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Media Day Picket a success!

About calling the police? When Code Pink, PETA, or any other nut jobs show up to a place of business with the intent to disrupt operations, I would expect the police to be called. In today's environment where everyone is a potential mass murderer, you should expect the police to be there to protect the innocent.

Oh noes, there's some FAs gathering in a public place! 😱 Where's my Kevlar vest?!?

At first I thought this person maybe be a pilot (USA330300), but I could not imagine any sane pilot making an assinine remark like that...

notice the newbies that come out of the woodwork when you ruffle feathers, usually under some sort of a guise such as the name 330300 - implying an east captain is behind this nonsense.

not possible. the pilots have our backs too.

watch me closely now. i am pointing to the calendar. i am pointing to december. i am pointing to a proposal.

every labor group that is unionized on this farm is behind us. save me the "cost neutral" crap - there is nothing cost neutral about our management bonuses and our group's poverty wages.

Freedom, be glad we don't know who you are behind that cowardly loud mouthed stupid mask of yours. Suck that kool aid.
What would be funny is if AFA could get Coca-Cola to "sponsor" CHAOS...........heck they do napkins, HHD credit card holders and announcement books. What better way for America's Biggest Soft Drink Company to play both sides against each other. Have a nice T-shirt with the COKE logo and sponsorship of Unrest. If NOT Coke I would insist on Ringling Brothers. :lol:

OMG how about PEPSI?! Classic!!!!
Or Budweiser would be a good choice........using the infamous photo of "Rosie the Riveteer" from WW2 days.............and when it comes to picketing everyone can bring one of those Budweiser logoed Ice Mallets and throw them in unison at the Sandcastle.
Budweiser + Doug, you may get the contract you deserve :wacko:
Ha....if you think that's funny you should see what comes from the company as far as communication. 1-800-ABC-DEFG. 😉
US Airways Flight Attendants picketed in front of CHQ today sending a message that they have had enough, that 5 years of stalled contract negotiations and concessionary proposals is unacceptable. Toward the end of the picket the group moved into a public area on the east side of the building facing the open courtyard while executives and media personnel attempted to enjoy a catered lunch provided by US Airways; only to be interrupted by the demonstration of solidarity.

Tempe police were called to 111 Rio Salado Parkway due to the disruption only to be befuddled by AFA LEC Vice President Deborah Volpe as she pointed out to police officers that a city map cited that the entrance to CHQ is considered part of 2nd Street in Downtown Tempe and is not company property but public. The luncheon was then moved inside to the lobby of CHQ.

The AFA members picketing were joined by US Airways pilots to show their support as a mobile bilboard advertising the pilot debaucle circled the block that is home to US Airways CHQ.

Thanks to all that attended today and please stay informed regarding upcoming events.

WOW, a PR stunt! Luncheon was delayed due to an...a-hem...unforeseen "picket!" Please specify "which"US pilots? USUCKERs or the other one? 😛
US Airways Flight Attendants picketed in front of CHQ today sending a message that they have had enough, that 5 years of stalled contract negotiations and concessionary proposals is unacceptable. Toward the end of the picket the group moved into a public area on the east side of the building facing the open courtyard while executives and media personnel attempted to enjoy a catered lunch provided by US Airways; only to be interrupted by the demonstration of solidarity.

Tempe police were called to 111 Rio Salado Parkway due to the disruption only to be befuddled by AFA LEC Vice President Deborah Volpe as she pointed out to police officers that a city map cited that the entrance to CHQ is considered part of 2nd Street in Downtown Tempe and is not company property but public. The luncheon was then moved inside to the lobby of CHQ.

The AFA members picketing were joined by US Airways pilots to show their support as a mobile bilboard advertising the pilot debaucle circled the block that is home to US Airways CHQ.

Thanks to all that attended today and please stay informed regarding upcoming events.

WOW, a PR stunt! Luncheon was delayed due to an...a-hem...unforeseen "picket!" Please specify "which"US pilots? USUCKERs or the other one? 😛
Consider it a wake up call if you don't think it was a success. It WAS. You know what else we've succeeded at? Banding together. We are the largest employee group on property. We are the lowest paid in the industry, we are united, we know what management has been doing with their lies to other employee groups and the media, and we are going to take a strike vote in the fall which WILL be approved by a landslide, and then we are going to CHAOS after we are released to do so.
Management can stop this fiasco if they get real with their proposal. What happened yesterday is only the beginning. We outnumber everyone here and we are mad as hell.

Back us up or watch us walk. WAKE UP PEOPLE. 8 months and counting...
Get Smart and KAOS. They go hand-in-hand B)