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Bradford's Rant

Two lines = ramblIng?

Go back to sleep Dog.

You obviously got kicked off for your foul language. Are you so shallow you cannot even present even a slightly different demeanor with your new screen name? At least have the decency to actually talk about the subject at hand. You have pretty much single handedly ruined this forum..if that is even possible.

What is wrong with you?

What are you talking about? I just stumbled up this forum recently.

I'm quite new here.

Now, no more rambling from you. Have a good sleep.
Two lines? That would be my post.

I can't waste my time counting, or reading, the lines in the OP.
Ok DW, I really really want to work with you here so help me help you.

I posted two sentences to begin this thread and then pasted Bradford's "ramblings" right after that.

I separated my post from Bradford's letter with a line of periods but it confused Pi so much that I had to take them out and use a colon to end my last sentence.

Did you have trouble discerning my words from that of Bradford's?

Are you saying I'm rambling based on those two sentences or do you mean this thread is rambling on?

Let me know.
So while we wait for DW to get back let's refocus on Bradford's thoughts.

Anyone know what he means by "Arizona Courts?"
Excuse me for not sitting next to the computer waiting for your latest clarification of your original endless post.

The only ones not sick of the pilots endless pissing match are apparently the ones getting peed on.
So while we wait for DW to get back let's refocus on Bradford's thoughts.

Anyone know what he means by "Arizona Courts?"

I would have to read the first post in order to answere, but since you said it was from Bradford ( a smug scab who hired the union busting lawyer to help him and his buddies steal from the West) I did not bother.
I would have to read the first post in order to answere, but since you said it was from Bradford ( a smug scab who hired the union busting lawyer to help him and his buddies steal from the West) I did not bother.

Not a single comment here on what was actually in the "smug scab's" rant. Who saved who. NIC sucks or is perfect. That seems to be all you guys got, no matter how many times you change your screen names.

Can we go for 5 pages?

Not a single comment here on what was actually in the "smug scab's" rant.

There was nothing that should be a surprise to anyone so maybe that's why no comments. Strikes are illegal until authorized by the mediator calling an impasse and the 30 day clock winds down - who doesn't know that. Mergers are normally bad for employees, especially the junior unionized, those at stations that see a reduction due to duplication of flights, and even upper management (don't need 2 CEO's). Parker wants to merge - come on, NO one can be suprised at that.

That usage error, those single line posts, each sentence followed by a line break, so familiar...

Oh yes.

Welcome back, toganoflex.

My vote says it is Cactus Pilot 1. They change personas so often, kind of like F/A s on a 4 day trip. You get a different personality each day! 😱 😱 😱
What? What are you boys talking about?

You think I'm toga?

I thank you. That's quite a compliment. He's a true scholar and defender of the west.
Not think, know, and we especially love it when he is Fodase :blink: :blink: