's 100 lb bag and you are made to feel like crap. And let's not forget our aging parents, family responsibilities.

I know what the typical answer is when you are junior or in your 20's. Just quit or I wish they would go away...or just retire already. Well, unless everyone has their heads in the sand, retirement is now at 67. I HAVE to work. Unless there is some cute young thing that is willing to support me until then, well, I have no choice.

We DO have a great opportunity to take advantage of the East longevity. Our attempts to better things for the old farts may SEEM like entitlement NOW, but someday we will all be there.

I have alot a respect for the EASTIES who have stuck in there...not because they can't do anything else...but because they like what they do. Yes, it is our responsibilty for our own happiness, but there are very few that can keep up the happy face after years of uncertainty. I have seen SOOO many professional employees turn cold and bitter. I hate to say this, but at least past US management LOVED that stuff. Make everyone so miserable they will want to leave. It seems like DP doesn't do that but if negotiations is a sign, then things really haven't changed.

Which takes me back to the senority vs. fcfs. For me, I really don't care which system is chosen as it is not the most important battle to fight. I want a fair and realistic contract that YES, addresses the issues of longevity AND reserves.

I can say that one good thing about the senority method is that you feel you are being awarded for your years. There will always be someone senior to you and someone junior to you. In 2 years, I have gone up 2000 numbers from attrition, deaths, or firings. Was that redundit. Those were 2000 people that could board an airplane ahead of me. Now I get MY chance. After you top out, all you HAVE is senority and service pins.

I think the WESTIES need to understand that we really are thankful to be here today, but that the belittling of sorts to us that we wouldn't be here if or that we are entitled is hurtful and devisive. Senority shouldn't be looked at in an evil way but in an honoring way. If you stick in there, you will get it too.

I really could care less about the policy, but I am so tired of the notion that we EASTIES are out to take the WESTIES over and take it all. That it is about us. Well, to me, the compromise of such senority ladden paranoia is, just go :censored: fcfs already. I'm over it.

In the meantime, a WESTIE asked me when we were all going to come flooding into the PHX base. I hope she is not an example of the WESTIES or it is true of what we here on the east about the west being uninformed. Anyway, I told her "Well, were hitching up the horses to the wagons and all 5200 are on our way." AS IF! 😱 I actually got in a good laugh. :up: She wasn't amused.

Ok, as Forrest Gump said, "that's all I have to say about that."
OK. The person who will make the final decision will probably NOT be affected by the outcome. That said, what will influence the final decision? Will they want to make sure commuters can make it so flights will not be cxld due to crew issues? Do they want to get rid of commuters? That way commuting will not be an issue and they can hire at newhire rates? Do they want to make senior employees retire because they feel their years and their loyalty has been for naught? Again, rehiring at lower wages or do they think they can hire enough employees to handle the number that might leave? With all the newhires in Tempe will that help senior HP employees feel better about DOH or will FCFS help recuit employees in PHX? The point here is that I dont think the final decision will be based on anyones idea of fairness but on what will benefit the company most and least affect the operation. Anyone else have any ideas that may influence decision other than "fairness?"